Chapter Nine



Myungsoo couldn’t sleep. What did Sunggyu mean there was no one else? If there was no one else then shouldn’t they still be together? If there was no one else then what drove Sunggyu to say such horrible things and make Myungsoo feel like he wasn’t good enough for the past six years?


After the composer ran from the restaurant, Myungsoo turned his attention to Woohyun and Dongwoo, they had to know something about what was going on. But Woohyun was as firm as a rock in his resolve to not tell Myungsoo what had happened since the singer insisted the truth had to come from Sunggyu alone. Dongwoo looked like he wanted to crack, as if this secret has burdened the last six years of his life, but before the composer could say anything, Woohyun dragged him out of the restaurant.


“Hyung?” Jinyoung knocked quietly on the door. “Are you awake?”


Myungsoo quickly checked his clock and saw it was nearly three am. “Jin? Why are you awake?”


“I had a nightmare.” Jinyoung admitted as he walked into the door and slowly made his way to his brother’s bed. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”


“Sure.” Myungsoo pulled his blankets back and let the twelve year old climb in. “Do you wanna talk about it? It must have been scary to wake you up.”


“No.” Jinyoung cuddled into his brother’s chest. “It wasn’t scary, but it wasn’t happy, either. I had a nightmare that something happened to Appa, and you were at work, so I was alone.”


Myungsoo wrapped his arms around his brother, “Don’t worry Jinnie, that’ll never happen. You come before my work, you know that. And Appa is very healthy, so you don’t have to worry about him, either. It was just a nightmare, it won’t come true.”


“I know,” Jinyoung wrapped his arms even tighter around Myungsoo, “But you’ve been busy lately. Even when you’re home, you’re just talking with Hoya hyung about that composer.”


“You hear that?” Myungsoo felt embarrassed. He knew he had been talking about Sunggyu a lot lately, but it was mostly because Hoya liked to complain about how much he hated the older, and Myungsoo wanted to defend him. Because before the break up, Sunggyu was a great guy, and Myungsoo wasn’t going to say Sunggyu was all bad because that would mean Myungsoo had bad taste in men.


“Of course Hyung, it’s not like you whisper.” Jinyoung chuckled, “Do you like him or something?”


“What? Like him? No.” Myungsoo shook his head. “It’s a long story.”


“I think you like him.” Jinyoung poked his brother’s cheek, “You’re blushing.”


“You can’t tell, it’s too dark to see.” Myungsoo ruffled his brother’s hair.


“I still think you like him.” Jinyoung yawned.


Myungsoo laughed, finally feeling sleep creep up on him. “Just go to sleep.”


“Good night, hyung.”


After what felt like a few minutes, but was really a couple of hours, Myungsoo felt someone shake him softly. “Myung, wake up.”


“No.” Myungsoo yawned. He could still feel Jinyoung lying next to him, so he knew it wasn’t that late in the day, so he just wanted to sleep.


“Myungsoo, you have to wake up.” The person, whose voice the actor finally recognized as Sungjong’s, shook him harder. “Hoya said he has a surprise for you, but you have to hurry and wake up.”


“Where is he?” Myungsoo yawned and sat up, hoping his best friend wasn’t making him wake up for no reason.


“He said hurry and get dressed and call him.” Sungjong pulled the older off of the bed by yanking on his arm. “He’s stalking someone.”


Myungsoo felt like he had to be dreaming. Hoya was stalking someone?


“Hurry up! Hoya’s waiting.” Sungjong pushed Myungsoo towards the closet. “Hurry up!”


Having no other option, Myungsoo quickly got dressed and came back out of the closet feeling more awake. He was about to ask Sungjong what was going on, but the model was on his bed, sleeping.


“Seriously?” Myungsoo whined and grabbed his phone. He was going to call Hoya and get to the bottom of this.


Good! Sungjong woke you up,” Hoya skipped greeting Myungsoo and answered on the first ring. “Come to the coffee shop down the street that Sungyeol loves. Sunggyu is here.”


“What?” Myungsoo had no clue what was going on, but he ran to the front door and started putting his shoes on. “What are you talking about?”


“I was getting coffee and spotted Sunggyu, it looks like he’s at a meeting or something.” Hoya sounded excited. “But I don’t know how much longer he’ll be here. Hurry up and get your down here!”


Myungsoo ripped the front door open and ran for the stairs, figuring waiting for the elevator would take too long. He needed to get to Sunggyu before the older man disappeared.


The run to the coffee shop felt like it took forever and Myungsoo felt completely winded. He should have probably taken the elevator, but that would have meant stopping and waiting for it to arrive, and then staying still as is descended to the floor, so it would have felt like Myungsoo was doing nothing.


When he got to the café, he saw Hoya sitting by the door, staring at two men who sat in the back. Myungsoo followed Hoya’s eyes and spotted Sunggyu, talking with a stranger. The actor guessed the older was talking about music because he looked exciting and his were constantly moving.


So once Myungsoo caught his breath, he walked into the café and went straight up to Sunggyu’s table, not even giving Hoya a second glance. “We need to talk.”


Sunggyu looked up surprised at the actor, “What are you doing? I’m talking with a client.”


Myungsoo turned to the person Sunggyu was talking to and recognized him from one of the shows he was on in the past, but he couldn’t put a name to the face. However, the person at the table with Sunggyu recognized the actor immediately, “Oh my! You’re Kim Myungsoo!”


“Hi, we’ve met before, haven’t we?” Myungsoo had to try and sweet talk this person even if he had no clue who he was. “On a tv show, right?”


“Oh yeah, we did,” The guy smiled brightly. “I can’t believe you remembered. Are you here to talk to Sunggyu?”


“Yeah,” Myungsoo turned his attention back to the composer, who was looking like he was ready to bolt. “We were talking last night about something important and he just ran off.”


“Well we finished talking about all our business stuff, so you can have him.” The guy jumped up to his feet and grabbed his half empty coffee, “Bye Sunggyu, call me when you have more details.”


Myungsoo smirked as the guy pretty much hopped out of the room. That was easier than he thought it was going to be. But when he turned his attention back to Sunggyu, the composer did not look amused.




“I was in middle of a meeting.” Sunggyu glared as the actor sat across from him. “That was business.”


“You guys finished talking business,” Myungsoo rolled his eyes “Besides, who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think that you can just say that and leave?”


“I wasn’t thinking, that’s why.” Sunggyu sighed. “Please Myungsoo, I don’t want to talk about this right now.”


“No, we’re talking about this right now.” Myungsoo felt more stubborn than ever. “Because apparently we should have talked about this six years ago. Now tell me, was there ever anyone else?”


Sunggyu stared at his coffee as a response. He obviously didn’t want to answer, but Myungsoo needed answers.


So, Myungsoo just stared at the older. He wasn’t going to waste his breath repeating the same thing over and over again when they both knew what he wanted.


“No.” Finally after a long silence, Sunggyu answered. “There was never anyone else.”


“Then why’d you do it?” Myungsoo was much quieter now. His whole world had been turned over again even if he had already heard that from the composer. It was like hearing the information for the first time now that it was just the two of them and he could get real answers.


Sunggyu took a sip of his coffee and checked his watch. “I have a meeting soon-“


“Then speak quickly.” Myungsoo cut him off. “Why?”


“You were going to be famous, Myungsoo,” Sunggyu looked the actor in the eye. “You shouldn’t have been dating anyone, especially a boy. Now I really have to go.”


Myungsoo sat in shock as he watched Sunggyu stand up and leave the table. He left for Myungsoo’s sake, not a selfish reason. But then why didn’t Sunggyu say something back then? Why did he have to lie and make Myungsoo hate him for the past six years?




The actor looked up and saw his best friend looking down at him sympathetically.


“He left for me.” Myugsoo suddenly felt unsure of everything. What if they hadn’t broken up, would him dating a guy really be that big of a problem? After all, if they were spotted in public together people would assume they were friends, not lovers. Shouldn’t it have been easier if he was dating a guy?




“He said he left because I was going to be famous.” Myungsoo got up. “I need to go home. I can’t be here right now.”


“You know you have work in a few hours, right?” Hoya lightly pulled Myungsoo out of the café, blocking the actor from a group of girls who were debating about whether or not Myungsoo was really a famous actor or just a look alike.


“I don’t care.” Myungsoo rested his head on Hoya’s shoulder, making the walk to the apartment slightly awkward. But he didn’t care, he felt so confused about everything else that the awkwardness completely slipped his mind. He just needed time to think about everything.


“So, how do you feel?” Hoya asked once they got into the elevator. “Now that you know there’s no one else, how’s it feel?”


“I don’t know.” Myungsoo shrugged, “Do you think-well-maybe-if he didn’t break up, do you think we’d still be together?”


“I don’t know,” Hoya ruffled the other’s hair. “Maybe. Or maybe you two would have fought over your busy schedule or him spending late nights in the recording booth when you wanted to spend time together. And maybe that fight led to a horrible break up with screaming and throwing plates at each other’s heads. Maybe the quick break up Sunggyu did was good for you two, like ripping off a band-aid. Quick and simple.”


“Maybe.” Myungsoo sighed. “I don’t know what to think anymore, Hoya. He broke up with me, for me. Do you think he still liked me when he broke up with me?”


“Probably, that’s probably why he did it.” Hoya shrugged and opened the door to their apartment. “Come on, just go take a nap or something. I’ll wake you up before work.”


“Okay.” Myungsoo nodded and walked to his room. He wasn’t surprised to find Sungjong and Jinyoung still in his bed, but he didn’t care at the moment. Instead of kicking his friend out of his bed like he would on a normal day, Myungsoo crawled into the bed on Jinyoung’s free side, cuddled up to his brother, and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn’t. Too many scenarios of him and Sunggyu flew through his mind.

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu