Chapter Fifteen


“You seem to be constantly confused these days.” Sungjong commented as Myungsoo was sitting in a chair letting a woman put make up on him for the recording. Since Sungjong’s guest appearance was spread out over three episodes, the model was constantly following Myungsoo around on set, even if he had no scene to film for the day. He just liked bothering his friend.


Myungsoo did his best not to move anything besides his eyes as he looked at Sungjong, “I am constantly confused. How am I not supposed to be? You make it sound like this should be something I can handle in my sleep.”


“Shouldn’t it be?” Sungjong tilted his head cutely and sent a wink to the make up woman. She blushed and let out a small giggle before excusing herself to go get some more hairspray since apparently she ran out. “I mean, if you like him, like him. If you don’t, find someone else to like. It’s that simple.”


The actor sighed, his friend was so inexperienced when it came to love. Sure Sungjong had a few dates, however, it was never a truly serious relationship. Nothing ever lasted two months with the model. Also, Sungjong had never been hurt in a way like Myungsoo did. The younger seemed to think that since Sunggyu admitted to not cheating that all the pain and mistrust disappeared. But it didn’t. it was something that was still following Myungsoo around like a storm cloud constantly over his head.


“Oh my god Myung, look who’s back,” Sungjong smirked and sent a wink at a person over the actor’s shoulder.


Myungsoo turned in his seat and froze when he saw Sunggyu standing in the doorway, shooting a glare at Sungjong. It was kind of funny to the actor since the only other time he saw that type of glare on the composer’s face was back when he used to talk about Baro before Sunggyu knew that the kid was only twelve.


“Yes?” Sungjong opened his big mouth, making Sunggyu’s glare intensify. But the model didn’t seem to care that Sunggyu’s small eyes were impossibly smaller, channeling all his anger into nonexistent laser beams.


“Nothing for you,” Sunggyu let go of the tension in his eyes. “Myungsoo, Dongwoo wanted to know if you wanted to come to a launch party tomorrow night? Woohyun’s got a new album coming out that was produced by Dongwoo and they were planning on inviting you in person but something came up. They want you to bring Hoya and you can bring this kid if you want.”


“Can I bring Jinyoung and his friend?” Myungsoo knew that his brother loved those type of parties. He had been to a lot of them when he was little under the disguise of Hoya’s little brother. Since Hoya’s father was manager of Big Bang, the press wouldn’t bat an eyelash at how comfortable the group seemed to be with the child.


Sunggyu nodded, “Of course. I don’t know how many kids will actually be there, Woohyun’s music definitely appeals more to women, and not many of them teenagers, so I can’t say if anyone else will bring kids. But I guess Jinyoung can bring any friends that he wants. If they come with you, I doubt any bouncer in Korea would turn them away no matter how many you bring.”


“Beware, I might tell him to invite his school.” Myungsoo chuckled.


Suddenly, Sungjong gasped with an idea in his head, “We should wear matching outfits!”


“Seriously?” Sunggyu rolled his eyes at the model. “You’re going to a high class party for one of the most talented singers in all of Korea, if not Asia, and you want to wear matching outfits like a high school girl?”


Myungsoo was surprised as he turned towards the composer. “You need to calm down. I don’t know why you’re getting so agitated about this. Who cares if we wear matching stuff? Besides, what makes you think that I’d let this idiot talk me into wearing a matching outfit with him? Do you think I’ve changed so much I’m into that mushy stuff now?”


Sunggyu shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, “Never mind. Here, just take this invitation and show up in whatever you want with whoever you want.” And with that, he stomped away.


“I’m an evil genius.” Sungjong smirked once the composer was out of earshot. “Now you’ll show up at the party looking super hot and he can sit in the corner and sulk all night. It’d be easier if you were a girl or not hot already. In drama when this works it’s usually an ugly girl who gets the make ov- hey where are you going?”


Myungsoo didn’t reply to Sungjong, instead he continued to follow the composer down the hall. “Sunggyu! Hey! Sunggyu!”


The composer turned around, checking the area to make sure that there was no one around. Once he saw that all the staff was gone, he turned back to Myungsoo, “What?”


“Sungjong is just a friend.” Myungsoo clarified. “I’ve never been interested in him that way. You know you have no right to be so jealous of people I talk to. I mean first Baro, and now Sungjong? Am I just not allowed to talk to anyone you don’t know isn’t a threat? Is that why you’re here? To make sure that no one on the staff is going to hit on me? Because I can honestly tell you I’ve gotten four numbers from girls who want to go on a date with me. You gonna go glare at them, too?”


“I wasn’t glaring at-“


“Just shut up.” Myungsoo cut him off. “You can’t lie to me, I know you, Sunggyu. So stop being so jealous, you have no right to be.”


Sunggyu sighed, “Sorry, I just can’t help it.”


“You are going to stop being so jealous because if you get jealous over every guy I talk to or you think I may be talking to, you’re gonna have a long night tomorrow.” Myungsoo huffed. He wasn’t sure what came over him, but he suddenly felt much better that he was talking with Sunggyu. Even if it wasn’t a happy topic, he enjoyed being alone with Sunggyu.


“You’re coming tomorrow?” Sunggyu had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.


“Of course.” Myungsoo replied but then shrugged, “I mean, I have nothing better to do with my night, and Jinyoung likes those sort of parties. I’ll see you there.”




ahhhh this chapter may be a little short and odd, but next chapter will be filled with goodness~ i promise^^

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DONE! bamf!


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu