The Best Part of Me [Editing]

At the hospital...

Jiyeon Flashback...

Jiyeon: “And now it’s my turn…Myungsoo ahh..I won’t looked back anymore as you are the one to give hope open myself. I don’t know about anything else but this heart, I entrusted it to you. Seeing you like this, with your eyes close, not even move an inch from me, I can’t help myself but just to look at you. Now IT’S MY TURN TO LOVE YOU.”

Jiyeon fall asleep as her hands still there…on his cheeks.

end flashback

The morning sunrays wake him up and light up the ward…as he felt the warm from the sunrays on his skins, he slowly opened his eyes and felt that something on his pale cheeks..It’s Jiyeon hands! He smile as he put his hands on her’s and carefully put her hand down. Myungsoo get up and go to the bathroom because he want to wash up.

          He looked at himself on the mirror as he washed his pale face and its happened that his lips dry so much. He caress his lips and smile to himself. Thinking about where Jiyeon’s hand landed when he wake up just now.

L: “Perhaps she awakened last night and caress my cheeks ”

 He said while touched his cheeks. He keep smiling as he thought about Jiyeon.

Jiyeon also awakened when she heard the water noise that come from the ward bathroom.

Jiyeon: “He already wake up? “

She get up from the bed and head to the window, she look outside and suddenly, her eyes widen! Its….AHBUHJI? How come..?How did he knows, me being here…?

L: “Mr.President already here? Myungsoo said as he walk out from the bathroom.”

Jiyeon: “You called him ? She looks at Myungsoo and expecting an explanation from him with her wide open eyes.”

L: “Yes. He worry about you…so much. I called him last night but I tell him only to see you this morning because I dont want to trouble him and wants to give you an enough rest.”

Myungsoo explains carefully worry that Jiyeon might put the blame on him.

Jiyeon: “I see..Thank you for think of me so much. Really thank you.” She then move her eyes to the window as she still think about the unexpecting presence of her father.

She get in the bathroom and takes turn to wash herself as Myungsoo waiting for Pres. Park to come.

Mr.Pres: “ Good Morning…Where’s she?” He asked Myungsoo as his secretary, Jo kwon, is there too, following him everywhere for over last 5 years. He’s so capable after the previous secretary.

L: “ She’s in the bathroom, wash up. ” He answer shortly. “Ahbuhnim, can we have a talk? Just us…”

Myungsoo asked Mr. President and give the signal to have a talk outside.

Mr.Pres: “Yes?, actually I don’t have that much time, I want to see her just for a short time.”

L: “ Yes..i’ll make it short. Ahbuhnim, can you give her day off? I mean, let her have her vacation because I think that she really need time to recover, because…Ljoe, did that…he, broke up with her.“ Myungsoo explains carefully as he hopes that the President will consider the thought.

Mr. Pres: “I knew this day will come, that’s explained me why she’s not eating well these day, even at home. Okay, I’ll think about that..Im gonna go inside now..” He pats Myungsoo back and give him a bitter smile.”

Jiyeon: “Ahbuhji..! You come? I'm gonna discharge today. Can I have my day off?” She looked down as she don’t really hope that she got the permission, eventhought she’s the President daughter but she have to work harder than anyon else in her department.

Mr. Pres: “After you discharge come to my office right away…”

 He said and get out from the ward. Both Myungsoo and Jiyeon still in shock. Myungsoo wondering why is President Park don't stick with his word just now...perhaps, he have another plan on his head that Jiyeon and Myungsoo don't know.

L: “What is this?.. What is Mr. Pres try to do? He changes his mind?  

He scratch his head that’s not itchy at all while muttering by himself.

 ”Are you okay with it?” He looked at Jiyeon while give her a warm look. Pair of eyes of him that able to mesmerise whoever look at it.

Jiyeon: “Im okay with it and already used to it…Lets go!. We have to go back to the office…”

Jiyeon said as she packs her things and discharged from the hospital.

At the company….

L: “We are here…!” He smile at her and open the car door for her.

Jiyeon: “Thank You..uhmm, can we go to the café first before we go to the office.”

She said as she hold her tummy that already grumbling.

L: “ hungry too…let’s start GREAT day with RICE!”

He said with his smile try to cheer her up.

Since last night, their relationship become more comfortable and getting with each other so well…They just let themselves slowly…in love, deeply..

L: “So..what we have today…Im gonna eat this and this!” He pointed at Kongnamul bap and Galbi (Bean sprout Rice and Grilled Short Ribs )…

Jiyeon: “aahh, I see..I’ll go there first, by the way,can we eat over there ? ”

She pointed at the the table near to the few women stafts before she went to another food counter and have her foods there.

L: “So we see there, then.”

Bring his foods and waiting for Jiyeon at that table while look at his phone, perhaps playing angry birds game! >_<

Jiyeon: “Here I got! Spicy Stewed Fish, Cold Cucumber Soup, Seasoned Kelp, and Moo Saengchae, (Radish Strip Kimchi) ! Eottae?( How is it?)

“ I cant wait to eat it, lets DIGGING! “  She said as she quickly eat her rice happily

L: “That’s really A LOT!!! I never knew that a girl can eat all that in ONE SHOT! She’s that happy huh?”

“Okay! Lets eat! “  They having their meal happily while at the same time…

Staft A : She’s still lucky if they were broke up..she’s not in loss! She have a lot of money, why she have to worry dumped by that Ljoe.

Staft B : Im agree with that, she can have someone new with her money and her power as only heir of chaebol.

Suddenly, Jiyeon stopped eating and walk away from the café…the group of the woman stafts were startled as they didn’t realize that the girl that eat with Myungsoo was her.

Staft A : Oh my!…what should I do? Is that her? I shouldn't said that right? 

Staft B : I don’t know..why you have to say it? Is money can buy love? People who have money not hurt? Aishh..lets start working!

L: “Jiyeon aa! Where are you going to? Just let them be, they didn’t know that we are human as well, have feeling getting hurt, and can feel the loneliness too…”

Myungsoo tell her as she try to hide her tears and looking back at Myungsoo with her bitter smile. 

Jiyeon: “Im okay, I just think that the foods not really good as it usual..hehe.” Rubbed her tummy as she pouts her lips.

She said as she reaches the lift and the enter the lift together.

L: “err?..Why did this lift doesn’t feel ‘lift’ us up?” Myungsoo look at the buttons and sighs.

“Aisshh …Jiyeon aaa…you forgot to press the button, that’s why we don’t go anywhere..”

Jiyeon: “I thought I was…hehe” She grinned and press the 5th level button.

L : “I don’t think that Dino-Jiyeon (her nickname) picky about food huh? It’s not the food that not ‘good’ here but the mood was not ‘good’ as usual right? So, she really want to act this way until the end.. pretend that she was all okay. Even forget to press the button and already forget where to go. It’s like her soul being blown away~ Will she let me heal her??? You already put this watch on, its mean, you’re already make me to hold onto you right? So, please let me fulfill it, Like You Wish…"

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Mahrwwella #1
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^~
zombireader #2
the ending part 'in mess' so, it may take some tym for me to re-up them. .T___T hav to re-do the ending...T_T..
Chapter 25: Update Soon Authornim . :)
I wonder how is Myungsoo going to proposal to Jiyeon ^^
honjejeje #4
Chapter 25: uwaaa thank you so much for ur update today authornim
u update 4 chapter *bow* kamsahamnida
i love their moment together
i hope their love last forever
stacyberd #5
Chapter 21: Wow!so sweet couple,i cant get enough of this fic..
myungyeon forever.fighting
honjejeje #6
Chapter 21: finally they together. .
and they actually in arrange marriage without know it
really love their moments
welcome back authornim ^^
zombireader #7
guys.. im back.Sorry for making u guys wait.I currently cant update for some reason tat i cant even handle on my own.Finally im please look forward cus im gona finish tis before i went for MC again. (I hoe i don hav too) Please take care of ur health then~^^
Chapter 19: Please update more authornim.:))
Chapter 19: please update soon authornim
Myungsoo oppa was a goodman .
Chapter 19: i really hope jiyeon didn't she that 'accident'