Chapter oo9

Pistanthrophobia - the Fear of Trusting People


Sunyoung’s POV


Taking a seat in Miss Kim’s office, smiling I let out a relaxed breath. “Good afternoon.”

“Afternoon, Sunyoung it was nice to meet your friend.” She smiles at me, she’s happy for me. “Is that the same Jonghyun from before?”

“Neh, he’s been really nice.” I whisper looking out the window. “People are less scary with him.”

“You trust him?”

Nodding my head I turn to look at her. “Very much.”

“But you met; doesn’t it worry you at all?”

“A little, but it feels right, trusting him, talking, helping, shopping, it all just feels safe.” I say letting out a little tension. “After we first met he just kept showing up in my life, he was there for me when I need him, and I’ll be there for him when he needs me.”

“This is quite the step you’ve taken.” Miss Kim notes. “You’ve really made progress.”

The rest of my session of taken up with us discussing how it feels to put my trust in someone, how I plan on continuing the friendship and ultimately extending my trust to other people.”

“Sunyoung, be carefully.” Miss Kim says finishing our session. “But enjoy life again.”

“I will Miss Kim.” Leaving the lobby I text Jonghyun. ‘All done◕◡◕ ’

Within seconds he replies ‘I’ll be there in a few (ノ◕ヮ◕)’

Chuckling I hum happily to myself while I wait.

“Sunyoung!” Jonghyun says hugging me.

Returning the hug Jonghyun smiles. “Miss me that much?”

“You have no idea!” He whines. “I was bored without you.”


Leaving Jonghyun and I decide to head home even though Jonghyun didn’t buy anything. Riding the bus Jonghyun and I are silent; he keeps his focus on me though, ignoring all the girls that say hello while passing by us. To be honest it’s a little strange seeing him so quiet, last time we were like this he just turned away from me.


Jonghyun’s POV


Riding the bus I can’t help but stare, it’s weird the more time we spend together the less she reminds me of Raina, in fact I don’t think about her so much, Raina just keeps drifting from me, and oddly enough I’m OK with letting go, I don’t need to hang onto her anymore, really I’m welcoming the idea of releasing Raina, she’s gone and never coming back, but Sunyoung is right here with me. Right in front of me. “So dinner right?” I ask nudging her, “You OK?” I ask noticing her pensive look.

“Neh, um not tonight,” she says smiling up at me. “I have some homework I forgot all about.”

“Aw, really?” I ask disappointed, I really wanted to spend more time together. Nodding her head I let out a sigh. “Well I do want you to do well. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah, tomorrow should be good.” She says smiling. “Sorry.”

Shrugging my shoulders I grin at her. “It can’t be helped, but if you finish early we can order in.”

“Yeah, maybe.” She says happily.

Getting off Sunyoung and I continue to chat happily, walking all the way to our floor.

“Later?” I ask her smiling. “Don’t be a stranger.” I tease.

Shaking her head she laughs. “I’ll call or something.”

“Sounds good, study hard!” I call to her as I walk down the hall to my apartment. “GAH!” I yell gripping my chest seeing Key sitting on my couch all blasé. “How the hell did you get in?”

“Spare.” He says twirling the key in his hand. “That and I know your pass code.”

“Do do you just dropping by?” I ask slowly. “Or do you have an alternative motive to coming here?”

“I do, it’s about Sunyoung actually.” Kibum says seriously. “I know you like her, but Jonghyun you do know that it’s not her right?”

Pursing my lips I take a seat next to him. “I know she’s not Raina, and honestly I’m glad she’s a breath of fresh air.”

“Then your string of nowhere girlfriends will stop?”

“Completely.” I promise him. “I just want to be with Sunyoung now.”

“She’s a little odd.” Key says after a while “In a good way, I guess.”

“I know, she just needs some friends.” I explain. “She’ll warm up to you guys soon enough.”

“Well as perceptive as Onew is he says you two are close, I agree with him though, you and Sunyoung are extremely close for just getting to know each other.”

Chuckling I pat his back. “Worry wart.”

“Seriously Jonghyun, don’t rush it.”

Nodding my head, I decide maybe it’d be best to get a second opinion. “Sunyoung cancelled on me, again, sort of.”

“A date?”

“Aniyo, just dinner, friends you know?”

“Well did she say why?” Key asks me confused. “I mean there is a reason right?”

“Yeah, she said she had some homework to do last minute.” I tell him pursing my lips. “She attends university.”

“So? How is that weird? She cares about her classes good for her.” Key says dryly.

Leaning forward I stare at the table. “It’s not that, but it just came up suddenly.”

“So? Jonghyun relax, maybe she just needs some space.”

Groaning I mumble out “Small steps.”

Patting my back Key chuckles. “So what’s really on your mind, you’re awfully wound up.”

Looking at him while resting my elbows on my knees I smile at him. “She’s really something, Key I like her a lot and I don’t want to blow it with her, but what if she doesn’t want anything more than just friends?”

“Then maybe you should hold off on being so frontal. Jjong just get to know her, I mean you’ve only just met the girl give her a little break.”

“I guess.” I mumble deflated. “But I like her.”

“Power to you.” He says holding his fist up. “Fighting.”




I'm sorry for taking forever, but I just got stuck, stuck bad. I'll try updating again!!

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Wow! It's beautiful!
Sequel Sequel <3
Very sweet story. I enjoyed reading :D Just a note, what happened with the box and her parents coming to looking for her. I felt like you presented a conflict and it was kind of thrown away with out any explanation? o.o OH well, it was a happy ending, which matters the most to me ^^ Thank you for sharing!
I want a sequel. Such a beautiful story. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
new reader here!! :)
please update soon, this story is so cute i just dont want to stop reading it
CelticMiki #8
Awesome chapter! I really love this story! Update soon, please! <3
captivebeauty #9
Ooh you're welcome ^^<br />
This Is one of my favorite story and I'd like to let you know how much I appreciate it :3<br />
But sunyoung and jonghyun have such a cute relationship jsjdunauensusd sobs sorry I keep making these long comments. But I like making long comments because I know it's disappointing to see a comment that just says "update soon" you know? Anyways I can't wait for your next update ^^
captivebeauty #10
Aww jonghyun is so cute ; A ; he is so patient with her sobs that's so cute tbh. And it's nice to see her open up to everyone slowly :) update whenever you can <3