
Prince class

Woohyun woke up, only to find he was alone in bed. He quickly sat up, in a panic.

“Hyung?” He called out, his heart thumping wildly.

It couldn’t have happened again. No, it couldn’t.

Woohyun had made sure to hold on tightly to Sunggyu all night. But…he was pretty sure he held on tightly the last time Sunggyu abandoned him.

“No…” He breathed, pulling off the covers and racing out of the room. “Hyung! Where—?” He stopped after reaching the living room. Sunggyu was sitting on the sofa in front of the television, and there were some scantily clad women dancing on the screen.

Sunggyu turned to him with a slight smile. “Oh…you’re up—.”

Woohyun’s hands were trembling as he swallowed down the lump in his throat.

Sunggyu wasn’t gone. Sunggyu didn’t leave him.

But somehow he couldn’t feel any relief at that. Instead, he felt anger and frustration—at Sunggyu for making him feel so insecure—at himself, for being the way he was—so sensitive.

Sunggyu noticed Woohyun’s serious expression and figured it had to do with whatever he was watching on TV.

“Oh don’t worry, these aren’t the channel women, they’re just a girl group.”

But Woohyun remained stone faced.

“I…” He began quietly. “I’m going to go shower and get ready.”

“Do you want me to join you?” Sunggyu was (mostly) joking, but Woohyun completely ignored him and wandered off to the bathroom.

Sunggyu frowned, sitting up straight. “What’s up with him?


“Ok, so the winter ball is coming up.” Sunggyu announced to the class. “And that means we’ll be transferring to the Rose Palace, so we can use their ballroom for dance practice.”

You know how to dance Ssaem?” Dongwoo asked, with wide eyes.

“Yes!” Sunggyu frowned, looking around at all the prince’s surprised expressions. “Why is that so shocking?”

There was a moment of silence, before he groaned.

“O-Ok, so maybe I won’t be the one leading the dance lessons.” He mumbled, and all the princes laughed and nodded because that made more sense. “But,” Sunggyu noticed Woohyun standing off to the side. He had been extremely quiet the whole time. “Woohyun’s a way better dancer than me, so he’ll be the one who’ll be helping you guys out more.”

There was an awkward silence at that, and everyone’s gazes lowered. Sunggyu looked from Woohyun to the princes in confusion.

“Did something happen yesterday?” He asked. “What’s going on?”

“Uh it was just a little something.” Dongwoo smiled sheepishly. “You see—.”

“It was nothing.” Woohyun cut him off, sending Dongwoo a look. “Really.” He shrugged it off casually, though he still didn’t make eye contact with Sunggyu.


The princes filed out of the library and into the official royal van they would use to drive over to the Rose Palace.

Woohyun did a head count, making sure everyone was there, before returning inside the library to help Sunggyu with any paperwork or anything they may have forgotten.

“Ok, everyone’s ready—.”

“Are you ok?” Sunggyu pulled his briefcase off the table and walked up to him.

Woohyun nodded indifferently and turned to leave, but Sunggyu gripped onto his arm, stopping him.

“Is it about this morning? Because if it is you’re being stupid.”

Woohyun froze, as he slowly turned to face Sunggyu. “…What?”

“About those girls on the TV, I mean I was just looking at them! You’re the one who slept with one! And a princess at that—!”

“…Are you kidding me right now?” Woohyun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry right then. Sunggyu couldn’t be more wrong, but it hurt so much that that’s what he thought of him. All he saw Woohyun as was some clingy jealous, annoying thing. Like he didn't even think about why Woohyun might be so clingy.

“Oh or is it about Cecile again? I swear you’re worse than those jealous girlfriends from high school.” Sunggyu sighed. Woohyun’s lower lip trembled slightly and his hands curled into fists at his sides.

“If I’m so bad, break up with me then.” He muttered and turned to leave.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Yah, I wasn’t being serious!” But Woohyun didn’t stop or turn around. Sunggyu followed after him. “Woohyun, it was a stupid joke. Aish, quit being so dramatic—!”

“I told you!” Woohyun turned around as Sunggyu reached for his arm. “If I’m so annoying to you, then just leave me! Just leave me again!” He lowered his gaze. “You did it once before so it should be easy for you…” He added under his breath and stepped out of the library towards the van, leaving a slightly stunned Sunggyu standing there.


The car ride over to the Rose Palace was…uncomfortable to say the least. Even though Sunggyu was attempting to make it seem like everything was ok and was even quizzing the princes on winter ball etiquette as he drove, the princes weren’t stupid. Woohyun was completely silent, sitting at the front passenger’s seat, with an empty expression.

Unlike Sunggyu who was trying way too hard, Woohyun wasn’t even bothering to make it seem like things were fine at all.

“Yah,” Sungyeol nudged Sungjong, who sat beside him at the back seat. “You think they fought?”

Sungjong turned to him, with a concerned look. “It seems like it, doesn’t it?”

They both glanced at Hoya who was sitting beside them.

“What?” Hoya frowned. “Why’re you looking at me?”


They had their dance lessons in the same ballroom that they used for Myungsoo’s party. Except this time it wasn’t filled with royalty and busy waiters now, and was rather empty, which only served to make the space seem that much bigger.

Sunggyu walked over to a couple of small round tables and chairs in the corner and pulled out a chair. Then he sat down and heaved a tired sigh.

“So…is there going to be any girls, or are we going to have to dance with ourselves?” Hoya asked. Sungyeol and Sungjong shot him looks that clearly said, “Its all your fault dad and mom are fighting.”

Hoya quickly averted his eyes, suddenly feeling super guilty.

“There’ll be a female instructor coming in and some princesses from other kingdoms who also need to prepare for the ball.” Sunggyu explained, standing up and resting his hands on his hips as he looked around. “They should be here soon…so while we wait, how about more quizzes?”

A collection of reluctant groans ensued.

Sunggyu frowned. “No complaining until you can answer all my questions correctly. What do you do if a princess of another kingdom asks you to dance, even though you’re not really interested?”

“Well I don’t know.” Sungyeol shrugged. “Politely refuse?”

“Wrong.” Sunggyu sighed. “You accept and dance with her anyways. It’s a perfect opportunity to build positive relations with another kingdom. Ok next question—.”

While all the princes groaned, Sunggyu’s eyes fell on Woohyun who was pushing chairs to the side, seemingly to make more room for them to practice dancing. But there was already more than enough room, and it was clearly just busy work.

You did it once before so it should be easy for you…

Sunggyu wondered where that suddenly came from. Why would Woohyun be bringing that up now? When they seemed to be doing fine—no better than fine.

“Could it be…he hasn’t forgiven me yet?” Sunggyu sighed. He scanned the room, and noticed Dongwoo worriedly eyeing Woohyun as well. That was it. Dongwoo knew what happened.

“All of you keep quizzing each other.” Sunggyu announced and dragged Dongwoo out of the ballroom.

“Ssaem, what’s wrong?” Dongwoo asked as the two stopped outside the ballroom in the hallway.

“You…” Sunggyu suddenly felt embarrassed to be trying to dig up information about his Woohyun from other people and one of his students no less. “Um…”

“Ah, its about Woohyun right?” Dongwoo grinned, knowingly, and Sunggyu sheepishly nodded.

“Did …something happen yesterday?”

“I don’t know if I should…” Dongwoo rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t think he wants me to tell you—.”

“Yah, I’m your teacher. You have to do what I say.” Sunggyu demanded. “Plus…” He averted his eyes. “Woohyun…”

Seeing how concerned he was, Dongwoo easily gave in. “He took us to the Rose Palace to bake cookies yesterday.” Dongwoo admitted. “And well, Hoya kind of told him that we all hate him—.”

“He what?” Sunggyu gasped. For anyone else it might have not been such a big deal for a teacher to be told they were hated by their students, but this wasn’t any other person. This was Woohyun.

Sunggyu shook his head, angrily. “I’ll teach him a lesson—.”

“Wait, Ssaem!” Dongwoo stopped him. “I…I don’t think that’s it. I mean I think that is bothering Woohyun, but…it kind of feels like there’s something else, you know?”

“Something else?”

You did it once before so it should be easy for you…

“Ah…” Sunggyu nodded, realization suddenly dawning on him. Woohyun was finding it difficult to trust him because he left once before.  And Woohyun probably figured depending on Sunggyu and admitting the incident with the princes would only serve to bother Sunggyu and make him leave again.

Of course, how could he forget? That’s how Woohyun was. He could win the emotional manipulation Olympics if there were such a thing. Keeping things to himself "for the sake of others" would be his sport of choice.

That part of him never failed to frustrate Sunggyu because it only served to be more of a burden when there was obviously something bothering Woohyun, but he wouldn’t just come out and say it.

“What, does he think he’s doing me a favor?” He muttered. “That dummy…”


Woohyun attempted to stack a chair on top of a pile of already stacked chairs in the corner. Unfortunately it slipped out of his hands, but luckily it didn’t pulverize his feet, because a pair of hands caught it, placing it down beside Woohyun.

“Thanks Myungsoo.” Woohyun smiled slightly at the Rose Prince.

“Are you ok hyung?” Myungsoo blinked.

“Yeah.” Woohyun nodded, keeping his focus on the stack of chairs.

“Oh, ok.” Myungsoo looked down, fiddling with his fingers.

Suddenly there was a crashing sound and they both turned to see Sungyeol wincing and clutching onto his foot, a chair on the floor beside him.

“Are you ok?” Woohyun and Myungsoo approached him as Sungjong helped him up.

“I was just…” Sungyeol glanced at Sungjong. “We were just trying to help.”

Sungjong nodded as well, as they both shyly glanced at Woohyun.

Woohyun smiled softly. “You guys don’t have to do that.”

The two young princes, glanced behind them at Hoya who was awkwardly standing behind them.

“Uh…” Hoya hesitantly stepped forward, folding his hands in front of him. “I—.”

“Ok, everyone.” Sunggyu returned, clasping his hands together. Dongwoo was trailing behind him. Hoya winced in regret and Sungyeol and Sungjong groaned.

“Ssaem!” Sungjong frowned.

“Hm?” Sunggyu blinked. “What?”

Sungyeol and Sungjong sighed. “Never mind…”

“Apparently the princesses…are not showing up today.” Sunggyu announced.

“So class is cancelled?” Sungyeol cheered.

“No.” They all turned as a short, slim, forty-something woman in leggings and a red flowery skirt marched up to them. “You will choose partners amongst each other and learn the dance!” She did a dramatic pose, that looked to be imitating a bird of some kind.

“Uh, right.” Sunggyu gestured to the woman. “This will be your instructor—.”

The lady held a hand up in front of him. “I will introduce myself, thank you very much.”

Sunggyu nodded politely and took a step back.

“I am Lilyetta Jiyoung Bella Imogen Mary Adelaide.”

The princes were silent.

“But you can just call me Lily.” She smiled rather gently, and it only served to instill more fear into the boys.

“L-Lily sunsaeng—.”

“No! Just Lily.” She announced, flicking a long wavy strand of dark hair behind her shoulder. The princes all glanced worriedly at Sunggyu who nodded that it was ok.

“Now, choose your partners!” She commanded, pointing to the sky.

“Um,” Sunggyu cleared his throat. “Lily-sshi…the students are on the ground—.”

Lily turned to Sunggyu, smiling to hold back her annoyance. “Yes I know that Tumblegyu-sshi.”

“Tumble…?” Sunggyu frowned. “Um, actually its Sunggyu—.”

Lily clapped her hands loudly. “I don’t have all day! Partner up!”

The princes all looked at each other awkwardly. Myungsoo hesitantly glanced at Sungyeol. Maybe they could be partners. Myungsoo thought things were going quite well with Sungyeol and they were really becoming close friends—.

“We’ll be together!” Sungyeol hooked arms with Sungjong, causing Myungsoo’s heart to collapse.

Dongwoo laughed awkwardly. “This is sort of weird…to be partnered with another guy though, isn’t it—.”

“Fine, I will choose partners, since you’re all too wishy washy!” Lily yelled. “You,” She pointed at Dongwoo. “You be with him.” She pointed at Woohyun, who immediately frowned.

“Um, I’m not a student.” Woohyun said.

“Fine! You,” She pointed at Hoya. “Will be with him!” She pointed at Woohyun again.

“Um, excuse me,” Woohyun walked up to her. “I’m not a student—.”

“There isn’t an even number of students!” Lily interrupted. “So you just do it! Plus, you’re on the shorter side and can act the female role for them to practice.”

Woohyun didn’t like the sound of that at all. But…if it was to help the princes—

Sunggyu suddenly put a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he turned to the older teacher, Sunggyu was sending him a reassuring smile. Woohyun remained blank faced, however and brushed Sunggyu off.

They were matched to their heights, so Dongwoo and Hoya were partnered together because they were both the shortest, and Sungyeol was with Sungjong. That left Myungsoo to be partnered with Woohyun.

“Sorry, you have to be with the teacher.” Woohyun smiled sheepishly.

“I don’t mind. I like being with hyung.” Myungsoo mumbled.

“But,” Woohyun glanced at Sungyeol who kept eyeing them, trying to appear inconspicuous. “I bet you wanted to be with someone else, huh?”

Myungsoo blinked, not really knowing what Woohyun meant. “What about hyung?”

Woohyun snorted. “Yah, I’m not going to be at the ball.”

“You’re not coming?” Myungsoo frowned. “But…I thought you were.”

“What, you want me to come?” Woohyun smiled. “You’ll have to bring me as your date then.” And then they both laughed.

If Myungsoo was a more aware person, he might have noticed Sunggyu’s eyes continually landing on the back of his head. But he wasn’t so he remained oblivious.

Sunggyu folded his arms, somewhat impatiently. “Lily-sshi…don’t you think Myungsoo might be, I don’t know suited better with someone else—.”

“Not like that!” Lily hissed, marching up to a very awkward Dongwoo and Hoya.

Sunggyu heaved a sigh, finding a chair and sitting down. He massaged his temples, closing his eyes for a moment, but when they opened, all he could see was Woohyun.

So last night…when he came over, he was already unhappy? Was he just…pretending?” But Sunggyu did remember how tightly Woohyun held onto him last night and how he refused to let go. And when Sunggyu got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, Woohyun immediately sat up, attacking him with a barrage of questions about where he was going. Woohyun was clingy, but even for him that was too much. “I guess the signs were all there…I just didn’t look hard enough.”

“You need to be closer together!” Lily snapped, practically shoving Hoya into Dongwoo, who laughed awkwardly. “Listen up!” She clapped her hands, garnering the attention of everyone. “You need to hold the person you’re dancing with so close, so dear, right next to your heart.” She patted her chest. Dongwoo looked away awkwardly, and Hoya stared at the floor. “It needs to be desperate, needy, almost as if you’re afraid they’ll fly away if you don’t grasp onto them so tightly. Your partner is your lover and gravity is failing them! Do you want them to float away into the sky and burn up in the atmosphere—?!”

“Um, Lily-sshi,” Sunggyu sighed, interrupting the dance instructor’s dramatic spiel. “They’re going to be dancing with princesses at a winter ball. It would be best if they didn’t hold on that tightly and kept it respectful and polite.”

Lily turned to him. “Is that so?”

Sunggyu nodded somewhat timidly. For some reason this woman was very intimidating.

“Tumblegyu-sshi,” Lily pressed her red lined lips together thinly. “Are you a character of the dance?”

“…A what?”

“Then you should shut up.” Lily tossed her hands dismissively at him and headed for Sungyeol and Sungjong now.

Ok, now Sunggyu was getting pissed off. Figures there wasn’t a sane person born in the Rose Kingdom.

“Excuse me.” He followed after her. “But this is my class, and you—.”

“What’s that? Your class?” Lily scoffed. “Ok then, you teach them then.”

Sunggyu stood in front of her, mouth hanging open. “T-That…”

“Everyone, looks like Tumblegyu-sshi will be—.”

Woohyun suddenly pulled away from Myungsoo and marched right up to them. He clicked his fingers and a Spanish guitar strummed and then a classy tango beat played out as he pulled Lily in rather firmly. He proceeded to spin her around, and even dipped her at the end, all the while being light on his feet, and keeping his stance solid in a tango that managed to blow everyone's minds.

After the song ended, everyone was silent, stunned, except for Lily who managed a weak, “Wow…”

Woohyun merely let go of her, subtly meeting Sunggyu’s eyes.

“Should we get back to the lesson?” He said in a nonchalant manner.

Lily nodded, still slightly in a daze, and proceeded to pick apart every detail of Sungyeol and Sungjong’s stance.

Sunggyu was still staring at Woohyun. He gave him a small nod—his version of a “thank you.”

Woohyun seemed to somewhat acknowledge it and returned to Myungsoo.


After class ended and Lily left, the princes all followed Myungsoo to his room to hang out, leaving Sunggyu and Woohyun alone in the huge, glittery ball room.

Woohyun was in the middle of turning off the speakers, when Sunggyu suddenly walked up to him and hugged him. Woohyun dropped the wire, arms limply hanging at his sides. But they slowly moved to their rightful place around Sunggyu’s waist.

Sunggyu didn’t even need to say sorry, or maybe his warm embrace was his way of saying it. Or maybe Woohyun was just too easy when it came to Sunggyu.

“Tomorrow…” Sunggyu murmured in his ear. “I’ll still be here.”

Woohyun’s voice hitched in his throat, as he clutched on tighter to the back of Sunggyu’s shirt. “A-And the next day?”

Sunggyu smiled to himself. “The day after tomorrow too.”

“What about the day after that?” Woohyun asked.

“Yeah the day after that too.”

“What about next Wednesday?”

Sunggyu pulled away slightly to show Woohyun his jokingly contemplative look. “Mm I don’t know, I think I have plans that day—.”



So relatively serious chapter with them fighting and all...but now that they've made up, well you know what that calls for ohohoh~ ;-)

No I'm kidding probably.

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Chapter 38: Silently hoping that u will update this story soon. And Life's Exam as well, pleaseeee
Chapter 38: Doneee~ reread this from the beginning for the nth time wahh this is a great moodbooster, I'll never get sick of these chapters lmao
Chapter 38: I know i should be wondering about Woogyu but I’m still super curious on WooSoo’s relationship and why they’re so close and all
Chapter 19: Jinwoo is so me in this chapter lmao, I'll probably act like him too if I have a housemate like that tree xD
ramentae #5
Chapter 38: I'm so glad i found this fic, i really wish it was completed. Sigh. Absolutely loved it but my poor woogyu heart got wounded so much tho.
Chapter 26: Your story isn't boring whatsoever ots so funny and creative! I loooove it its makes me laugh a lot!! A d the fluff is amazing *0*
Chapter 21: Man this makes me wonder who will top!!!! Please be Hyun bcz gyu is too cute and adorable to top and bcz I haven't seen how you'll try and do how bottom gyu will react like.... And how tophyun will be like!!!!
Chapter 38: I think it's not just Sunggyu,, even I become ually frustrated too reading this.. hahahaa..

Hope you can update this story soon Howling-san :)
shinjiteii #9
Chapter 38: I read this years ago and couldn't find it till some time ago. They are so cute
2wooyeoll #10
Chapter 37: LET WOOGYU DAMN! T.T