Chapter Seven



“Why do you keep appearing?”


Honestly the last person Myungsoo expected to see waiting backstage at a music show was Sunggyu. But there he was, relaxing on a couch next to Changmin. That director just seemed to want to constantly push the two exes together.


“Because I care about you,” Changmin sent the actor a cheeky grin. “And I’m buttering you up incase my next story line requires your handsome face.”


Myungsoo chuckled, even though his question had been directed towards Sunggyu, not the director. This was a good distraction from the nervous feeling that sank in his stomach. “It’s good to know I’m pretty, thanks. But what about you Sunggyu? Shouldn’t you be writing a song or something?”


“I had a free day and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Changmin offered to bring me.” Sunggyu admitted. “This song is special to me.”


Myungsoo’s blood suddenly ran cold and he completely forgot about how nervous he was just feeling. Instead of worrying about his voice cracking or actually having fans in the audience, he was now feeling disgusted. Was this song about the person who left Sunggyu after he left Myungsoo? Was Myungsoo singing a ballad that was an ode to Sunggyu’s other love?

“Myungsoo, are you okay?” Both the composer and the director got up and walked over to Myungsoo when they noticed all the color drain from his face.


“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Myungsoo covered his mouth before running to the nearest bathroom.


“Myungsoo?” Sunggyu had followed the younger. “Myungsoo are you alright?”


“Leave me alone.” Myungsoo pushed the composer away when the older tried to rub his back comfortingly. “And do not touch me.”


“What’s your problem?” Sunggyu wasn’t sure what had changed between the two of them. “And why are you sick? Did you eat something bad?”


Once Myungsoo was sure he wasn’t going to throw up any more, he walked over to the sink and used the water to rinse out his mouth. “No. I’m fine. Can you go out there and find Sungyeol?”


While Sunggyu was gone Myungsoo tried to push the sick thought out of his head but he couldn’t do it. How could Sunggyu make him sing a song about someone else? That was almost worse than their break up. And even worse, Myungsoo attributed the song to being the reason why he could look Sunggyu in the eye and not feel powerless or like that eighteen year old who ran away from the café, crying.


“Hyung?” Jinyoung’s familiar voice made Myungsoo turn towards the door.


“Jin? What are you doing here?” Myungsoo was surprised to see his brother there.


“I came with Hoya and Sungjong to surprise you.” Jinyoung hugged his brother, “But then some guy ran into Sungyeol hyung’s room and said you’re sick, so I decided the surprise could be ruined.”


“It’s okay, I’m fine. It was probably just something I ate.” Myungsoo lied as he ruffled the younger’s hair to calm him down. He maybe could have gotten by telling Hoya what happened, but his brother still didn’t remember who Sunggyu was and he wanted to keep it that way. “No need to worry.”


Jinyoung pulled back to look at his brother, as if to judge for himself whether the older was okay. “But is it okay for you to sing? Doesn’t your throat hurt?”


“Jinyoung stop bothering your brother.” Hoya made his presence known. Myungsoo hadn’t realized that the dancer arrived at the same time as his brother. “Let’s get him out of the bathroom and back to his waiting room. The makeup people are probably going crazy looking for him.”


“Come on, I’ll show you my room.” Myungsoo pulled his brother out into the hall. “Or did you want to go see some girl group?”


“Hyung, they’re all like your age.” Jinyoung laughed, “Besides, do you remember that kid from Busan? Well I’m starting to understand him now and I really do think he likes me.”


“Do you like him back?” Myungsoo poked his brother in the cheek excitedly. Finally Jinyoung got to this stage where Myungsoo could pick on him for having crushes and cooties.


Jinyoung shook his head. “No, I’m not interested in dating. I’m too young for that hyung.”


Myungsoo rolled his eyes at his brother, what kind of twelve year old thought like that?


“There you are, are you okay?” Changmin immediately hung up his phone and ran to Myungsoo’s side. “And who’s the kid? Is he in some new group or something? He looks like he’s ten.”


“I’m twelve.” Jinyoung glared at the director while his brother was pulled over to a make up chair.


“Okay you two don’t get into a fight,” Hoya laughed and pulled the kid down to the couch. “He’s my little brother, he lives with me and Myungsoo.”


Even though everyone had been okay with Myungsoo being Jiyong’s son, everyone was worried about how the public would react to a second illegitimate child. Plus, Myungsoo didn’t want people stalking his brother, after all, Jinyoung was the son of Big Bang’s amazing rapper and the brother of the most wanted actor in Korea. So in order to give Jinyoung a normal, quiet life, they told everyone he was Hoya's brother.


“Myungsoo,” Sungyeol appeared in the doorway, “It’s almost time for you, are you ready?”


“One minute.” The lady fixing the actor’s make up called back.


“Hyung, why do you keep glaring at that guy?” Jinyoung’s whisper cut through the quiet room like a knife. The child had noticed how Hoya was glaring at the man who stood in the corner of the room. It was the same man who had run into Sungyeol’s room to tell them Myungsoo was sick.


“No reason.” Hoya lied, even though Jinyoung obviously didn’t believe it. “But come on, we’d  better get out there so we can watch Myungsoo.”


Jinyoung quickly bounced over to his brother, “Good luck, Hyung.”


Once those two left, Changmin and Sunggyu made their way over to Myungsoo. The director was quite worried about the actor, “Are you sure you’re alright?”


“Yeah.” Myungsoo nodded, still a little shaky. So, he turned towards Sunggyu. “But I have to know. Who is this song for?”




“You said this song was special.” Myungsoo recalled, “Why? Who is it for?”


“It’s not for anyone.” Sunggyu answered as he stepped back from Myungsoo. “It’s not for anyone. It was just special because it’s my 100th song.”


“Really?” Myungsoo felt a giant wave of relief overtake him. He had gotten upset over nothing. “Oh, I never knew that. Well I guess it’s time for me to get on stage. Wish me luck.”


“Good luck.” Sunggyu smiled softly and watched Myungsoo leave.


As Myungsoo walked up to the stage, he felt his nervousness come back full force. He didn’t want to be there, but he had to do it. He was a star and he always kept his promise.


So when he got to the mic stand and the music started, he ignored all the people screaming his name and began to sing his heart out.


Once again he had the same thoughts running through his head as he did while recording the song. His mind was missing small things about Sunggyu, and wondering if the older ever missed him, too.


And then, in a flash, Myungsoo was back in his dressing room getting attacked by Jinyoung. “You were great Hyung! I can’t believe that was really you!”


“Thanks.” Myungsoo laughed, doing his best not to fall down with all Jinyoung’s weight relying on the older. The younger had nearly tackled the actor, sending him at least five steps back.


“I’m glad you decided to sing the song.” Jinyoung smiled brightly. “I like the song a lot.”


“Really?” A voice joined the brothers’ conversation. Sunggyu and Changmin had followed Myungsoo into the room after they watched his performance and were there to see Jinyoung glomp his brother.


Myungsoo basically peeled his brother off of him and put himself between Jinyoung and Sunggyu. He was afraid at any moment the younger would recognize the composer and try to attack him. Jinyoung was oddly protective of his older brother. “Yeah he does. Actually the moment I decided to do it was when he heard the song, told me how much he liked it, and asked who sang it.”


“That’s so adorable!” Changmin practically gushed while Sunggyu stood in silence, glowing with a smile on his face. Hearing the child loved his song was completely the opposite of the last time Sunggyu saw Myungsoo and the actor said Jinyoung hated the composer.


“Hey Myung, everyone’s down to go eat. Dongwoo’s coming too, do you have some free time?” Hoya popped into the room. He then turned towards Changmin, “You can come too if you want.”


“I wish,” the director sighed, “I have some stuff to film. I actually should have left about five minutes ago. But great job Myungsoo, I’m really proud of you.”


Once the director was gone, Sunggyu stood awkwardly by the door. He knew most likely that the invitation wasn’t for him, but a part of him wished it was.


“You know,” Myungsoo started, “Dongwoo will be there. Did you want to come?”


Sunggyu was about to respond when a ring tone went off. It was Jinyoung’s phone. “Oh! Hyung, can Baro come, too?”


“Of course.” Myungsoo ruffled his brother’s hair. “I wouldn’t imagine going without Baro.” He then looked up, “Are you going to come Sunggyu?”


“No, I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.” Sunggyu took a step back and waved, “I’ll be going now. Good bye.”


“Who was that?” Jinyoung asked once the composer left.


“He wrote the song.” Myungsoo replied before Hoya, who looked ready to comment with something vicious, could speak.


“How come he’s not coming to eat with us?” Jinyoung asked innocently. “He looked like he wanted to go.”

“I’m not sure Jin,” Myungsoo shrugged. “But let’s not think about that. Let’s go eat.”

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu