Truth game

Bang stole my heart~


As soon as i walked out of the room, everyone was on the couch. The "daejae" couple was cuddling, zelo was sitting on jongup's lap, and yong guk was paying attention to the tv. When i walked in and sat down next to yong guk, he blushed.
"Sooo, what are we gonna do today, hyungs?" Zelo asked all of us. They all shrugged.
"So is this what you all do when you don't have schedules?" I asked young jae. All he did was nod his head.
"Yeah, i mean, we can't go out, can we?" Jongup sighed. I nodded.
"I guess so." I agreed. "Sooo~ what could we do?" I Asked all the others in the room.
"Well, we could finish watching "into the fire" because hyung was being mean and wanted to have a shower so early..."
"Jello, it was 8 o'clock!" Jongup argued. Zelo pouted and slumped onto the floor off of jong's lap.
"Fine. I can just watch it on my laptop..." Zelo told jongup, still holding a pout.
"Or we could get to know a little about himchan..." Yong guk volunteered the idea. And sense they didn't really know me at all, i said yes to the idea.
"Um, well, my name is kim Himchan. I go to seoul academy for the arts, i like pink, i pass my time by watching youtube videos, and i like ramen!" I smiled and got embarrassed, so i sat down.
"Well, my name is zelo, i am the maknae, i am 17 korean age, i like war movies, and my favorite color is blue."
"I am jongup, i am zelo's boyfr- friend. Friend. Yeah. I am good at breakdancing, i like Cris Brown, and my favorite color is green."
"Hello. I am young jae and this is daehyun. We are secret gay lovers, i pass my time by watching MichelePhan, and daehyun passes his time by cooking. And when we are in our room, we cuddle and make love!" Young jae proudly said, which made everyone else choke on air.
"O~k. Young jae, don't announce that do freely next time." Yong guk was saying.
"Yo everyone! The name is Bang YongGuk. I am a rapper and leader, i make ramen, i like red, and cuddling, but don't be fooled. I can be very protective." YongGuk eyed Me. I blushed.
"So now that everyone has introduced themselves, how bout we play the truth game!" Zelo jumped up and held out one of his hands.
"Ok. I think we can do that." Yong guk agreed with the maknae's words.
"Ok, so how you play, is you hold up one of your hands, and someone asks a question to someone or the whole group, an who ever has admitted to what they have said folds down one of their fingers. When all of their fingers are folded, the person looses, get it?" Zelo explains the game to everyone and we all nodded simultaneously.
"Ok. Kai bai bo for who asks the first question!" Jongup said and everyone acted in the game.
"Awww~ ok. Young jae goes first!" Zelo pouted and sat on jongup's lap.
"Ok, so anyone who can drive, lower 1 finger..." Young jae commanded, and no one lowered a finger.
"Well, yong guk can't drive. We all seen that on Ta-Da..."  Daehyun commented, and got a glare from the ladder.
"Ok, so anyone who lives on their own, lower 1 finger..." Jongup smirked and i had to lower a finger.
"Cheater!" I joked. Then yong guk decided to lower a finger as well.
"What?! I take care of you guys. I live alone. You guys are just my minions..." Yong guk looked away.
"Soooo~ anyone who watches pororo, lower 1 finger." Daehyun told everyone to get back on the game.
Everyone lowered a finger.
"Wow. We are all kids at heart." I smiled. Everyone laughed.
"Anyone who has had a crush in the last 1 year, lower a finger." Yong guk said and we both lowered a finger. Now i only had two chances left to win. And the chances didn't look good either...
"Um, yong guk, if you thought i was asleep when you put your hand to my forehead while cuddling me, lower 1 finger." I smirked.
"Oh, so you play like that, huh? Well, himchan, if you checked my browser history last night, lower 1 finger." He retorted with a big grin. And of course i did.
"Man... You so totally cheated." I playfully pushed him.
"I won't hit you because you have a bad hand, but next time, you better prepare for it!" He chuckled.
"Oh, so you were going to hit me..."
"Yeah, i was!"
"Where?" I raised an eye brow and smirked. He blushed very deep red.
"...*cough* face..." He turned away. Again.
Helloooooo~  how are all of you?! I am so happy i have so many subs and this story has only been out for 3 days?! Wooowwwww~ i'm just so shocked at all the responses i have been getting! I hope you keep reading my story and have an awesome day/night! :D
Sorry this chapter is so short. The next one will be longer, i hope... ㅋㅋㅋ
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol