Chapter Two



Myungsoo stared at the girls who were practically launching themselves at the van he was in. By the looks of it, most of them were either in junior high or high school. They definitely should have been in school at the moment and not here, outside a television studio with signs and endangering their lives by getting to close to a moving vehicle. Everything about it was just wrong.


“I hate this.” Myungsoo muttered as Yunho slowly maneuvered the van through the crowd, doing his best to not run over any toes.


The manager nodded, “I do too. but we’re almost inside and you’ll be able to play with Sungyeol.”


The actor laughed, “You make is sound like you’re dropping me off at daycare and not a nationally aired variety show.”


“It is pretty much like daycare,” Yunho chuckled at the metaphor, “I drop you here and they’ll take good care of you and make sure you don’t hurt yourself for the next few hours. And the best part is that I don’t have to pay anything yet I get great service for my little boy.”


Myungsoo just rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of relief as they finally reached the indoor parking garage away from the crowd of crazy fans.


When he got up to the dressing room set aside for him, Sungyeol was already waiting for him on the couch.


Besides Hoya and Sungjong, Sungyeol was Myungsoo’s best friend. The lanky man had got an acting job maybe a year and a half after Myungsoo’s first role and the people on the set realized how funny Sungyeol was, and suddenly he began to rise to one of the nation’s top MC’s.


“Soo!” Sungyeol glompled the actor. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”


“I saw you last week,” Myungsoo rolled his eyes and pushed the other away. “Stop being such a drama queen. You’re turning into Sungjong, and we both know the world can only handle one of him.”


“I’m nothing like that little model boy. I’m much more amazing!” Sungyeol pouted and sat back down on the couch. “So I saw Suzy yesterday.”


Myungsoo took a minute to recognize the name, but then realized it was the name of his new costar, “Oh, cool. She seems like a nice girl. I met her at the drama reading a few days ago, but I don’t know if-“


“You don’t remember Suzy?” Sungyeol cut him off. “She was pretty much totally in love with you in college, remember? She kept attempting to ask you out sort of.”


It took a moment, but her name clicked in Myungsoo’s mind, “Oh! That must be why she kept staring at me! I thought she was a big fan or just thought I was really really good looking in real life.”


“Aww, you thought she thought you were pretty.” Sungyeol enjoyed a short laugh before he remembered the last conversation he had with Myungsoo over the phone. “Did you think about the song yet?”


The actor shook his head. He had a lot of commercials to shoot recently before he took a small break from them to focus on his upcoming drama. So the singing thing got pushed to the back of his mind as he prepared himself to be a good model for his endorsements.


“Just do it.” Sungyeol poked his friend. He always enjoyed talking Myungsoo into doing things. “You know you want to.”


“But I can’t sing.” Myungsoo pouted. He didn’t want to ruin the drama’s soundtrack just because the director wanted his name on the song. “Won’t some idol probably be the better choice?”


“Oh shut up,” Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “You know you’re more popular than any idol so don’t give me that. Plus you sing better than over half of them. Or are you just saying that so I give you a big ego boost right now?”


“The ego boost.” Myungsoo laughed, “Thanks for the compliments. You are right, I am pretty awesome like that.”


“Such a brat. But since your ego is probably bigger than all of Korea right now, just do the song. Can you imagine how much of an ego boost you’ll get when all your fans buy your song?” Sungyeol retorted just as his own manager peeked his head into the room to tell them that the filming was about to begin.


After the variety show, a magazine shoot and interview, a commercial filming and a meeting with his company’s CEO to talk about future projects, Myungsoo was stumbling into his apartment at one thirty in the morning. While it wasn’t very late, the actor was still exhausted from all the activities during the day.


But before he could even take off his shoes, his phone buzzed with a new email from the director of his upcoming drama. As much as Myungsoo wanted to ignore it, he was curious because Changmin was supposed to send him the song. So, once Myungsoo got comfortable on the couch, he opened the message.


The beginning of the message was more begging by Changmin since the director really wanted thim to sing this song. There was also an apology that the director didn’t have the final lyrics or even the final arrangement yet, but he did send over snippits of the music and a few scattered lyrics.


“Hyung?” Myungsoo heard his brother after he finished listening to the bits and pieces of the song.


“Jinnie, what are you doing up still?” Myungsoo pulled his brother to the couch and let the younger use his lap as a pillow.


“I heard music.” Jinyoung snuggled into the blanket that Myungsoo threw over him. “Why are you still awake, Hyung? You need to sleep before you overwork yourself.”


Myungsoo chuckled, “I thought I was the older brother? You just worry about you and girl- or boy- problems. Let me worry about me.”


“No way.” Jinyoung shook his head, ending his movement with a big yawn.


“You need to sleep.” Myungsoo softly ran his fingers through Jinyoung’s hair. Recently the younger had tried to convince Myungsoo to let him dye it, but the actor refused saying he was too young. But the little one wanted to be just like his dad and big brother so badly that he kept asking and asking. Myungsoo knew he would have cracked if it wasn’t against the rules of Jinyoung’s school.


“So do you.” Jinyoung got off the couch and pulled his brother to his feet. “Come on, off to bed with you.”


“Are you sleeping in your bed or mine?” Myungsoo chuckled, knowing how attached the twelve year old was. Usually when Myungsoo got home, Jinyoung was passed out and wouldn’t wake up until morning. Then, in the morning, either Jinyoung would leave for school before Myungsoo woke up or Myungsoo would leave for work before Jinyoung woke up.


“Your bed, Hyung.” Jinyoung pulled Myungsoo into the master bedroom. “Hurry and change into pajamas, I’m sleepy.”


Myungsoo chuckled as his brother practically collapsed into the bed. But Myungsoo took the younger’s advice and went into his closet to change.


He expected Jinyoung to be out when he returned, but the twelve year old was awake, his small eyes struggling to stay open. “Hyung, can you sing the song you were listening to? I like that song.”


“Really? You liked it?” Myungsoo asked. He didn’t think Jinyoung heard that much of the song, plus the recording had no lyrics yet.


“Yeah, of course.” Jinyoung smiled, “It has a bunch of layers to it and I like the part where it like, goes. You know what I’m talking about?”


“Yeah, I know.” Myungsoo was able to understand what his brother meant because the younger always had odd ways of describing music. He got it from their dad.


“It reminds me of something.” Jinyoung yawned, “But I can’t put my finger on it. I like it. I want it on my ipod.” He yawned again. “Who sings it?”


Myungsoo smiled, he didn’t have to think about his decision anymore. “I do.”

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DONE! bamf!


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 18: soooo glad gyu back to myungsoo....hehe...
Chapter 18: this story is seriously touching and nice...
but why after so so so long then MyungGyu are back together...
i miss their interactions in prequel than the ones here.. thank you for the nice story!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 18: Awww! Yay! They are finally together.
From the other story to this one.. it was a wild ride..
But I'm glad MyungGyu finally worked things out (with Jinyoung too).
This was a really nice read, I just couldn't stop reading. This might just be one of my fav stories for this ship!
I hope to read more MyungGyu stories from you. :)
remand_a #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sweet story of myunggyu from you <3 i love it dear

N now i'm totally myunggyu shipper >//<
Keep writing, i'll wait for your next myunggyu story
Good job
Chapter 18: Jinyoung at the end is in denial imo, ahaha. Anyway, it's a beautiful story, author-nim~~ *thumbs up*
You made me become a Myunggyu shipper~ XD
Chapter 18: it is just me or does gyu fits well on any pairing?^^, because first i like woogyu and then there's myunggyu and hogyu(and i dont mind the other gyu pairing hahaha weird!)anyway i like this story hehehe though i havent read yet the prequel hahaha myunggyu!!and wow to the Star-studded cast ^^<
Chapter 18: WooooO!!!!!! I'm dancing like crazy tonight!!!! Go Myunggyu and I now prononce you Hamster and the letter 'L' *and they walk down the aisle hand in hand* and I start crying like a maniac!!!! 'Sorry I have a sugar rush...'
Chapter 18: Soy guessing was right. Sunggyu left Myungsoo for a reason.
Welll, anyone cant be blame.
Know Sunggyu doing it for Myungsoo but he is hurting Myungsoo.
Understand Myungsoo feeling, anyone would have react the way he did.
Glad they got back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha XD
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 18: I totally love the sequel, it was pretty exciting

Now I'm a big fan of Myunggyu