Going Back

Bastard in the Mirror

Thank you for waiting and to my newest subscribers: killah1, randomkpoper, coffelatte, jira23, infinity13, & Pinkyandbrainy! 



Once I got Chaerin home and she fell asleep Bom and Dara started asking questions about Youngbae. Why were we home late? Why was Chaerin crying? What the hell happened when I followed her? “The guy’s a problem, he can’t be with Chaerin,” I replied vaguely.

“What happened? You can’t just respond with that!” Bom shook my shoulders and I sighed uncomfortably.

“Dara was right, he’s a bastard. He slapped her in the middle of a bar and pulled a gun on me and the bartender,” I answered and the two gasped. I remembered leaving Seunghyun with Youngbae in the bar, I wondered if he was alright.

“You’re okay, but what about him?” Dara asked me and I shrugged. It wasn’t that I didn’t care about Seunghyun, I just really wasn’t sure if he was injured that badly or not.

“I told him to call the cops because Chaerin ran out, I’m not sure if he’s alright now…I should check up on him,” I stood up quickly and began walking over to the door. It would be best, what if he was hurt or if he was still fighting Youngbae? Would he be able to treat himself? Are the cops there yet? Can he fight off the gangster? “I’ll be back soon,” I told them but when I opened the door I saw Seunghyun standing there, surprised, with his fist raised in the air to knock. For a moment I just stared at him my mouth agape because I couldn’t process his presence. How did he find us?

“Oh, you could sense me?” he smirked. The taller male seemed fine; he was making jokes and smiling so he couldn’t be that injured.

“Seunghyun! How did you know this was where Chaerin was?” I raised an eyebrow and he started to fumble in his trench coat pockets.

“I have my ways,” he simply said and attempted to pull at something that wouldn’t come out. “God dammit really?!” he hissed and yanked it out. It seemed like a black leather flip book at first but as he flipped it open my eyes widened. The gleaming badge caught my own reflection as he held it up in my face. “FBI, I need to ask Chaerin some questions.”

How could I not know Seunghyun was an FBI agent? Well, he hid it extremely well, especially since he was only pretending to be a bartender. It kind of made sense now that I think about it, especially when he had so much finesse and strength as he fought Youngbae. I was shaking my leg nervously as he was questioning Chaerin in her room; Bom was pacing so much I was afraid she would create a hollow path in the floor! “Bommie, calm down. It’s not like he’s gonna arrest her!” Dara sighed deeply, sitting beside me and wrapping her arm comfortingly around my neck. Suddenly having Dara’s arm on my neck felt weird when not fifteen minutes ago I had my arm around Chaerin. Still, I enjoyed the feeling.

“He looks shifty…” Bom muttered and I raised an eyebrow at her. This girl and that agent are supposed to be lovers in another dimension, yet here she says he looks shady!

“He’s a cop!” I reminded her but she ignored me. As time slithered by Seunghyun exited Chaerin’s room, pocketing his tape recorder and folding his notepad. He made his way down the stairs and looked at Bom seriously. I felt her tense when she met his eyes.

“Bad news, I’m gonna have to take your cousin with me,” he said and I widened my eyes.

“What?!” Bom shouted and suddenly he dropped to his knees laughing, unable to stand.

“I’m kidding! Oh, gosh, your face!” he cracked up insanely; regretfully I sputtered slightly but covered my mouth when I saw Bom staring at the agent murderously.

“Ya!” she pouted angrily and Seunghyun stood up, wiping his moist eyes.

“Oh, mianhae, but you seemed gullible,” he smiled and I could almost feel her anger wavering. I looked at Dara who glanced at me, wondering if we were thinking the same thing I moved my eyes to the pair and she nodded once. “Your cousin has been associating with this delinquent for quite some time now, but she has no other relation to his crimes. We’ll need the two of you to come on the court date for witnessing in a couple of weeks,” he added and Bom’s irritation subsided.

“Why do I need to go?” she asked him and he smiled once more.

“Because I’d like to see you there,” he grinned and I covered Dara’s eyes from the obvious flirting in front of us.

“Hyung! There are other people in the room!” I shouted and he looked over, smirking.

“Mianhae, for everything. I’m still glad we’re friends, it’s just that I’m a cop…in the FBI,” he said and I nodded, dropping my hand from my girlfriend’s eyes. “But now that I’ve caught Youngbae I’ll be a bit busier…I’ll call when I’m free though,” he patted my shoulder and we slapped hands. I was happy he wasn’t taking advantage of his FBI position; he still wanted to be buddies like nothing else was wrong.

“Sure thing Hyung,” I nodded and he checked his watch.

“I have to visit the guys at the station, I’ll see you later,” he bowed slightly to Dara but turned and winked at a blushing Bom before running out of the house. Aigoo, he’s a strange flirt.

While Dara and Bom went to bed I stayed on the couch, channel surfing for the time being. I couldn’t get my eyes to stay closed and my mind was on too many things. The bright TV light was still stinging my eyes and I rubbed them slightly. Maybe I should go to sleep soon, it’s late. So I lazily turned off the TV and pulled a blanket over my ready-to-sleep figure. For a second I just stared into the blackness, dumbly wondering where the ceiling was and if it was even there when I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, running down. I sat up abruptly and instantly the TV which gave off a pale light. I saw Bom freezing right in front of the kitchen doorway. “Bom? What are you doing wanting food so late at night?” I hissed, wiping my eyes as she the kitchen light.

“I’m nervous! I need corn!” she hissed back and I followed her into the kitchen. She hastily pulled out a small pot and dumped a can of corn into it; I could see her being nervous and flushed. It was a new sight for me.

“What’s up with you? Your face is like a tomato right now,” I grunted and she glared at me, making me stare at the table.

“Your friend is so annoying,” she muttered, stirring the corn lightly.

“Seunghyun Hyung?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Ne! Him! God, I wanna punch that smile off his face,” she grumbled and I chuckled.

“Well, your display of affection is one I’ve never heard of,” I teased and she slapped my arm.

“What are you talking about?! I don’t like him!” she insisted and I rolled my eyes.

“But he likes you,” I said and she scoffed.

“He sounds like a womanizer,” she retorted. From what I’ve talked to Seunghyun about, I don’t think he’s been with many women if any. I would think it to be difficult to date with such a job, even if it’s a job that women tend to find attractive.

“Aniya, he’s a good guy. Besides, you should get a boyfriend!” I told her and she scooped some corn into a bowl, turning off the stove. We then sat down at the table to talk, sensing it might take a while. “What’s wrong with him? He’s funny, he’s good looking, he has a steady job—.”

“He has a dangerous job,” Bom bluntly stated and I paused. Ah, now I see! She’s afraid of getting into a relationship with him since he could easily be killed while on the job! I guess it was something to worry about, especially for the girls.

“I’m sure he’s a professional, Bom. They wouldn’t let him just go out into the field by himself when he’s still a rookie!” I told her and she continued to eat without looking at me. I’d like to see both of them together then at least one Big Seunghyun would be happy. It would also give Bom a better chance at living, you know, having an FBI agent as a boyfriend seems kind of safe to me. “Please just give him a shot,” I mumbled but she wouldn’t look at me in the eyes. She just stared at her bowl of corn as if it would give her the answer to all of life’s problems.

“I’ll see in two weeks,” she decided and I exhaled deeply. “I don’t want to make a decision right now, late at night, when I’m still half asleep eating corn,” she rubbed her eyes tiredly, all of her adrenaline from earlier easily disintegrating from fatigue. 

“Good, because I’d like to see you two together,” I added and walked away from the table, turning off the TV and jumping on the couch. Not long after Bom turned off the lights in the kitchen and began running back up the stairs. “Night Bom.”

“Night Jiyong.”

I felt my pocket vibrating; groggily I searched in my jeans’ pocket and pulled out my phone trying to read the blurry ID. Being too lazy to clear my eyes I answered the phone. “Yobosaeyo?” I said still half asleep and I sat up on the couch.

“Hyung, you drunk?” Little Seunghyun teased and I scoffed, throwing my blanket away and straightening out my clothes.

“Ani, I just woke up,” I mumbled and checked the time, it was almost 11:30. “How’s the research going?” I asked, changing subjects.

“That’s why I called! We should head over to Bottom’s Up, I think I have a theory!” he said excitedly which caused me to wake up. It’s been a long week, could his theory be true?

“I’ll pass through the mirror in 15 minutes,” I told him.

“Ne Hyung, I’ll see you then,” he agreed with me and we both hung up. As I was scrambling to grab my things Dara walked out of the kitchen, looking at me as if I was insane.

“Going somewhere?” she asked and I nodded.

“Ne, I’m having lunch with Seunghyun. It’s kind of serious,” I added, so that Minji wouldn’t get involved with going back to that place. I wasn’t quite sure she would like to go back…

“Ah, aresso. Have a good time,” she skipped over and kissed my cheek making me smile.

“I will, I’ll be back soon,” I told her, squeezing her hand before walking out. Full of energy, I walked back to my apartment to step through the mirror once again. It felt like forever since I saw my other half; I was quite excited and nervous to see if Little Seunghyun was right with whatever theory he had planned. Then again he wouldn’t have brought it up if he wasn’t certain about it; he did say that we shouldn’t visit until we had a pretty good idea.

After spending time on Earth, I forgot how refreshing it was to step through the mirror, instead of it feeling foreign it now felt natural. Ji was especially glad I visited again; he said that Seunghyun had been around town for the past 10 minutes. As usual the college student was at the prison center with his other half so we began walking down. I talked with Ji a little bit, but his mind seemed a bit out of it. He would answer and respond but he continued to stare forward at the building. He must be stoked to test out that theory. Once we arrived at the jail I spotted Taeyang and suddenly I was reminded of Youngbae. Should I tell him Youngbae got arrested? “You’re back!” Taeyang smiled and we slapped hands.

“Ne, didn’t Seunghyun tell you his plans?” I wondered and he shrugged.

“Someone has to take you guys up there,” he smirked and we began walking back up the familiar steps. “How’s Earth?”

“Um, okay…but Youngbae is kind of in jail…” I managed and he scoffed.

“Of course he is, I told him being a gangster wasn’t any good,” he grumbled as we continued up the stairs.

“You’ve talked to him before?” I raised an eyebrow and he nodded.

“Only once or twice, he didn’t want to talk to me afterwards,” he chuckled and we ascended in silence afterwards.

“I’m glad you’re nowhere like that,” Ji suddenly slung his arm around me and we laughed the same way.

“Aish, you two don’t do that,” Taeyang sighed annoyed and we reached the top floor. I could see Dara peering from her barred window, I avoided her gaze and so did Ji. I took a look at TOP who was sitting close to his bars and reminded myself to tell him about Big Seunghyun and Bom. E-Minji was sitting on her bench staring at Seungri and Little Seunghyun in a cell together. Seunghyun was checking Seungri’s blood pressure and around his neck I could plainly see a stethoscope. Is he giving a theory or a checkup?!

“Um…” I hummed and Seunghyun looked up, ripping off the sphygmomanometer from his mirror half’s arm and greeting me.

“Mian, Hyung. Its part of my theory, I measured their blood pressure and listen to their heart rate. It’s slower than a normal human's,” he explained and I nodded in understanding. “I think that’s why they can’t pass through...”

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Chapter 24: Who's actually Dr.Lee and where is Tablo lollll
Chapter 24: Omg..wht is this?? I try hard to understand but still..Omg i hv a lot of questions! Last part make me confused..is this happen for real?? Suddenly Minho..and why they put Jiyong at there, if he try tell the truth, not imagination right? is he really crazy?? Ohgoshh..wht the real happen tho?
axenishere55 #3
Chapter 24: Hiya! I told you I was going to write one!

This story is...I really don't have words to explain how much I love this story but if I had to, they would be...

And many more! (This isn't a lie!)

T.O.P's past as well as Seungri's and E-Minji's (Does the 'E' stand for evil?) were sad. I'm glad they weren't apart of the plan. Poor Bom had to die... :(

I hate Ji though!! I really thought he was good guy, not some evil deceiving mastermind! The whole Earth would've been doomed if he passed through the mirror.

On the other hand, I felt sorry for Youngbae, I don't think he deserved it but he thought he did so...*Trails off*
Good on Youngbae for finding out the secret but if he only knew Jiyong earlier...

This is an amazing story and you're an awesome writer! Thank you for this story, I really enjoyed it! I'll be definitely reading the sequel. Talking about that, why did Tablo give Jiyong the mirror if he hated him? Was it all a trick? I'll be waiting~~

P/S: Sorry for the incredibly cheesy, long and probably won't make sense comment. >//<
Chapter 1: Hello, I love you, make a GOT7 story... If you want a couple story, make a Jark or Bamgyeom story, please! thank you! Bambam is my favorite, but you already knew that! XD
heartbreakergirl #5
Chapter 24: Woah~~
It was a great story, I enjoy every single chapter. Now there's still some doubts, is mostly about Tablo, how did he found out about Bottom's Up? Did he created it? Is him part of the alternative universe?
I'm craving for more!
But yeah, I liked the ending too. I've never read something like this before, you're amazing, I hope keep writing more fics!
seungribabe #6
Chapter 24: Sequel plz???therls so many questions in my mind that's making me confused...
nienie11289 #7
Chapter 24: I am a bit confused on the ending, but in a good way? haha. So Tablo created all of those mirrors, but is he from Bottoms Up then? Maybe he's from one of the OTHER worlds, seeming as Minho's been working with him for hundreds of years.

And SeungHyun.. =(
I really do hope you make a sequel. I would love to read more!
Chapter 24: Ohmygosh Blo?!

Are you up for a sequel because im seriously gonna read em
heartbreakergirl #9
Chapter 23: Oh Shieet!!
This was amazing! I was so into the story that my heart is racing now.

My gosh! Now what's next?! I'm very curious about who is actually Tablo, why he gave Jiyong and Youngbae these mirrors.
Chapter 23: Oh gosh I want to know what happens next...Update soon!