Himchannie's house work

Bang stole my heart~


3rd person pov
"Hyuunnnggg~ don't leave! Please!" Zelo begged as he was being dragged by the helpless himchan out the dorm's door.
"Jello, i have over extended my stay. I have to go." Himchan told the taller boy hanging onto his left leg.
"Nooooo~ you don't! Please! Don't leave me! You are the only one who understands meeeeeeeeee~" zelo pouted.
"Yah!" Jongup overheard their conversation and pulled zelo off of his hyung.
"Noooooo~ don't leave! Dorawa~ dorawa~!" Zelo exclaimed as he was being dragged away by his ears.
Yong guk came into the living room. "You are leaving all ready?" He asked the younger.
"Yeah. I think i stayed longer than i should have. But thank you guys so much for the place to stay until i could be stable. If there is anything i could do, i would be-"
"Phone number?" The leader interrupted. Himchan's mouth went wide open.
"You know, just if i... Need you to repay me or something..." Yong guk scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Sure. I could do that." Himchan took out his phone and let the ladder put his number in it.
Once he gave it back, he noticed the "daejae" couple were nowhere to be found.
"Hey, where did daejae go?" Himchan asked. The older shrugged. "I don't know. And i really wouldn't want to either..." He trailed off.
"Um, so i guess this is a good bye then, right?" Himchan looked disappointedly at yong guk.
"No. I mean, it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be." Yong guk said to the younger one. They both blushed.
"Um, i-i should be leaving. Call me if you need anything else." Himchan sulked as he walked out the door. A couple of seconds later, his phone started to ring.
"Zelo is still crying."
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"Um, come back?"
Himchan turned around and saw yong guk hang up his phone. They both smiled at eachother.
"You know, i think i have an idea. How about you do maintenance around the place while we are gone? You know, clean, help us prepare meals so we can have food after schedule, stuff like that. We could pay you." The leader proposed the plan.
"Really? I don't know. Cooking for 5 men isn't really easy. I don't even know how Daehyun does it..." Himchan let on.
"Oh please! I need- i mean, we need you! It's so hard to do all the things we do! Pleaseeeee~!" Yong guk begged. "1+1= cutey~" he tried to do aegyo so that himchan would give in.
"Ok, ok, big baby. Ill do it. If you rap for me every day when i am done with the work." Himchan smiled and they both shook hands.
"Man, this is gonna be awesome!" They both hugged tightly and patted each others' back, but yong guk wouldn't let go of himchan. He slightly started to rub his back while hugging him, and himchan was melting at his touch.
"Ok! Ill be over tomorrow for some real house work!" Himchan bid a fare well to the members of B.A.P and headed for his house.
so this was just a filler chapter for what is going to happen in the story. So himchannie went from a fan to a hardworking fan... Ok?! Hahahaha
more chapters to come~
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol