Chapter o14

Pistanthrophobia - the Fear of Trusting People


Arriving at the apartment complex Minho, Taemin and I bump into Jonghyun and Key, both in an intense conversation.

“Sunyoung!” Jonghyun cheers waving at me. “Minho, Taemin?”

“I thought you had class.” Key says confused looking at Minho.

Chuckling he smiles. “We go to the same university.”

“Really?” Key says impressed. “When Jonghyun mentioned you went to school, I didn’t imagine…”

“Noona is smart like hyung.” Taemin cheers walking ahead “Come on Key!”

Minho follows Key and Minho, leaving Jonghyun and I to lag behind. “You are smart.”

“Not smart enough to figure out that damn problem.” I point out to him.

Shaking his head he smiles at me. “How was your day?”

I smile at him. “It was pretty good, and I don’t normally have those kinds of days.” I tell him as we enter the lobby.

“Hopefully things are looking up for you.” Jonghyun says as we get in the elevator with the others. “So dinner?”

“I’m hungry!” Taemin chimes in happily.

“I can’t I have to study, I have a test tomorrow.” Minho grumbles.

“Me too.” I say looking at the others. “I have to study.” I say groaning at remembering.

Taemin looks at us. “Are you going to study together?”

I look over at Minho. “What’s your test over?”

“Calculus.” Minho says making a face. “You?” He asks as we get off.

“Same, do you want to study together?”

He smiles nodding his head. “It’d be better then bashing my head into the book alone.”

Chuckling I smile at him. “Alright, so we can meet up later with you guys.” I say to Jonghyun, him with a happy expression.

“Alright, fighting you two!” Key and Taemin say as they head to Jonghyun’s apartment.

“See you later!” Jonghyun calls throwing his fist in the air saying “Fighting!!”


Being alone with Minho, both of us concentrating on our math problems. Groaning I look away from my book. “I’m ready to take a break.” I mumble getting up. “Want something to drink?”

“Deh, I’m with you.” Minho say getting up, following me into the kitchen. “This is tough.”

“Very, I always have to study for hours.” I say getting a couple glasses down. “Hungry?”

Nodding his head Minho takes out his phone. “Take-Out?”

“Always when cramming.” I tell him. “What would you like to drink?”

“Do you have any orange juice?”

Pouting us a glass I hand it over to him while he orders the food, but in a strangely formal tone, like he’s asking for a favor.

“Where’d you order?” I ask him hopping on the counter.

He smiles. “No where special.” He says chuckling. “It should be here soon.”

“Ah, good.” I say happily, acutely aware of Minho and where he is.

Pursing his lips he looks over at me. “On the bus…you sort of freaked out…”

“When Taemin grabbed my arm.” I whisper. “I know.”

“Do you not like him?”

“Aniyo, that’s not it.” I say sighing. “It’s just like I told you, I’m not used to being around people. I’m still adjusting to having friends.” I confess to him.

“I lied earlier.” Minho says looking at me. “I’ve seen you at school before, it’s just…”

Looking at him I smile weakly. “I was always alone?”

“Not just that, you looked so….scared.”

Nodding my head I look at the sink. “I was, I still sort of am.”

Minho lightly squeezes my shoulder. “Well I hope you won’t be anymore, I mean now we know each other we can study together.”

“It’ll make calculus less torture.” I say brightly.

Minho chuckles. “That is for sure, I can’t wait to get this test over with.”



For a while we just talk about our interests and about the test, what we’re having a tough time with, when we hear a knock.

“Food.” We say together.

Answering it I’m surprised and see Key with a tray of food. “Key?”

“I make Minho study meals, so I made you one too!” Key says happily. “Break time?”

“Much needed.” I confirm letting him in, with Taemin, Onew and Jonghyun trailing in behind him.

Sitting down Minho and I eat the food Key made for us heartily, while the others talk.

“I’m glad I’m done with that.” Onew says pointing at the math book.

Chuckling Key looks at it. “I remember doing this stuff, it .”

“Right and this is way tougher than the university I went to.” Jonghyun says glancing at the book.

“Me too.” Key says looking at us. “You’re both too smart.”

Laughing I shake my head. “Tell me that if I pass the class with an A.”

“Yeah!” Minho chimes in. “Anyways we should probably get back to studying.”

“Thank-you Key and everyone for coming over.” I add in as Minho stands up to stretch.

“Thank-you Key.” Minho says happily, quickly though dropping his smile to glare at his book.

“Bye, good luck you two.”

As the door shuts we sit down and go over practice problems, help each other out before passing out at the living room coffee table.


Waking up I see Minho still asleep, glancing at the clock I groan, “Minho wake up!”

“Wae?” he says jolting awake, squinting he looks around. “Passed out?”

“Pretty much.” I say yawning. “It’s…four in the morning now.”

Sighing Minho rubs his eyes. “Are you going to bed?”

“Naw, I need to study some more.” I mutter. “You?”

“Study.” Minho says stretching. “Thanks for waking me up.”

Nodding my head we both pour over the books until my alarm clock goes off. “6 am I think we should take a nap.”

“What time is you class?” Minho asks me yawning. “Noon, you?”

“Same…do we?”

“I think so, I didn’t have it yesterday.”

Laughing Minho and I smile at each other. “We have the class together.”

“Apparently.” I say smiling, “We should get Jonghyun to wake us up…” I say standing.

“My classes start at ten.”

“Same, I won’t wake if someone doesn’t wake me.” I explain.

“Me too, Key normally wakes me up.” Minho says stretching.

Nodding my head I look at him. “Do you live with him?”

“Yeah, and Onew.”

“Sounds…Loud.” I say finally, letting out a yawn Minho and I trek to Jonghyun’s apartment.

“It is, Key yells and Onew is just…well Onew.” Minho groans. “Man sleeping on that table does not feel good.”

“My neck is killing me.”

“My back is getting me.” Minho says rolling his shoulders.

Knocking we wait for Jonghyun to answer. “Sunyoung? Minho?” Jonghyun asks yawning.

“Did we wake you?”

“No, I’m just surprised to see you both so early.”

Chuckling Minho pats his shoulder. “We’re going to take a nap, do mind waking us up by nine?”

“Not at all, come in.” Jonghyun says. “My couch and bed are free.”

“I’ll take the couch.” Minho says smiling at me.

“Thanks.” Jonghyun get’s Minho all set before leading me to his room.

“Rough night?” He asks as I stumble over the carpet, catching me.

Nodding my head I hold on to his arms for support. “Very, I hate, hate, hate math.” I groan feeling sleep win over. “Sleep.”

“Right, let’s get you in bed.” Jonghyun whispers. Tucked in I feel Jonghyun press his lips to my forehead. “Sleep well.”




It's been a while since I last updated, sorry!!

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Wow! It's beautiful!
Sequel Sequel <3
Very sweet story. I enjoyed reading :D Just a note, what happened with the box and her parents coming to looking for her. I felt like you presented a conflict and it was kind of thrown away with out any explanation? o.o OH well, it was a happy ending, which matters the most to me ^^ Thank you for sharing!
I want a sequel. Such a beautiful story. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
new reader here!! :)
please update soon, this story is so cute i just dont want to stop reading it
CelticMiki #8
Awesome chapter! I really love this story! Update soon, please! <3
captivebeauty #9
Ooh you're welcome ^^<br />
This Is one of my favorite story and I'd like to let you know how much I appreciate it :3<br />
But sunyoung and jonghyun have such a cute relationship jsjdunauensusd sobs sorry I keep making these long comments. But I like making long comments because I know it's disappointing to see a comment that just says "update soon" you know? Anyways I can't wait for your next update ^^
captivebeauty #10
Aww jonghyun is so cute ; A ; he is so patient with her sobs that's so cute tbh. And it's nice to see her open up to everyone slowly :) update whenever you can <3