Chapter One


just a small note. if you read the summary before today, i changed the time from four years to six. so this takes place 6 years from Learning to Shine.

Hope you enjoy~!!^^




“Get up!” a high pitched yell woke Myungsoo from his sleep.


“Sungjong leave me alone,” Myungsoo whined and buried his head into his pillow. He was having a nice dream and he wanted to stay in his warm cocoon of blankets for as long as possible. He knew he probably had a busy schedule, but if his manager wasn’t there yet then that meant he had more time to sleep.


“Nope.” The model jumped onto Myungsoo’s bed with a bright smile on his face. “It’s already ten-“


“Yeah and I went to sleep four hours ago.” Myungsoo whined. The life of a famous actor was a difficult life with little sleep and little privacy.


After his debut drama six years ago, his life had been jam packed with dramas, commercials, and variety shows. He had moved his way up from the small, few episode part he had originally landed from his first audition up to being the lead in a number of dramas in that time. Because he was still very young, he got to experiment with many different types of roles, everything from a high school student to a company’s CEO. Plus, his good looks helped land him many advertising jobs.


It was his second drama that placed him on the top of every director’s wish list. He had played a guitarist in a high school band and captured the hearts of girls all over Korea and many other parts of the world. As that drama aired, Myungsoo started getting calls from variety shows asking him to tell them about his life before being an actor and how its changed now that he was famous, and commercials wishing to have him endorse their products. They wanted him to model for everything like clothes, technology, make up, cars, and even blood donations.


When he was twenty one, Big Bang broke up, taking a lot of pressure off of his dad. So, he and his dad came to the conclusion to tell the public the truth because too many interviewers were asking about Myungsoo’s past. They had even convinced Taeyeon to join them, in return they sugar coated the story and gave her some credit for raising him, despite the reality that she was barely there. The three celebrities held a press conference and explained the situation to the press. Originally, Myungsoo thought everyone was going to hate him, but the public reacted in a way he never expected. Most fans commended him for how successful he had become while hiding the truth and not using his father’s connections to get him ahead. And it was then that he changed from being L to being Myungsoo publicly.


And now, at the young age of twenty four, Myungsoo was a star. There was no other word to describe him.


“Soo!” Sungjong whined. “Get up! I’m hungry and I don’t want to make food for myself!”


Myungsoo sat up just to push the model off of the bed. Once the younger was on the floor, he laid back down and pulled his blankets up high over his head.


“Hyung!” a new voice joined Sungjong’s as a light weight crashed on top of Myungsoo.


“Jinyoung!” The actor smiled as he gathered his brother up in his arms and snuggled with him. “Come on, let’s sleep. It’s Saturday.”


The twelve year old didn’t protest, he just snuggled into his brother. Despite the fact they lived together, Myungsoo didn’t get to see his brother a lot. Actually, since Myungsoo was always busy being an actor and model and his father spent a lot of time flying around the world to design clothes, songs, and concerts for other artists, Hoya had been the person who spent the most time with Jinyoung recently. The dancer and actor actually now had their own apartment, complete with a room for Jinyoung for when Jiyong was abroad.


A lot had also changed with Hoya over the last six years. Not long after Sunggyu and Myungsoo’s break up, Hoya had an audition for a company and passed successfully, becoming back up dancer for many different artists. About two years after that, the company noticed how talented Hoya was and now had him choreographing dances for artists. He was in high demand by more companies than just the one he worked for.


“Myungsoo get up, you have work to do.” The familiar voice of his manager made Myungsoo sigh. There was no sleeping in with that evil man around. During his first year as an actor, Myungsoo got woken up in multiple ways including being tossed into a cold bath, a dog him, and Yunho’s favorite, an air horn.


“Hyung is sleeping.” Jinyoung informed Yunho. “Come back later.”


Yunho laughed at the boy before tugging the blankets off the actor and his brother, “No Jinyoung, it’s time for Myungsoo to wake up. Didn’t he promise to drop you off at Sunwoo’s?”


“His name isn’t Sunwoo anymore, it’s Baro because he’s cool now.” Jinyoung pointed out, reminding Yunho of the nickname his best friend decided to go by now. Baro had said it was to get girls, but Jinyoung thought it was just silly.


“Oh sorry. Isn’t your brother supposed to drop you off at Baro’s today?” Yunho corrected himself with a laugh. Jinyoung was just really adorable and despite the fact he was now twelve, not the same six year old boy when Myungsoo started, Yunho treated him the same. There was just something about him that gave off innocence.


“He’s right Hyung,” Jinyoung sat up and poked his brother. “I want to go to Baro’s. He’s got that new video game I need to play!”


“No, we’re sleeping,” Myungsoo whined and pulled his brother back down. “Yunho go away.”


“Myungsoo, you have to get your out of that bed right now or I’m gonna get my air horn out.” Yunho threatened.


That had Myungsoo jumping out of bed. Yunho had somehow managed to hide numerous air horns around the apartment and would pull them out as if it were a magic trick to wake Myungsoo up on his more difficult days. Myungsoo tried to look for the air horns before, spent hours actually, but never could find any.


“I win.” Yunho smirked before lifting up Jinyoung and tossing the surprisingly light boy over his shoulder. But then again Yunho worked out a lot and was good with heavy weights. “Come on Jinyoung, let’s give your brother some time to get dressed. He’s got a drama director to meet and a photo shoot and then-“


“Hyung needs sleep.” Jinyoung muttered as Yunho carried him out of the room.


Myungsoo turned his attention to Sungjong who made himself comfortable on the foot of the bed. “Well, are you gonna leave or do I need Yunho to carry you out, too?”


“I’m gonna pick out your clothes!” Sungjong hummed happily as he walked into the large closet. “You always wear black clothes when you go out, I’m sick of you looking like you’re going to a funeral every day. But I can see why, over half this stuff is black. Maybe I should go to Hoya’s room and steal a-“


“I will not be wearing his purple jeans or purple jacket or purple head phones or even his purple shoes!” Myungsoo stated before marching into his bathroom to take a shower. He knew it would take him at least half an hour to kick the model out of his room.


Luckily, when he walked back into the room Sungjong was gone. But the model left behind an outfit on the bed, an outfit Myungsoo would have only worn at a photo shoot. So he ignored it and went into his closet to pick out an outfit he’d actually want to wear. All black.


“You’re lame.” Sungjong whined when the actor came out of his room.


“And shouldn’t Yunho have taken you away by now?” Myungsoo looked around the living room for any sign of his manager, “Where is that brat?”


“Cooking food for us since you wouldn’t.” Sungjong retorted and the tv in time to catch the end of a drama Myungsoo had done a few years back. “Why do you look so nice on tv but in real life you don’t even wear the outfit your bestest friend picked out for you?”


“Hoya didn’t pick out the clothes, you did,” Myungsoo chuckled at his own little joke. “Plus you wanted me to wear a bright orange shirt and shorts. That’d ruin my reputation. And if that happened, I’d have no food for you to steal.”


“You just said no purple.” Sungjong smirked with a small shrug and a mischievous twinkle in his eye.


“I hate teenagers!” Hoya suddenly announced as he came into the apartment and collapsed on the couch.


Myungsoo smirked, knowing that Hoya had spent all night teaching a new idol group to dance. Hoya had been complaining that one of his groups was full of boys who were a little too spoiled and didn’t listen like they should of. They enjoyed fooling around more than nailing their choreography.


But before Myungsoo could comment, Jinyoung came in with a plate of food for his brother. “Here Hyung, eat before you go to work.” The child just noticed who recently arrived home and bounced over to the dancer, “Hyung! I thought you were coming home last night?”


As Myungsoo watched the two interact, he sighed. He was jealous of all the time that Hoya and Jinyoung spent together. There were definitely times when Myungsoo felt like Hoya was Jinyoung’s older brother. But he was also grateful for Hoya because the man took such great care of his brother.


“Myungsoo,” Yunho walking into the room distracted the actor from his brother, “Hurry up and eat, if we don’t leave soon we’ll run behind.  Maybe Hoya can take Jinyoung to Sunw-Baro’s apartment?”


Myungsoo sighed but knew he really wasn’t being given a choice. “Yeah. Just give me a minute to finish-”


“Yunho hyung, Hyung is taking me to Baro’s. He promised and Hyung never breaks his promises.” Jinyoung pointed out as he walked back over to Myungsoo and sat on the actor’s lap. It was times like this that Myungsoo was secretly happy Jinyoung was small for his age. The younger never stopped his habits of climbing all over Myungsoo when they were together.


Yunho looked like he wanted to protest, but that soft spot for Jinyoung was not something that he could just ignore. “Fine, I’ll call the director and ask to meet him half an hour later, but you will be the one buying his coffee and I expect you to be nice for a change.”


“Alright. Sounds good.” Myungsoo laughed, wasn’t sure how that was punishment. He had so much money from all his endorsements and dramas that he had plenty to spare. Plus, even though to the public sometimes he had a cold image, most people in the business knew he was just shy. And now knowing he had some spare time to spend at home, he made himself comfortable on the couch with his plate of breakfast on the arm of the couch and his brother on his lap. “Jinyoung, you hungry?”


“Yes.” Jinyoung smiled and let his brother feed him some scrambled eggs. He really was like a child still, most likely because they kept babying him.


About an hour later, Myungsoo found himself in a café with famous drama director Shim Changmin while Yunho was outside taking a phone call.


“So, what did you need to meet with me privately for?” Myungsoo asked, sipping on his Americano. They had a table read for the drama during the previous week, so he wasn’t sure why this meeting was necessary. It could have been something about the drama schedule, but usually people just talked to Yunho about it because ,honestly, Myungsoo never knew his schedule. He’d be lost without Yunho.


“Do you remember Shut Up Flower Boy Band?” Changmin asked, a completely neutral look on his face.

“Of course.” Myungsoo nodded, “How could I forgot anything I worked on?”


Changmin smiled the type of smile Myungsoo was used to seeing by now. The director wanted something.


“What is it?” Myungsoo decided to cut off any small talk the director may have started. “Did you want me to call one of the other actors?”


“No, not that.” Changmin was nervously tapping his fingers on the table. “It’s just, when I think of your talent I always think back to that show. You were new but had such a presence on camera. And then, well-“


“Oh.” It clicked for Myungsoo what the director wanted to talk about. “The singing?”


Changmin nodded, “I was wondering if it would be possible for you to sing the song for our soundtrack. I know you’re not a singer, but I still remember how your voice was and I think it would be great to use your talent to promote our drama.”


Myungsoo felt dread settle in his stomach, “Me?”


“Yeah, I think it would be great.” Changmin tried his best to look encouraging. “I have an old friend writing the song for me now, and he’s a great composer who’s written quite a few hits.”


“I don’t know,” Myungsoo was nervous just thinking about it, “I haven’t sang to anyone besides my family in a real long time. I probably won’t be good enough.”


“You’ll do great, I can just feel it.” Changmin reached over the table and took Myungsoo’s hand. He probably felt that the gesture would sooth the actor, but it really just kind of freaked him out.


So he quickly pulled his hand free and took another sip of his drink. “Well, can I have some time to think about it?”


Changmin smiled brightly as if Myungsoo just agreed. “That sounds great! I’ll send you the music as soon as it’s finished so you can see if you like the song. It should be finished in the next few days so take your time to decide.” The director then stood up, “If I remember correctly Yunho said you have a photoshoot to go to now? So I don’t want to take up any more of your time. Just please, please consider singing.”


Myungsoo nodded. “I’ll think about it.”

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu