The Best Part of Me [Editing]


In the President’s office.

Jiyeon: “Ahbuhji, Im here. Do you have anything to say? I need to  go back to work immediately...”

She said as she take her sit in front of her father.

Knock! Knock! Knock! …

Someone knock the door before Mr. President be able to answer …

?: May I come in?

Jiyeon: “It’s him?...Why did he have to come here when he have meeting with the clients at this time?”

She mumbling as she look at her father direction. She know who he is jus by hear his voice. 

Mr.Pres: “Yes, please come in L. “

“Do you have anything to say Jiyeon na?” He asked her because he can feels that his only daughter is thinking about something as he heard Jiyeon was whispering something just now.

Jiyeon: “No..just that you shouldn’t let me here any longer, I need to go, for the meeting with the designing team.

Mr. Pres: “No! You don’t have to because you’re already aborted from the project. You’ll be in another project.”

Jiyeon: “But?..Why? All the paperwork, I’m the one who did it and …and I know about the project the best. I put my all hardwork on it! Mr.President…please..and it's gonna be launch soon!”

Jiyeon beg him as she already stand up because she’s in the blue just now and carefully explain to her father. But, for sure this time, the President got something in his head. Myungsoo try to convince the President but President Park wink at Myungsoo signaling him to not interfere what he want to say to Jiyeon.

L: “Perhaps, what project will she do?”

Jiyeon clench her teeth as she feels so helpless now. She just let another bad things happen to her.

Mr.Pres: “I won’t let her go by herself. Instead, it’ll be both of you!

The President hang his satisfied smile. While move his head to her chair assigns Jiyeon to have a sit but Jiyeon refuse to do so. Jiyeon however sit down with her doleful expression because she know that no way she can say no if her father want it that way.

Jiyeon & L: “.WHAT??! How come?”. Both of them unblinking look at the President.

Jiyeon: “Why him? He already had other projects to manage plus, im okay by myself.”

Myungsoo glancing at Mr. Pres asking for help.

Mr.Pres: “Do you know to speak mandarin then?..”

Jiyeon: “Arr…me? Mandarin? Is my ‘English’ is not enough here? We can use English aren’t we or why don’t we use translator?”

Mr.Pres: “Our new investors not prefer to use English plus they are comfortable with one’s who speak their language to present our Namiseom’s  resort to them, and…L here is the best candidate.”

“Using translator? We don’t have that much time to train them. Now, are you have anything else to say? “

Jiyeon: “I guess I can’t say NO right?...Okay, when can we start?”

Mr. Pres: “Tomorrow morning, your flight will be at 0900 am, so please prepare the necessary things. Secretary JoKwon will explain you more. That’s all for now.”

Myungsoo that was sit down silently smile widely and give a thumbs up to Mr. President, his ideal affiliate!

President and Myungsoo flashback..

“ Let have a sit ” Mr President said to Myungsoo as he appoints at the bench outside the ward. “ I have a request, ahbuhnim. Can you let Jiyeon have her day off? ”

Myungsoo said while look at the President in the eyes, making he feels the sincerity and how much he concerned about Jiyeon.

“Let me think of the way, I mean, I don’t want to make her a spoilt girl, but a strong one, still I want her to get some rest especially after what was happened. ”

President agree with Myungsoo, but he had a plan on his mind.

At Planning department office…

Jiyeon: “You know how to speak Mandarin?

Jiyeon as they head in their office…

L: “Yes, since I once live in Shanghai when I was 7. And I haven’t show you the BEST part of me yet,  you just wait!”

Myungsoo smirked at her and walk away with her hands both in her suit pocket, he left her dumbfounded.

Jiyeon: “What?..What he thinks he is? So full of himself.." She finish her word with her tight-lipped.

L: “I can hear it !”  Myungsoo said to Jiyeon because he believe that she make him heard her on purpose.

L: “ er? Suzy ssh?..How are you?”

Jiyeon: “Suzyyyy!”   They hugged each other before Suzy could answered Myungsoo.

  “I'm happy to see you! How’s your meeting with Nickhun oppa family?

Suzy: “So far so good and Im so nervous back then.., and I’m wondering why is that you guys  look so ‘mysteriously’ happy! What’s going on? Why both of you still wear yesterday attire? two, SLEEP together?” She said as she lingering her arm around Jiyeon shoulder.

Jiyeon: “Yes! We are and we go to the office together right away because we are oversleep” . She give Suzy a sly smile as she want to see Suzy reaction.

L: “Yah! You acting weird today huh?..Did you take the wrong medicine?”

 Myungsoo flicks her forehead and left Jiyeon after that. He grinning..after he turn his back on them!

Jiyeon: “Ouch! It’s hurt!  She rubbed her forehead.

Suzy: “I guess you really ‘SLEEP’ together huh? Haha ”

She’s happy that they’re getting along these day.

 “Im glad you are happy Jiyeon aaa, Im always supporting you! Just forget what Ljoe did. ” Suzy wishes in her heart for her best friend.

Suzy: “Before im forgot, the  staft from designing team just called you and want you to come for the meeting, immediately.”

Jiyeon: “Really?”  Her expression suddenly become sullen as Jiyeon dont really want to talk about that thing.

“  Im not in that project anymore, I have to get in another project with that Myungsoo. We have to go for business trip tomorrow morning. It’s kind of..I don’t know…

Jiyeon tells Suzy and she's just nod her head and feel pity for her because she knows that Jiyeon work hard on that project.”

“By the way, Me and Myungsoo won’t be at the office this evening because we’ll have a meeting with Secretary Jo Kwon for tomorrow, just cancel our schedule for this evening."

Suzy: “Okay..i’ll do it now. Fighting!!!”

Jiyeon: “Fighting!”

Meeting with Secretary Jo Kwon…

JK: “Sorry for making you wait. Where’s Jiyeon?”

L: “She’s in the ladies…She won’t take too long…I guess.”

JK: “Here, the document that you must bring together for the meeting and just stick with the current terms,  stick with that.”

L: “Okay…there she is. “

Jiyeon take her sit next to Myungsoo, facing Jo Kwon.

Jiyeon: “So, what the things I’ve missed?”

L: “This is the details and take a look at it, you can ask Jo Kwon ssh if there’s anything you don’t get.”

Jiyeon observing the document thoroughly, as she understand what to do.

Jiyeon: ”So far, I get what we want but, can I ask one thing?”

JK: “Yes?”

Jiyeon: “They actually an important investors right? So, im wondering why do they have to make it there? Not here?”

JK: “That’s what we must know, they real intention  but, since Mr. Pres let both of you go, means he really have faith in both of you.”

Jiyeon cupped his coffee and take a gulped as she don’t care as long she done this time mission. She don't talk much during the meeting and just want to do the work that was assigned to her.

JK: “I think, I should go now, Mr. Pres will end his meeting with Pres Kim from Spirits Group. They take hours already…”

Jiyeon: “Pres KIM from Spirits ? Is he the one that win last year the ‘Most Outstanding Bussiness Figure’ right?”

JK: “You’re right! He is…. You know what? I think I have to go now.." Jo Kwon suddenly cut off the conversation as he see Myungsoo gaze just now.

L: I think so too..just talk about the project next time, JO KWON sunbaenim (senior). Myungsoo faking his smile and glanced at Jo kwon. He said it sarcastically to Jo kwon to stay away from his personal life.

He stopped the words as Myungsoo give the warning to keep his mouth shut. Jo kwon nodded and smile at Myungsoo that pretend don’t have any interest in it because he didn’t really think it the right moment to tell Jiyeon that he was that Mr KIM’s son and the heir.



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Mahrwwella #1
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^~
zombireader #2
the ending part 'in mess' so, it may take some tym for me to re-up them. .T___T hav to re-do the ending...T_T..
Chapter 25: Update Soon Authornim . :)
I wonder how is Myungsoo going to proposal to Jiyeon ^^
honjejeje #4
Chapter 25: uwaaa thank you so much for ur update today authornim
u update 4 chapter *bow* kamsahamnida
i love their moment together
i hope their love last forever
stacyberd #5
Chapter 21: Wow!so sweet couple,i cant get enough of this fic..
myungyeon forever.fighting
honjejeje #6
Chapter 21: finally they together. .
and they actually in arrange marriage without know it
really love their moments
welcome back authornim ^^
zombireader #7
guys.. im back.Sorry for making u guys wait.I currently cant update for some reason tat i cant even handle on my own.Finally im please look forward cus im gona finish tis before i went for MC again. (I hoe i don hav too) Please take care of ur health then~^^
Chapter 19: Please update more authornim.:))
Chapter 19: please update soon authornim
Myungsoo oppa was a goodman .
Chapter 19: i really hope jiyeon didn't she that 'accident'