The real truth comes out

Bang stole my heart~


It was the day of the wedding and i sort of...
I don't know what to say to him.
"As a... Friend."
As a friend? You are kidding, right? I mean, seriously?!
As i woke up, i saw it was almost 10 o'clock. So i went to my closet and picked out a suit and tie for the wedding. I had to look presentable for the occasion.
Oh man, i'm going to secret sunbaenim's wedding!!!
After getting a text from daehyun, (how the hell did he get my number?!) and told me they were on their way, i went outside and waited.
In about 5 minutes of being outside, i saw a fancy car pull up to where i was standing. The driver got out.
"Y-yong guk?! You can't drive! What are you-"
"Stop nagging and get in! Gosh, like my mother..." He commented. I rolled my eyes as he went to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me.
"Thanks." I muttered and i closed the door.
"Hold on kids!" Yong guk stepped on the gas and the car flew at dangerous speeds. All of them were laughing as the car was hurling around the corners and stopping suddenly at stop lights.
"DAMN IT GUK, YOU CAN'T DRIVE!" I screamed. The car was jerking and speeding up suddenly, causing all the kids to laugh uncontrollably.
"Yes i can!" He answered back at me, speeding up and almost hitting a pick up truck.
"manager hyung~" he answered and slammed on the breaks, which made all of us go forward in our seats.
"Well, tell manager hyung that if i die, you and him both are dead too, understand?!" I screamed as we completely stopped at the red light.
"Won't happen on my watch! If you die, then we all die~" he said and the red light switched to green.
"Noooooo~ stop the car, stop the car!" I screeched as we sped up. I looked over to the speed meter and it red 85 MPH.
85 MPH?!?!
"Yong guk hyung? Himchannie hyung looks sick..." Zelo observed.
"What?!" He questioned and slowed down on the side of the road.
I got out of the car and threw up what i had for breakfast that day.
"Awww, hyung looks sick! Yong guk hyung, be careful!" Zelo pouted.
Yong guk got out of the car as i was coughing. My throat was hurting like hell and i felt really dizzy.
"Himchan! Are you ok?"
"Do i *cough* look like *cough cough* I'm ok?! *cough* you almost killed me!" I yelled at him. He looked really guilty.
"I'm sorry himchan, i-"
"Shuddup and help me into the car. We are already running late." I growled and he took my hand and helped me into the car.
We slowly drove off to the wedding venue.
After the long, boring wedding, we went to the reception. I saw all of B.A.P's parents, which i could tell right off the bat. Especially because zelo's mom was praising him for eating so well and being so tall.
One of the parents came up to me and greeted me.
"Oh, hello! You must be himchan!" The mother said. "I am misses Bang. How are you?" She asked me. The father gave me a creepy look.
"U-um i am good. I haven't heard yong guk hyung talk about you before. I know it might be rude to say..." I rubbed the back of my neck with my right hand.
"Oh, yong guk has talked about you alot! Almost all the time. He said you come over daily?" She asked me very excitedly. I nodded my head.
"Yes but only to-"
"Oh, i hope you both are a very happy couple!" She smiled very wide. I choked on my saliva.
"What? Couple? I'm sorry ma'am. But me and hyung aren't together." I awkwardly told them. They frowned.
"Really? Well i thought you would be. He seems very happy. I mean, ever sense he told us he desires men-"
'Desires men..."
      Desires men...
             Bang Yong Guk desires...
Oh my goodness...
How the hell could he like men?! I mean, i should have known! All the wife beaters he wears when i see him, the tvxq and infinite posters in his room, the pink toilet seat cover in the bathroom, the tigger doll he has on his bed...
I really should have known!
So there ya go! I really hope this chapter really makes up for the sad-ish one i posted.
So now his umma says yong guk desires men?! Ohhhhh~ this is such a cliff hanger story... ㅋㅋㅋ
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol