
Prince class

“He hates me…” Woohyun mumbled, his face planted in the seat of his couch. “He probably thinks I hate him…and he probably hates me too. I’m such a jerk…I hate everything…”

“What happened now?” His house mate sank down on the couch beside Woohyun, and patted his back.

“Nothing…” Woohyun mumbled, sitting up, and pulling at the ends of his t-shirt.

“I heard you got a new job.”

Woohyun sighed heavily, laying his head back down. “I should just quit…”

“But what about your revenge on Kim Sunggyu?” The other man questioned, running a hand through his dark hair. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgiven him.”

“No, of course not!” Woohyun became fired up again. “Right. I can’t forget what he did to me…”


A year ago...

It had been about four months since Woohyun had last seen Sunggyu. After graduating from Rose University, Sunggyu had left with out even so much as a goodbye. Woohyun had never understood why, and wanted nothing more than to see the other man.

He himself had still been in school, and had been interning at a royal preschool. He made the stupid mistake of wearing a suit to work one day, especially on arts and crafts day. He ended up getting glitter all over his new clothes, and received weird stares for the rest of the day. He somberly wandered in to the Rose Kingdom library, and was more than a little surprised to see Sunggyu sitting there, with a group of other people. They looked to be discussing teaching methods, and some other stuff that Woohyun barely paid any attention to. All he could see was Sunggyu. He nervously paced in a small circle, debating on how to confront the older man. Finally he got up the courage and took a step forward.

“WHY WHAT A FUNNY COINKY-DINK THIS IS!” Woohyun inwardly cursed himself for speaking so loud, but he couldn’t really help it. He was nervous. Sunggyu turned to his side to see Woohyun with overly styled black hair, sporting a full on black glitter dusted suit approaching him. Sunggyu blinked for a moment, wondering if it really was the other man. He quickly shook his head and returned his attention back to the group at his table. “So like I was saying—.”


“Even though they grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths, it doesn’t mean we should treat them differently.” Sunggyu continued, blatantly ignoring the loud man, who was standing right next to him. “Because in the class room, status doesn’t matter—.”


“CAN YOU NOT SHOUT?!” Sunggyu snapped, leveling his voice with the other man. “This is the damn library for crying out loud! And besides I’m standing right here!”

Woohyun pouted, and his eyes began watering. “I-I just…hyung y-you were ignoring me so I—.”

“Who the hell are you anyways?” Sunggyu growled. “I’m busy right now!”

“Y-You…you don’t remember me?! E-Even after all we’ve been through?!” Woohyun broke into pitiful sobs. “Y-You’re the worst hyung! I hate you so much!” He cried and rushed out of the building.

The other people at Sunggyu’s table all watched the crazy glitter clothed man dash away in tears.

“Who was that?” A short haired lady questioned.

“Hell if I know.” Sunggyu muttered, and began to study his books again.

“You sure?” A man grinned. “Seems like he knew you.”

“He was so hurt.” The short haired woman pouted. “Are you sure you don’t know him?”

“Mmm…” Sunggyu glanced in the direction the man had exited from, then turned back to the others. “Can you guys just wait here for a second?”

Sunggyu rushed out of the library, but could see no sign of the glitter clothed man. “Woohyun…” Sunggyu thought, as he pursed his lips and looked around. He noticed a glittered trail leading up to a bush, and couldn’t help but grin. “He seemed really familiar…” He said out loud, in an attempt to mess with the younger man. He stared at some trees for a moment. “Nam! It was Nam…something. Nam…Hyun? Something with a Hyun in it wasn’t it?” Sunggyu muttered out loud, though there was a huge smile plastered on his face at the thought of messing with Woohyun. “Hyun…but what was it?” He noticed a man walking his dog in the distance, but then the dog stopped, bending its hind legs slowly. Soon after, a big brown blob escaped from the dog’s hole. “Poohyun!” Sunggyu announced loudly.

“N-Now I’m a poo?!” Sunggyu turned around to see Woohyun standing there. “You really are the worst!” He cried out and dashed off into the sunset…though it was still morning, so…

“Wait no!” Sunggyu called after him, realizing Woohyun had taken the joke seriously. “I didn’t mean it like that!” Sunggyu meant to chase after the other man, he really did, but he was already like…five feet away. Sunggyu groaned slightly, pondering whether it was worth the energy. “Uh wait…” He called out halfheartedly, before already deciding to give up. He turned to leave, when he heard a squeak and a thump. He saw Woohyun had tripped and fallen on the hard rocky ground, and was looking back at Sunggyu with the most pitiful look. Probably expecting Sunggyu to come and help him up. “Uh…you’re fine.” Sunggyu assured him without bothering to move an inch. “Just stand up.”

“B-But…” Woohyun whimpered childishly as he held his arms out so Sunggyu could help him up.

“Just get up!” Sunggyu sighed and pointed at him, refusing to close the five foot distance between them by even one centimeter. “Your legs aren’t broken!”

Woohyun pouted and forced himself up into a standing position, and attempted to dust off his suit. But all that did was splatter glitter all over the cobblestone. He bent over, and lifted up his pant leg slightly to see a reddish purple bruise on his calf.

That finally made Sunggyu move, as he rushed towards the younger man. “Woohyun!” He called out.

Woohyun looked up at him with hurt eyes. “Oh so you finally remembered my name…”

Sunggyu sent him an apologetic glance, as he knelt down beside him. He reached out a comforting hand, but Woohyun quickly slapped it away.

“J-Just get away from me!” Woohyun bit back. He forced himself to stand again, and began to walk off, while stumbling several times.

Sunggyu watched him walk a few more steps, before sighing and giving up.

“Y-You’ll pay for this!” Woohyun suddenly threatened, causing Sunggyu to turn back around. “F-For everything!” Woohyun spat, his back still to Sunggyu. “You’ll pay for all the bad things you’ve ever done to me!”

Sunggyu merely blinked. “Wait…but—.”

“F-For all of them!” Woohyun interrupted. “Y-You’ll pay!” He shrieked, before ignoring the pain in his leg and running away as fast as he could.


Woohyun turned to the other man and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks Jinwoon-ah…for reminding me of my purpose.”

“But you know…” Jinwoon sighed. “It would be better if you just forgot about him all together.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Woohyun frowned. “I can’t just forget…”

“Well…” Jinwoon leaned closer, slugging an arm around the shorter man’s neck. “I could help you with that.”

“I don’t want to be set up again…” Woohyun shook his head. “I feel bad using some innocent girl, when I’m still—.”

“Then how about using someone who’s not so innocent~” Jinwoon suggested, his lips grazing Woohyun’s ear.

“Yeah, like who?” Woohyun snorted and shoved him away lightly. “Believe it or not, it’s really hard to find someone who’s willing to be used like that. And besides I don’t want it to be like that…I just want to be with someone that I really like…”

“Yeah but how’re you going to do that if you keep thinking of him?” Jinwoon leaned back, giving up on the possibility of getting laid tonight.

“That’s why I’m doing this. I’ll get my revenge, and that’ll get me some closure, and then I can move on.” Woohyun explained.

“Whatever you say…” Jinwoon sighed.

“Hey you guys.” In walked their other house mate, Kim Kibum.

“Ah Key, you’re home.” Woohyun greeted the other man by his nickname.

“There’s some guy standing outside.”

Jinwoon immediately sprang up, cracking his knuckles. “Don’t tell me it’s that creepy neighbor that keeps peeping through our window.”

“What are you talking about? We live in the middle of no where. We don’t have neighbors...” Woohyun commented.

“No, I don’t think he was a bad guy though.” Key pursed his lips, folding his arms.

“Why’s that?”

“Because…he was kind of cute.” Key grinned. Woohyun and Jinwoon eyed him skeptically.

“So?” Jinwoon rolled his eyes. “Just because someone’s cute doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them to be hiding a gun under their jacket!”

Suddenly there was a gentle knocking at the front door.

Jinwoon grabbed onto Woohyun’s arm, fearfully. “Its here! Hurry and make sure it’s not dangerous!”

“Well I’m not doing it.” Key pouted. “I like my head attached to my body thank you very much.”

“You guys are such sissies.” Woohyun stood up, coolly adjusting his shirt collar. “I guess a real man like me will have to go and take care of this.” He announced in a smug tone, as he headed to the front door. “You guys are so lucky to have someone like me around…” He turned around only to realize he was all alone. Apparently Key and Jinwoon had fled the area, probably hiding out in their bedrooms. “Traitors…” Woohyun muttered and nervously reached for the door handle. He momentarily glanced around, and grabbed a tennis racket that was leaning against the wall. “J-Just in case…” He mumbled. He opened the door just a crack and when he spotted Sunggyu standing there, he immediately tossed the racket behind him. There was a loud thump and a pathetic cry of pain somewhere in the distance.

“…Hi?” Sunggyu stood in the door way awkwardly, a pile of papers in his arms.

“W-What’re you doing here?” Woohyun had forgotten to appear mad for a moment, since he was too surprised to see Sunggyu there.

“Uh well…I just thought—.”

“I already told you, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.” Woohyun stated, coldly. “So stop bothering me—.” He was about to shut the door, when Sunggyu held it open with his arm.

“I know…I know that already.” Sunggyu sighed, glumly. “But since we’re going to be working together…I wanted to show you my lesson plan and everything. If we’re going to be teaching one class, I figured we should at least be on the same page…”

“Oh.” Woohyun nodded, suddenly feeling very dumb. “If it’s about that…” He opened the door a little wider allowing Sunggyu to come inside. “We can discuss it in the dining room.” Woohyun decided and motioned for Sunggyu to follow him. It was awkward and uncomfortable as Woohyun guided Sunggyu to the table.


“What?” Woohyun muttered, refusing eye contact.

“Uh…no it’s nothing.” Sunggyu mumbled, taking a seat at the clear glass table. 

“Who're you?” Jinwoon waltzed in from down the hall. He paused when he noticed the uncomfortable atmosphere between the two. “Ah, you must be Kim Sunggyu.”

Sunggyu blinked. “Uh, yeah?” He turned to Woohyun. “But how’d you know that?”

“Why don’t you get your guest something to drink?” Jinwoon nudged Woohyun.

“What?” Woohyun frowned. “I don’t want to—.”

“Just get him some damn juice!” Jinwoon commanded.

“Ok fine…sheesh” Woohyun picked himself up and trudged towards the kitchen. When he was out of site, Jinwoon slammed an aggressive hand on the table right in front of Sunggyu, and leaned in so their faces were mere inches apart.


“What?” Sunggyu scooted away. “I don’t—.”

“It’s cute.” Jinwoon smirked. “Your little game.”

Sunggyu narrowed his eyes, clearly confused. “I’m sorry?”

“Oh please…I know very well what your little scheme is.”


“Casually coming over, late at night with a lame excuse of working on ‘lesson plans’ or some crap like that.” Jinwoon snorted.

“It’s not an excuse.” Sunggyu explained calmly, tilting his head. “We really do have to—.”

“Yeah, ok.” Jinwoon stuffed his hands into his pockets, sneering at Sunggyu once more. “Let’s just see how long you’ll go with that—w-what the heck are you doing?” He stammered when he felt Sunggyu’s hand on his head.

“You’re a cute kid.” Sunggyu grinned. “How old are you?”

“W-What?” Jinwoon blinked, feeling all sorts of flustered at Sunggyu’s gentle gaze and adorable eye smile. “I-I’m trying to threaten you here! I-I’m not cute—!”

“Are you in high school? What year were you born in?”

Jinwoon’s jaw was on the floor at this point.

“No, I’m not in high school!” He huffed. “I’m the same age as Woohyun! Who by the way belongs to me! Or well…he will, soon enough!”

“Is apple juice ok?” Woohyun returned to the dining room, with two glasses in hand.

“Yeah that’s fine.” Sunggyu answered, the epitome of all things pleasant and polite.

Jinwoon shook his head, one shove away from collapsing. “I give up…”

“Huh?” Woohyun turned to him. “What’s wrong with you?”

“F-For now…I’ll let you have this one.” Jinwoon pointed a finger at Sunggyu. “You may have won the battle, but this war is far from over!” He announced in a dramatic fashion before running out of the room like a scared little girl.

“What happened?” Woohyun asked, as he sat down across from Sunggyu.

“I don’t know.” Sunggyu shrugged, innocently. “But I get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much…” He hesitantly eyed Woohyun as he took a sip of juice. “Well I guess he can join the club, huh?”

“I don’t hate you.” Woohyun mumbled, garnering Sunggyu’s attention. “I wanted to…I tried to, but I can’t.”

Sunggyu smiled slightly. “Woohyunnie, that’s—.”

“B-But that doesn’t mean I like you.” Woohyun interrupted. “I just…I have no feelings towards you at all.” He looked up at the other with an empty gaze. “To me…you’re nothing.”

Sunggyu gulped, in an attempt to swallow down the lump forming in his throat.

Woohyun felt something like guilt rise up in his chest. He didn’t understand it at all. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was just telling Sunggyu what he deserved to hear. But he still felt like he was hurting Sunggyu in some way. He quickly shook the thought away, reminding himself that it was all his own delusional thinking. Sunggyu didn’t care about him, so he shouldn’t care about Sunggyu either.

“I still…” Sunggyu murmured.

Woohyun immediately looked up. “…What?”

“You’re still…something to me.” Sunggyu met Woohyun’s gaze for a moment, before clearing his throat. “A-Anyways…” He started shuffling through his folders.

Woohyun desperately wanted to ask what he meant, but then Sunggyu's phone started ringing.

“Uh, excuse me.” Sunggyu put the phone to his ear, and a warm smile formed on his features at the voice on the other end.

Woohyun eyed him suspiciously, extremely curious as to who could be on the other line, making Sunggyu smile like that.

“Hey,” Sunggyu answered. “Ah really? Right now?” He glanced at Woohyun for a moment. “Ah I’m busy right now actually…”

Woohyun was clenching his fists under the table and his eyes were practically green with envy. He couldn’t even think straight anymore. How dare Sunggyu call up some hussy right there in front of him? He angrily stood up, causing Sunggyu to look at him.

“Uh actually I might not be back until later.” Sunggyu told the person on the phone. “It’ll be too dark then, so I don’t want you to—.” Suddenly Woohyun swiped the phone right out of his hands and threw it to the floor. “Y-Yah! What’re you doing?!” Sunggyu looked up at the younger man.

“I…!” Woohyun bit his lip, his gaze falling, quickly coming back to reality. “I…I don’t know.” He bent down and picked up the phone, handing it back to Sunggyu. “I’m sorry.” But instead of taking the phone Sunggyu gripped onto Woohyun’s wrist instead.

“It was my baby cousin.” Sunggyu said, as if reading Woohyun’s mind. “She just turned five, and found out the joys of phones. She likes to call me up sometimes to see if she can visit me.”

“I-I don’t care who it was.” Woohyun pulled his arm away and swiftly made his way back to his spot. Though Sunggyu still managed to notice the hint of relief on Woohyun’s features, as the younger man plopped down on the chair across from him. He couldn’t help but smile slightly, realizing Woohyun was clearly lying about…well about everything.


So much for tsundere!Gyu…I prefer writing understanding/mature/nice Gyu I guess.

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Chapter 38: Silently hoping that u will update this story soon. And Life's Exam as well, pleaseeee
Chapter 38: Doneee~ reread this from the beginning for the nth time wahh this is a great moodbooster, I'll never get sick of these chapters lmao
Chapter 38: I know i should be wondering about Woogyu but I’m still super curious on WooSoo’s relationship and why they’re so close and all
Chapter 19: Jinwoo is so me in this chapter lmao, I'll probably act like him too if I have a housemate like that tree xD
ramentae #5
Chapter 38: I'm so glad i found this fic, i really wish it was completed. Sigh. Absolutely loved it but my poor woogyu heart got wounded so much tho.
Chapter 26: Your story isn't boring whatsoever ots so funny and creative! I loooove it its makes me laugh a lot!! A d the fluff is amazing *0*
Chapter 21: Man this makes me wonder who will top!!!! Please be Hyun bcz gyu is too cute and adorable to top and bcz I haven't seen how you'll try and do how bottom gyu will react like.... And how tophyun will be like!!!!
Chapter 38: I think it's not just Sunggyu,, even I become ually frustrated too reading this.. hahahaa..

Hope you can update this story soon Howling-san :)
shinjiteii #9
Chapter 38: I read this years ago and couldn't find it till some time ago. They are so cute
2wooyeoll #10
Chapter 37: LET WOOGYU DAMN! T.T