CHAPTER 7 We share the secret

The Best Part of Me [Editing]


As Suzy set up the meeting room like turned the air conditioner, LCD and light, Myungsoo get in the room and have a talk with Suzy personally...

L: “Suzy s…”

Suzy: “Yes..L ssh? Can I help you?..” (she turned her face to Myungsoo) “What ha.happen to your face..its..” (she surprised with Myungyeon face that was injured..and bruised)

L: “Its nothing…I got into fight with useless thugs last night.”

Suzy: “Gwaencanha?..Aaa…Jiyeonie..?do you found her?..Im worried to dead last night with her…T^T.”

L: “Yes..i found her..she might be late a bit for today’s meeting, although I told her to have a MC, she wont listen to me…” (he talked as he turned his face try to hide it from Suzy)

Suzy: “What happen???..perhaps,something bad happen to her?Where is she?Is she sick or what?What is it L ?”

Suzy asked him and the curiousity kill her…her bestfriend that she treasure a lot.

L: “I tell you next time…”

Suzy:” Aishh..I don’t believe you two try to hide something from me…” (stared at L that tried to stepped out from the room, but was stopped by Suzy)

Suzy: “L !!!! Tell me, can't you?..I have the right to know..”

L: “Okay, she got injured. I can tell you that, how? You asked herself, and I’ll meet you at the hospital ..after work, since you must be at hospital right? And…actually want to ask you about Jiyeon and don’t want her to eavesdrop our conversation.” Hesitate to tell her about Jiyeon.

Suzy: “What?..aishh, again? This girl! She almost dead back then…” (she lower her voice, she sound so worry for her)

L: “Dead? What haaa…” (he stops as Jiyeon step in the room with documents and files)

Jiyeon: ”Annyeonghaseyo…good morning All!!!” (greet them like nothing was happen last night)

L& Suzy: “Good Morning…” (They looked at each other give sign that both of them must end the talked just now.)

Suzy grabbed Jiyeon’s arms and ask her condition..Jiyeon just smile and told her that she’s okay although Myungsoo can feel that she’s actually really in pain due to last night incidents. Her body was all swollen & bruised all over. Jiyeon used dark glasses to hide the bruise. He just looked at Jiyeon and his head busy with many assumptions…what kind of life’s she had…

After the meeting…Jiyeon entered Myungsoo room…

L: “Yes..come in…Aa..Jiyeon aaa, feeling better? Did you tell Ljoe, about last night?”

Jiyeon: “Yes im okay..just here and there. I won’t tell him & just let the staff sent the sketches to him just now..I want to ask you something, do you have a time?”

L: “Yes, of course…” (he looked up to Jiyeon face and can’t hide his smile for that offer while rubbed his back neck, his habit when he had a strong emotion :P)

Jiyeon: “Then we’ll go to the café in front of the office, I don’t want Ljoe ssh to see me in this state. ..during lunch.”

Flashback Jiyeon…

As Jiyeon enter the company building, her eyes was focusing on two figure that she can’t take her eyes from them..the man look happy and pass a cup of coffee to her and she thanks for that. They headed to the lift together and the smile never leave their lips… like a pair. Its Ljoe and hurts her although its just a …scene. Why Ljoe ssh? You are happy with her than me? You didn’t even ask me or what happen? Am I only worth that?...

Jiyeon na..i wait for the sketches for the whole night, im gonna die tomorrow if you didn’t got it for me. Please call me after you read this message. -Ljoe-

Ljoe message…

During the lunch time, Myungsoo & Jiyeon leave the office and before they head out, Jiyeon give Ljoe call that she can’t eat with him today and he just okay with it. She was saying L names on purpose to see what the respond she got, it’s just …okay.

Jiyeon: “I guess im no longer his girl…” She said it while blankly look at the floor. Then she go to Myungsoo as he see her from outside while waiting patiently.

L: “So, should we head out now? by the way, you'll wear that glasses for the whole day? ” (He try to cheer up Jiyeon with her smile and high note voice)

Jiyeon: “It's look like I have too, since it take few days and have to put a heavy make up to hide it. So, let's go now!!!” (she responds the same & faking her smile)

At the “Coffee Cojji”… They choose to sit at the upper level of the café and the   waiter take their order…both have the Americano.

L: “So, what you want to tell me?” (he said while move his hands on the table, try to look at Jiyeon in the eyes, but she just stare the water in front of her blankly)

Jiyeon:” Its…it” (she breathed in before she continued her lines and changed her expression to happier emotion)

“aa..Firstly, I didn’t say thank you to you formally right? Thank you, Myungsoo for helping me, although this is not the first time, last night is the scariest one I think!hehehe…”

L: “What? You was fought before…with the thugs? Are you a gangster or what? ” (lifted his eyebrow and smirked again)

Jiyeon: “Yes, what can’t you do with it?” (giggled at him)

“But, they were only two head back then,plus that’s few years ago when I was a better fighter..hahaha”

(she try to have a light conversation but Myungsoo still take it seriously as he wanted to know this girl more)

L: “Its okay, but promise me you wont’ let this happen again. Or I’ll eat you up worst than those thugs…” (smirking and let a smile on his lips after that)

Jiyeon: “..and another thing is, please keep this a secret..from my appa, Im afraid he’ll got me a bodyguard, I hate that!”

L: “Yes..i understand…”

“The waiter give them the Americano and suddenly L’s eyes saw Ljoe, before he could tell Jiyeon about what he saw that’s Ljoe is on his way to the restaurant opposite the café. He just can’t let his words come out and tell Jiyeon when he saw Ljoe with someone else, Sunhwa. They..they…holding hands..”

L: “ he double-timing Jiyeon? What a useless man “ He muttering and turned his view back at Jiyeon so she won’t see that terrible view…He really mad about that. Their finish the lunch with pasta but Jiyeon didn’t order anything but Americano, Myungsoo enjoyed the pasta as he teased Jiyeon with the pasta as he actually wanted her to eat too, but Jiyeon really not a fan of pasta. They continued their works happily after that as both of them realised that they are not a bad partner to begin with..

# This chapter ..i’ll just tried to potraying the Jiyeon character as a silencer when it come to her love life. But she slowly, open up her masquerade to Myunsoo, because she start to have faith in him.

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Mahrwwella #1
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^~
zombireader #2
the ending part 'in mess' so, it may take some tym for me to re-up them. .T___T hav to re-do the ending...T_T..
Chapter 25: Update Soon Authornim . :)
I wonder how is Myungsoo going to proposal to Jiyeon ^^
honjejeje #4
Chapter 25: uwaaa thank you so much for ur update today authornim
u update 4 chapter *bow* kamsahamnida
i love their moment together
i hope their love last forever
stacyberd #5
Chapter 21: Wow!so sweet couple,i cant get enough of this fic..
myungyeon forever.fighting
honjejeje #6
Chapter 21: finally they together. .
and they actually in arrange marriage without know it
really love their moments
welcome back authornim ^^
zombireader #7
guys.. im back.Sorry for making u guys wait.I currently cant update for some reason tat i cant even handle on my own.Finally im please look forward cus im gona finish tis before i went for MC again. (I hoe i don hav too) Please take care of ur health then~^^
Chapter 19: Please update more authornim.:))
Chapter 19: please update soon authornim
Myungsoo oppa was a goodman .
Chapter 19: i really hope jiyeon didn't she that 'accident'