Chapter o15

Pistanthrophobia - the Fear of Trusting People


Minho and I both meet up for lunch after our calculus test, my brain dead I lay my head on the table. “I think I want to torch my book and the entire math department.” I groan rolling my shoulders.

Chuckling Minho pokes my shoulder. “Come on let’s get lunch, if we don’t hurry we’ll be stuck waiting.”

Nodding my head I get in line, Minho and I chatting.

“So…” Minho starts, looking up at him curiously I wait for him to continue. “Do you like hyung?”

Blushing I look away, flustered I grab my tray.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Minho teases me as we sit down. “It’s ok, I think he likes you too, he likes you a lot.”

Sighing I smile at him, I wish it’d be that simple, but I feel like it’ll be more complicated as soon as we both confront each other about this, or when the other finds out. “Don’t tell him…I’m not exactly in the right shape to have that kind of relationship, I mean I’m hardly able to have friends.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask about that, I don’t mean to pry or anything but you seem like someone who would have a lot of friends.”

Sighing I play with my food a little. “I would, if I could be more open and well trusting.” I whisper looking at him guiltily. “I mean don’t get me wrong I trust Jonghyun, so I trust you and everyone else, it’s just…” Pausing I look around the room, getting a few stares I revert my gaze to my food. “It isn’t easy for me to just talk to people, in fact when Jonghyun introduced me to you guys I wanted to…”

Minho listens to me quietly. “I’m glad you’re opening up.” He says smiling. “It sounds like you’re still unsure about things.”

I nod my head. “Believe it or not I’ve made a lot of improvement since Jonghyun. Without him I doubt I’d ever have made any friends.”

Grinning Minho pushes my shoulder lightly. “Well we’re friends now so you don’t have to worry anymore.”

Chuckling I nod my head, is it really that easy? I wonder to myself. Finishing we throw our trays away. “I’ll see you later,” I tell him heading to the bus for my session with Miss Kim.

Waving he grins at me. “See you around? Maybe we should study together more often?”

“Definitely, I didn’t feel as lost on my test.” I tell him walking away.


“Studied with a friend?” Miss Kim says smiling. “That’s huge!”

Nodding my head I smile. “I feel like I can finally just talk to people, well at least to Jonghyun and the others.” I tell her smiling softly.

“It sounds like Jonghyun’s become a part of your life.”

Nodding my head I smile up at her. “I hope so, with him everything’s less scary.”

“Really, you’ve only known him for a few days.”

Nodding my head I look down at my feet. “It feels like so much longer, but not. It’s like with Jonghyun I can let my walls down. I can be me without having to worry about anything. I like the feeling.”

“Sunyoung I don’t think we need to continue our  one-on- one sessions much longer.” Miss Kim says. I used to be scared to hear that, worried, fret, like the world would end if she ever told me that, but strangely enough I’m okay with it.

“Group therapy?”

Nodding her head she smiles. “You’re ready for it.”

“I think so too. I’ve even told Key about my phobia.” I tell her standing.

Smiling she pats my back. “I’m really proud of you Sunyoung. I want you to be happy.”

“Miss Kim, I want to be happy too.” I tell her leaving the office.


Walking home I enjoy the time I have alone, although I do miss the sense of someone being next to me, having that one person near seems to make me happy, even the though just lifts my mood.




I'm thinking I'm nearing the end for this, what do you guys think?

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Wow! It's beautiful!
Sequel Sequel <3
Very sweet story. I enjoyed reading :D Just a note, what happened with the box and her parents coming to looking for her. I felt like you presented a conflict and it was kind of thrown away with out any explanation? o.o OH well, it was a happy ending, which matters the most to me ^^ Thank you for sharing!
I want a sequel. Such a beautiful story. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
new reader here!! :)
please update soon, this story is so cute i just dont want to stop reading it
CelticMiki #8
Awesome chapter! I really love this story! Update soon, please! <3
captivebeauty #9
Ooh you're welcome ^^<br />
This Is one of my favorite story and I'd like to let you know how much I appreciate it :3<br />
But sunyoung and jonghyun have such a cute relationship jsjdunauensusd sobs sorry I keep making these long comments. But I like making long comments because I know it's disappointing to see a comment that just says "update soon" you know? Anyways I can't wait for your next update ^^
captivebeauty #10
Aww jonghyun is so cute ; A ; he is so patient with her sobs that's so cute tbh. And it's nice to see her open up to everyone slowly :) update whenever you can <3