Bang yong drunk

Bang stole my heart~


As i was zoning out and remembering all the things yong guk could have done to make me think he 'desired men', his parents waved at him and smiled.
"Ummmaaaaa~ apppaaaaa~" he slurred.
Oh, god. Please don't tell me he's-
"Oh, sorry. I feel a little tipsy." He held onto the shoulder of my sweater.
Yep. I was right.
"Oh, it's ok, gukkie. We were just talking to himchan." Misses Bang gestured to myself and i froze.
"Oh, yeahhh~ this is my- um, "friend" Kim Himchan. But ya already know dat" yong guk put emphasis on the word 'friend'. Obviously, they weren't telling me something.
"Oh, yes. We already knew. How did you meet himchan?" His father asked.
"Strip club~" he sang. We all coughed.
"Um, no. He called me up to the stage of one of their concerts." I corrected him and his parents let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, thank god! We thought you would be a transvestite if you went to strip clubs.
My face went pale.
Transvestite?! Really?!
"Hahaha... I don't really get told that. At all..." I mumbled.
"Well, we should get going. It was nice meeting you, himchan!" Misses Bang waved goodbye with her husband as they were walking out of the venue.
"You too, misses Bang!" I nodded and looked at the drunk thing holding on to me for dear life.
"Bang, are you drunk?" I poked his cheek and asked him.
"Pfffttt~ naw~ i'm just tipsy, thats all!" He laughed.
"Thats the same thing..." I told him, but he ignored me and got another "on the rocks" and drank it up.
"Ahhhhhh~" he groaned and wobbled to the nearest table and sat down.
"Hey! Stop drinking! You smell like vodka!" I heard someone yell. Turns out, it was young jae.
"Ya, young jae, over here!" I called out to him. He basically carried his drunken boyfriend over to where we were sitting.
"Hey, daehyun drunk?" I asked. He nodded.
"Hyung, this never happened! One of the adults at the party gave him a drink and i could have sworn it was cola!" He almost cried.
"Don't worry, i have the same problem here. Except this one knew what he was drinking." I confessed and slightly punched the "tipsy" yong guk.
"Y-yah! I am your leader! You don't hit me~" he slurred and slumped over onto my lap. I blushed alot.
"How are we going to get home?" Yong jae asked. I bounced my shoulders.
"I-i don't know. If i get caught driving, we will be held up at the police office. And i don't even know how yong guk didn't get caught driving." I told the younger.
Just then, the two makdonggies came over.
"Hey! Let me guess, did they drink?" Jongup smirked. Zelo back hugged his hyung. "We should have known..." Zelo muttered and snuggled his head into the crook of jongup's neck. They both giggled.
"Oh great. You both drunk too?" I asked them.
"What? No. Why?" Zelo answered and rubbed jong's tummy.
"Cuz you guys are getting really touchy feely tonight." I retorted.
"You didn't know we have been dating for 6 months?" Jongup tilted his head in confusion.
"Wha- no! I didn't!" I snapped. They both jumped back.
"K then, grumpy pants... Oh, slow song is playing! Would you like to dance, jello bear?" Jongup asked his boyfriend. He blushed and took his hand and went to the dance floor.
Intoxication was playing. Not really a slow song...
Lets just say, they grinded on eachother in so many places, i couldn't explain or author-nim would have to rate it M...
"WAITERRRRR~ SCOTCH AND WATER, HOLD THE WATER~" Daehyun yelled to the waiter and a guy gave him the alcohol. Young jae pushed it away and gave it back to the man.
"Are you crazy! Go! Don't give either of them anymore drinks!" I yelled to the waiter and he walked away.
"Baby, go be a good house wife and get me a drink." Yong guk sat up and told me as he put his arm around me.
"No, no more drinks for you!" I told him.
"Damn, stop being a alcohol nazi!" Yong jae stuttered. "Don't worry hyung, i'll buy you a drank~" he sang.
"Ayyy, boy, can you buy me a drink?" Guk rolled like a buffalo onto the floor. "I lost my pants, rippi do, flippy do, slippy slow motion." He busted out laughing.
"Um, hello? Is this B.A.P manager sunbaenim?... Yes... We have a problem here. Can you pick your car up?.... Ne. We will be taking a taxi home." I dialed the number on yong guk's phone and waited for this night to end.
"Hey~ mr. Taxi, taxi, taxi!" Daehyun screeched.
Please, krisus, help us~
Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow! Thank you for reading so far~
*rolls like a buffalo with yong guk*
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol