The Best Part of Me [Editing]


L: "Good morning, Suzy. How’s your fiancée, is he doing okay?."

Suzy: "Good morning, yes, he’s okay now, but he had to stay in the hospital for a week more. the way, did you met Jiyeon last night?"

L: "aa, yes..but, can I ask you something about Jiyeon? But promise me don’t tell her about it."

Suzy: "Yes of course..i know everything about her..hehe (winked at him). What’s the thing you wanna know?"

L: "How long have her and Ljoe in relationship?..."

Suzy:" Aaa..i think its 2 years now, Ljoe make the first move & she likes him too since he’s not a bad choice…being a president in-law. With his situation now, many company out there want him as their employee."

L: “So..he’s that great huh! I’ll beat him one day…im KIM MYUNG SOO!!  im L…>_<”

*he giggling by himself*

Suzy: "What’s wrong L ssh? Are you thinking about something?..You look full of yourself.haha.. (laugh at him)."

­­­­­­­­­­­­­As these two ended their conversation,  Jiyeon suddenly appeared and greet them.

Jiyeon: Good morning! So how’s Nickhun oppa doing Suzy? How come a doctor would ‘check-in’ the hospital too…hehe. He should be careful next time so you two can get married very soon.

Suzy: Is doctor not human?..Aishh..he asked you and Jieun to buy him a very good meal since he’s sick now.haha.Aisshh(she suddenly knocked her head)

” Before im forget, Jieun give you this…her handmade cookies! I thought it was something “blink blink” or nice to wear, but..just cookies? You really a Dinosour don’t you?”

Jiyeon:” I don’t care, I want this badly, Jieun’s cookies..and tell Nickhun that I & Jieun will come with you after work and buy him a meal. “

Suzy and Jiyeon keep talking without care about L that was still standing there silently…but he actually found many information about them, especially Jiyeon.

In planning department office…

Jiyeon: Let’s go Suzy arr…I already ask Jieun to wait us at the hospital, she’s so lucky that she work with children…no stress, she might had but FUN isn’t? To take care of kids!

Suzy: Yah..why don’t you ask Ljoe get married soon and have babies all you want! (laugh at her and poking her tummy)

Jiyeon: “Should I?...can I do that? I think about it…hehehe” (Jiyeon chuckled with Suzy)

“But I can’t stay at the hospital too long, since I have to go back to office after that, you know, the proposal that day”

Again, L eavesdrop the girl’s talk. But, he suddenly feels ache in his heart..he crumbled the paper in his hands eventhough he knows that Jiyeon is taken!

 Suzy: “Aaa..okay, I know. Eea!! Its Jieun calling.”

Jieun: “Yahh! You two, I waited here for hours already..don’t tell me that you still in the office!

Suzy: “Well..hehe..we’re on our way now.” (signaling Jiyeon to get her beg before Jieun realised that they still at the office. Her temper is no joke.)

While Jiyeon & Suzy get in the lift, Jiyeon’s phone suddenly ringing.

Jiyeon: “aa..oppa, im gonna be at Seoul’s hospital, then I’ll be at the office after that…okay,okay, I’ll send it to your apartment you!”

“hehehe…we can have date tonight Suzy aa..he ask me to hand him his new sketching to him tonight. Poor him, have to work for a new sketch because the previous one was rejected by President. Now, he even torturing my namja huh!”(she complaining at Suzy)

L: “Where is this girl? Ask me to give this stupid paper to her but not show up until now. Bwo??already 9pm? Im so tired now…” (L’s muttering)

Flashback…2 hours ago

Myungsoo aa..are you still at the office? Can you help to bring the paper rolled with sketchs on it?,,Its on my desk. Please help me to bring it to the Queen restaurant..hehe. You can do it for me right?..>_< ”-Jiyeon-

L: I her delivery boy now! What is this? Its already 9pm she’s still not here?..

His phone ringing…its Suzy!

L: Yeobseoyo Suzy ssh, Is there any problem?

Suzy: Jiyeon aa.,..Jiyeon..did you see her?..Ljoe call me that he couldn’t reach Jiyeon because he told her to bring the sketch to him but never show up til now. Perhaps you know where could she have been?..

Myungsoo breathe just stop…he ended the call without answering Suzy..He wandering around the restaurant and search for Jiyeon…like a crazy man!

L: *Aiisshh where’s this girl have been gone too?..could anything happen to her? Its getting late now. She should be here by now.*

Suddenly he heard people fight at the back of a dark alley..not far from the restaurant…He focusing at  each of the face…what??? It’s a girl!! Now they not even care to hit a girl?

There are three men was slapped the girl on her head and face til’ the girl falls to the ground because it’s must be too painful. But, the girl seems to fight back but she couldn’t do that because the other two was holding her hands tightly. It look like her strength is no joke either.

L: Aiissh!!!JIYEON!!!..he runs toward her without thinking that he’ll getting hurt too..just he want to follow the man instinct…he just wanna do it…

Myungsoo give one of the thug his sidekick! They fought and the thugs suddenly stopped and run after they heard the police sirens. Jiyeon was hurt badly..her lips and head was bleeding…and couldn’t even lift up her own weight. Myungsoo lifts her in bridal style since her hands can’t even hold her neck if he backpiggy her. Myungsoo have mixed feeling now, his thought was mad, sad and being a protective person for her…He’s not even felt the cut on his forehead that he got  when he was pushed on the wall by one the thugs just now.

At the hospital….

Doctor: Are you her guardian?...

L: “Not…im her fiancée…” (he turned his face to Jiyeon that was lying on the bed silently, assuming that she’s deep in her sleep after the doctor treat her wounds.)

 “Should I call her appa??No, I don’t want to make him worry.Yes, that’s better for now. “

Jiyeon actually still sane…not sleeping, she’s just close her eyes just to hold the pain that felt all over the body. She couldn’t sleep because she’s thinking about what happen just now. Suddenly…she want to get up but was stopped by Myungsoo.

L: “What is this? still need to have a rest! You are not fully recovered yet..”

Jiyeon: “The sketches.. I need to send it to Oppa..tonight, or he won’t able to have the final touch by tomorrow evening. Yo..your..! (she stop her words) “…Myungsoo aaa..your…head….is BLEEDING! “

L: “Its just a small cut…don’t worry about me..(you scaring me more, just almost had a heart-attack seeing you hit by them) he talk to himself. Myungsoo turn his face at the opposite side.”

Jiyeon: “DOCTOR…he was get injured too, here the head ” Jiyeon was realised when she saw something behind his hair bang. She moves his hair bang to see it clearly.

“What is this? Worry so much about me, yet he hurt himself too…" She murmured.

"Thank you for being there to help me, Jiyeon said as she tried to touch his forehead while he refused to look in her eyes.” 

L: “Stop it…its tickling me..yah! (hide his face-expression that was actually start to blushing…) His heart thumping like crazy now…” He can feel the coldness of her hands and it was so soft..those tender touch..

Jiyeon: “aa…you are not telling my appa right?..But I don’t care if you tell him since he will expect me to protect myself. Treat me like a boy..huh” (she said and her voice getting lower as she finish her lines.)

They choose not to sleep at the hospital since Jiyeon refused to sleep there, because she hate being in the hospital so much…its reminding her mom…and her brother…However he offered her to stay at her apartment because she can’t go home or Suzy place because she didn’t want to bother her as well, because she must be tired with taking care of Nickhun and works.

#ehem..ehem..MYUNGYEON moment start here..i don’t know if this a good one..please comment..wondering if I write it right?..Fighting! Thanks reader-nim.


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Mahrwwella #1
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^~
zombireader #2
the ending part 'in mess' so, it may take some tym for me to re-up them. .T___T hav to re-do the ending...T_T..
Chapter 25: Update Soon Authornim . :)
I wonder how is Myungsoo going to proposal to Jiyeon ^^
honjejeje #4
Chapter 25: uwaaa thank you so much for ur update today authornim
u update 4 chapter *bow* kamsahamnida
i love their moment together
i hope their love last forever
stacyberd #5
Chapter 21: Wow!so sweet couple,i cant get enough of this fic..
myungyeon forever.fighting
honjejeje #6
Chapter 21: finally they together. .
and they actually in arrange marriage without know it
really love their moments
welcome back authornim ^^
zombireader #7
guys.. im back.Sorry for making u guys wait.I currently cant update for some reason tat i cant even handle on my own.Finally im please look forward cus im gona finish tis before i went for MC again. (I hoe i don hav too) Please take care of ur health then~^^
Chapter 19: Please update more authornim.:))
Chapter 19: please update soon authornim
Myungsoo oppa was a goodman .
Chapter 19: i really hope jiyeon didn't she that 'accident'