

“Are you sure you don’t want to come out here?” Myungsoo was trying to convince his brother to come out of his room, but the twelve year old refused to leave his bed. He claimed it was because he was in the middle of a good book, but Myungsoo knew Jinyoung more than anybody else and therefore knew his book wasn’t what was keeping him in his room.


“I’m sure.” Jinyoung didn’t even look up at his brother.


Myungsoo sighed and as tempted as he was to go into his brother’s room and talk to him, but the sound of laughter coming from the living room stopped him. “Alright then. But we’ll all be out here if you want to eat with us or just enjoy some company.”


“Alright.” Jinyoung replied, but didn’t look up from his book.


“You know it’s different now, right?” Myungsoo tried to comfort his brother. The younger was having trouble adjusting to what was going on the past few months.


“I know.” Jinyoung finally looked up from his book, “It’s okay, Hyung. You can go out there without me.”


“Just come out when you get to the next chapter or something, okay? It’s good to get some fresh air.” And with that, Myungsoo closed the door.


The famous actor headed back to the living room where his friends all gathered to celebrate the debut of his newest drama that was set to air in a few hours. There were a few of the coworkers he could actually stand who he just met, but the party was mostly made up of mostly his friends.


“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol came out of nowhere and hugged his best friend, “I’m so excited!”


“Of course you are,” Myungsoo rolled his eyes. The only reason he was excited was because he made a guest appearance in the show. “Now get off me.”


“Myung!” Woohyun, the supplier of the theme song for the new drama, spotted him coming out of the hallway. “Where’s little Jin?”


“He doesn’t feel like coming out.” Myungsoo replied quietly, his eyes lingering on what he assumed was the reason his brother wouldn’t come out.


Woohyun followed the actor’s gaze and gave him a sympathetic pat on the back. “One day he’ll get over it. At least he’s skipped the yelling and glaring phase. Just quietly sitting to the side is a big accomplishment.”


“They’ve actually spent a lot of time together lately.” Myungsoo pointed out with a smile. “Jinyoung is getting more interested in writing songs and will go to my dad’s studio at least three times a week. The three of them will stay in the studio for hours and according to Sunggyu, they can talk about music just fine.”


Hearing his name the man they were talking about turned towards them, his small eyes getting even smaller as he smiled brightly.


Myungsoo couldn’t help but smile brightly back. If anyone would have told him a year ago that he’d be happy to have Sunggyu back in his life, he would have laughed in their face and told them that they were crazy. But now, a day without any contact from Sunggyu would send Myungsoo into a mini depression.


“Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?” Woohyun whined when he realized Myungsoo wasn’t listening.


“No, but I think I’m going to get more drinks from the kitchen.” Myungsoo smiled at him before walking up to Sunggyu, “Gyu, help me get some drinks please.”


Without a word of protest, Sunggyu followed Myungsoo into the kitchen, only to have the younger attack his lips the second the door closed.


“Myung!” Sunggyu pushed the younger away.”There are people out there who don’t know.”


“So? It’s not like they’re gonna come in here.” Myungsoo wrapped his arms around the older’s waist. “And if they do, well they should know that I’m taken.”


“I miss when you were socially awkward.” Hoya’s familiar voice interrupted the moment between the two. “Can’t you make out when I’m not in the apartment.”


“You mean when you’re at Dongwoo’s?” Woohyun snuck into the kitchen behind Hoya. “Because you know he tells me everything.”


“What?” Hoya’s face turned red as he stormed out of the kitchen, calling out for Dongwoo.


The three men in the kitchen laughed. Hoya and Dongwoo were in the awkward stage where no one knew if they were just friends, or something more. Not even the two idiots really knew where they stood, but everyone else had a great time making fun of them.


“Myungsoo!” Sungjong burst into the kitchen with a pout on his face. “You know I’m a model, why is all the food out there so fattening?”


“Because I know you’re a model.” The actor smirked. He loved throwing party where Sungjong spent half the night staring at the food in desperation and then gave in and ate half the table. “Just go eat it, you know you will anyways.”


“Come on little Diva, let’s go get you fed.” Woohyun wrapped his arm around the model’s shoulder before pulling him out of the kitchen.


“Good, they’re gone.” Myungsoo smiled and rested his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder. “When was the last time we had alone time?”

“Two weeks ago?” Sunggyu guessed. The two had been busy, Myungsoo with filming, and Sunggyu was at G-Dragon’s studio working on a new album. And whenever Myungsoo came home, he spent as much time as he could with Jinyoung because soon the boy would be thirteen and enter the horrible teenage years. Myungsoo was afraid that Jinyoung would grow a little older and then start hating him.


“Two weeks is too long.” Myungsoo pouted and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. “Have you ever thought about moving in here?”


“What?” Sunggyu’s eyes got impossibly wide. “Is this a real thing? Or just a joke?”


“The real thing.” Myungsoo chuckled. “I was gonna ask you later tonight, but I couldn’t wait any more.” The actor reached into his pocket and pulled out the key he had made a few days ago. “Move in with me.”


“What about Jinyoung?” Sunggyu pulled away a little bit. “I know we get along at the studio, but-“


“It’s okay.” The small voice of the twelve year old interrupted their conversation.


“Really?” Myungsoo was surprised. He had planned on asking his brother but work had just taken so much of his time that he figured he could ask Sunggyu, and then deal with Jinyoung.


Jinyoung nodded, “I still don’t like you, but you make Hyung happy, and that makes me like you.”


Myungsoo pulled away from his boyfriend and pulled his brother into his arms. “You’re the best little brother every, Jinnie.” He then looked up at Sunggyu with a bright smile on his face. “So, will you move in?”


“Of course.” Sunggyu smiled back.


“Aww!” Dongwoo burst into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around the two hugging brothers. “Come on everyone, group hug!”




ahh it's so cheesy! but i figured that i would be nice and give an ending that was completely the opposite of Learning to Shine. I hope everyone enjoyed this!! And look forward to more HoGyu and the new WooGyu coming soon!!!

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DONE! bamf!


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu