
Prince class

“Are you sure we’re allowed to leave the Garden Kingdom?” Sungjong questioned as the group of princes followed Sunggyu out of the palace.

“Yeah, I didn’t even think we were allowed to leave the library let alone the kingdom!” Dongwoo looked around with wide eyes, almost tripping on the cobblestone pathway.

“WHO CARES MAN?!” Sungyeol galloped around like a giraffe that had just been released from its cage through the field flailing his arms in the air. “WE’RE FREE!”

“Yah, stay close.” Sunggyu sighed and ushered Sungyeol over. “I don’t want to get into any trouble from your parents.”

“Why do we have to go to the Rose Kingdom just because the lazy prince doesn’t want to come here?” Sungjong sulked.

“How are we even going to get there?” Hoya asked.

“How else?” Sunggyu stopped in front of a shiny sleek sports car. “We’ll drive.”

“This is your car?” Sungyeol stared at the red automobile, mouth agape.

“Yeah, why?” Sunggyu smirked as he unlocked the door. “Don’t princes see stuff like this all the time?”

We do, but aren’t you just some poor person teacher guy?” Sungyeol asked without a tinge of remorse.

Sunggyu frowned at the choding. “Yah, I’m a skilled professional with a high income! And I—!”

“Ok whatever.” Sungyeol shrugged, already getting bored of the conversation.

“Can we just go already?” Hoya sighed.

“Fine.” Sunggyu grumbled and pointed to the back seat. “All of you, in the back.”

“What?” The princes frowned in unison. The back seat looked like it would fit at most three children, or two adults.

“Why can’t one of us sit in the front?” Sungjong pouted.

“Oh?” Sunggyu suddenly had a scary look in his eyes as he took a step towards Sungjong. “You want to sit in the front do you?” Sungjong gulped, and the others merely stared, probably frightened for their lives.

“Uh…” Sungjong looked away nervously. “N-Nevermind…”

Sunggyu grinned victoriously as he watched the four younger men stuff themselves into the backseat. Sunggyu realized that all those years of hard work and university finally paid off, since he could now be in a position where he could order royalty around. He felt higher than a king.

Suddenly he felt an itch on the back of his neck, and that familiar feeling like someone was watching him. He turned around in the vast parking lot, but once again there was no one there.


They were stopped at the gates of the rose kingdom. As the name stated, the tall metal gates were of a silver quality, and had rose vines snaking all over them.

“Wah so this is the rose kingdom!” Sungyeol pressed his face to the window.

“Yah, don’t smudge the glass!” Sunggyu hissed.

“Well it’s kind of hard not to do that when there are four of us crammed in the back here!”

Sunggyu ignored the choding and rolled the window down as a guard in a deep red suit approached the car.

“What business do you have at the palace?”

“We’re here to see the prince.” Sunggyu answered. “He has a lesson.”

The guard eyed him skeptically. “I don’t think—.”

“Phone up the Queen. Tell her Kim Sunggyu has come to see her son.” Sunggyu instructed, in a confident manner.

The guard paused to stare at the princes squished in the back, before whipping his cell phone out of his pocket.

“Marty it’s me.” Suddenly the guard coughed to conceal a blush. “S-Shut up Marty! This isn’t a personal call!” Sunggyu rolled his eyes, leaning back on his chair, one hand resting on the wheel. “Is the queen nearby? Ask if her she knows someone by the name of Kim Sunggyu…oh she does? Oh she said that? Fine, ok talk to you later.” The guard hung up and signaled for the other guards to open the gate.

Sunggyu smirked and rolled his car right up to the palace entrance. Some servants rushed up to him, and one took his keys so that he could park Sunggyu’s car.

“C’mon let’s go.” Sunggyu gestured for the princes to follow him. Some servants pulled back the grand gold encrusted doors, allowing them to enter.

“Hey have you ever been to the rose kingdom?” Sungyeol nudged Dongwoo, as they followed the others into the lobby.

“Mm one time.” Dongwoo replied.

“So you’ve met the Rose Prince?” The taller boy asked.

“Yeah, we’ve hung out a few times.” Dongwoo grinned. “Ah, but that was when we were little. I haven’t seen him in a while…”

“Welcome to the Rose Palace.” A man in a gold butler’s uniform approached them.

“Pfft…what is he wearing?” Sungyeol and Dongwoo suppressed chuckles, while Sungjong just sighed pitifully at the horrendous act of fashion terrorism happening before his eyes.

“My name is Lee Carl and I will—.”

“Omo Sunggyu-sshi!” Suddenly the Rose Queen shoved aside the gold adorned butler and grabbed Sunggyu’s hands. “I can’t believe you actually came!”

“Well, I heard your son wouldn’t come for his lesson.” Sunggyu smiled cordially. “So I figured we should come to him.”

“That’s so sweet of you! Ah, but don’t tell me this will cost me extra!” She joked, and slapped Sunggyu’s arm playfully.

Sunggyu laughed politely. “Of course it will.”

The Rose Queen laughed some more. “Oh you’re so funny!”

“But actually I’m being serious.” Sunggyu’s smile completely disappeared.

“Oh...” The Queen pursed her lips. “Well…I’ll show you to his room.”

“Wait my lady!” The butler stopped them, as they were making their way up the red carpet covered stairs. “You mustn’t degrade yourself to such a chore! I will—!”

“Oh move aside Carl.” The Queen practically shoved poor Carl, causing him to tumble down the stairs. Everyone just stood where they were, silently eyeing Carl who had landed face first onto the marble floor. Everyone except for the Queen that is, who was already at the top of the stairs. “Sunggyu-sshi, are you coming?”

Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Sungjong and Hoya exchanged worried glances, while Sunggyu wondered if the rose kingdom was really ok.


As the Queen guided them down a rather long ornately decorated hall, she decided it was a perfect time to go into a long and lengthy monologue about a very serious current problem she was having.

“And then I told the Daisy Queen that if she wanted her damn gerberas she could have them! In fact she can shove them up her—!”

Sunggyu sighed loudly. He had long since tuned out the Queen and her extremely boring story and was practically sleep walking at this point.

The princes were busy quietly chattering amongst themselves, also not paying the Queen any attention.

“So when was the last time you saw the Rose Prince?” Sungyeol asked Dongwoo.

“When I was nine.” Dongwoo answered. “He was a little younger than me, so…”

“But that was the last time? I mean he never shows up to royal events or anything…”

“Yeah I’ve met his brother before.” Sungjong piped up. “But I’ve never seen him before.”

Sunggyu rubbed the back of his head lazily, when he once again felt that unsettling feeling that he was being followed. His eye shifted from side to side, when he swore he heard a whisper.

Kim Sunggyu…”

He immediately stopped in his tracks, startling the others. “W-Who’s there?” He frantically scanned the area.

“Sunggyu-sshi what’s wrong?” The Queen asked with a look of concern as Sunggyu ran in the opposite direction, desperately searching behind corners and large potted plants.

“S-Show yourself!” Sunggyu shouted, eyes darting to and fro.

“Sunsaeng-nim, are you ok?” Sungjong blinked.

“Didn’t you hear that?” Sunggyu turned to them, hugging his body nervously. “He keeps following me! Whoever you are damn it! Stop it! I-It’s freaking me out!”

Hoya sighed. “Why can’t we ever just get the normal teachers…?”

“I know right?” Sungyeol folded his arms.

“Do you need to lie down, Sunggyu-sshi?” The Queen asked.

“No I don’t need to lie down!” Sunggyu retorted, aggressively. “What I need is for that creepy stalker to be put behind bars—!” He paused when he realized everyone was shooting him skeptical stares, as if he were crazy. He quickly cleared his throat, and let out a deep sigh. “N-Never mind…now where’s the prince?”

“Well this is his room.” The Queen gestured to a surprisingly plain wooden door. “He won’t come out though.”

“I see…” Sunggyu put a hand on the door knob and was surprised to find that the door was unlocked. He immediately faced the Queen. “The door’s unlocked.”

“Oh wow! You did it Sunggyu-sshi!” The Queen cheered.

“I didn’t do anything!” Sunggyu frowned. “You mean to say the door was unlocked this whole time and no one even bothered to check that?!”

“We’re so lucky to have you here Sunggyu-sshi! I guess that big fancy university degree didn’t go to waste, hm?” She nudged him lightheartedly, while the princes honored him with a round of applause.

Sunggyu honestly wanted to quit his job and go on a journey, because he couldn’t possibly believe this obfuscating stupidity surrounding him right now was his life.

But nonetheless, he pushed the door open, to see a dark haired young man lying on the carpet with his arms spread out at his sides. He was staring up at the ceiling and blinking.

“Yah.” Sunggyu walked into the room, and nudged the boy’s leg with his foot. “Get up.”

The boy continued staring up at the ceiling, before suddenly sitting up and tilting his head slightly. “There’s too many sheep…but then why did a lamb come?”

“What?” Sunggyu narrowed his eyes in confusion. “What the hell are you—?”

“Ah, I get it now!” He clapped excitedly. “The lamb came because there were too many sheep!”

“Hi! You’re the Rose Prince right?” Sungyeol popped in from behind Sunggyu, and sank down next to the other boy. “My name’s Lee Sungyeol from the Lotus Kingdom!”

“I’m Jang Dongwoo!” Dongwoo sank down on the boy’s other side with a friendly grin. “From the Sunflower Kingdom! Remember? We used to play together when we were little!”

“What are you doing in my house?” The Rose Prince blinked.

“Myungsoo-yah.” The Queen brushed past Sunggyu. “You have a lesson today. With your new teacher, Kim Sunggyu-sshi.”

“Oh…” Myungsoo nodded, and looked at Sunggyu for a second before returning his attention to his mother. “What lessons?”

“What?!” Sunggyu exploded, throwing his hands up in the air. “No one even told him about the damn lessons?!”

“Oops, teehee~” The queen giggled absentmindedly.

“No not ‘teehee!’” Sunggyu yelled. “I’ve had enough of this stupid kingdom! I’m done with you Rose Kingdom! Screw the lesson! I’m going home!”

And that was how Sunggyu spent his first day as teacher of the prince class.


50+ subscribers? Where are you guys coming from? Ah but seriously thank you so much, and thank you for commenting <3

This story's going to be very dumb though...just warning you =_=

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Chapter 38: Silently hoping that u will update this story soon. And Life's Exam as well, pleaseeee
Chapter 38: Doneee~ reread this from the beginning for the nth time wahh this is a great moodbooster, I'll never get sick of these chapters lmao
Chapter 38: I know i should be wondering about Woogyu but I’m still super curious on WooSoo’s relationship and why they’re so close and all
Chapter 19: Jinwoo is so me in this chapter lmao, I'll probably act like him too if I have a housemate like that tree xD
ramentae #5
Chapter 38: I'm so glad i found this fic, i really wish it was completed. Sigh. Absolutely loved it but my poor woogyu heart got wounded so much tho.
Chapter 26: Your story isn't boring whatsoever ots so funny and creative! I loooove it its makes me laugh a lot!! A d the fluff is amazing *0*
Chapter 21: Man this makes me wonder who will top!!!! Please be Hyun bcz gyu is too cute and adorable to top and bcz I haven't seen how you'll try and do how bottom gyu will react like.... And how tophyun will be like!!!!
Chapter 38: I think it's not just Sunggyu,, even I become ually frustrated too reading this.. hahahaa..

Hope you can update this story soon Howling-san :)
shinjiteii #9
Chapter 38: I read this years ago and couldn't find it till some time ago. They are so cute
2wooyeoll #10
Chapter 37: LET WOOGYU DAMN! T.T