Extra classes + tutor

In your sister place


At a cafeteria after the school.

You, Su Min, and Yun Hee are talking about what you want to do this summer.

“So, Hana, what will you do?” Yun Hee asked.

“I want to do a portrait, so I need to practice till I make it.” You said and drank from your hot chocolate.

“I want to give my all and become as smart as you, so I will study all the summer. I will go to extra classes even if I will take the exams.” Su Min said to you.

“It’s good to make yourself a purpose but the reason must be because you want to do it not to impress someone.” You said to her.

“I want to.” She said stuttering.

“Come on, we know you like D.O and because he seems to like smart girls you are doing this. You are even wearing glasses, you don’t need them.” Yun Hee said making her agree on us.

“Okay, I admit, I like him and I want to show him that I can be smart too, but I want it too, I want to prove to myself too, that I can do it.” She said very proud.

You smiled knowing that whatever you would say to her she would do what she wants to, she at least knows what she wants.

You then though about your sister that you knew that wasn’t so good at school. You just wanted to hear this from her too. But wanting to dance is a purpose too, no?

It is the last day of exams and you are going back with your sister. She is again listening to music. You wanted to know what is with her.

“Jin, lets go to the park, I need to rest from the exams.” You said hoping to found what is bothering her.

“You, to take a rest, for you this is like a walk, for me was like running from bad guys that are chasing me.” She said almost getting angry.

“Good, you are speaking to me, can you tell me what is wrong now?”

She looked at you and turned around showing you her back.

You knew that she doesn’t want you to see her because she did something bad.

“What did you do?”

“Well, there will be a single dance competition for women in Seoul and the winner will get to work with the best in the dancing field. You know that I love to dance.”

“Okay, and?” you knew it wasn’t over, she always loved to avoid answering you.

“I was practicing for it every day, I can’t go there not prepared, there will the best dancers in the country, and everyone will see me dancing, I love to dance and to be perfect doing it…” she couldn’t finish.

“Stop, what you did?” you asked not wanting to wait for her to tell you, because that might have took a longer time.

“I failed at math.”

“You failed at math?” you said a little louder. But she didn’t turned to you.

“And what else did you failed?” you asked knowing that she was still hiding from you.


“Physics?” you said a lot more louder. But she was still showing you her back.

“Jin, what else?” you were angry, actually not angry that she failed but because she didn’t ask you for help.

“Chemistry.” She then turned to you and hugged you.

“I’m sorry for not telling you, I don’t want to stay all the summer here, I want to go and dance.” She said crying on your shoulder.

“It’s okay, but our parents needs to know. You know they will be gone for three months so we at least should tell them this.” You said.

You arrived at your house.

“Jin, Hana, come and eat, tell us what you did.” Your mom yelled from the kitchen.

“Coming, mom.” You said.

After the dinner, she told them, they didn’t said anything for a few minutes making the mood in the room very dark and scary, If you would had to paint what you felt, the painting would be a black one with no colors on it.

After the silent treatment.

“You will take extra classes at your school.” Your father said.

“But, can’t I study at home?” she asked hoping he will let her stay home.

“You want at home too? Okay then, you will have a tutor too.” He said like this made him happier.

“Tutor, why not my sister?”

“You had all this time to ask her help, you didn’t, so I think you don’t want her now, am I not right?” he was right.

Jin remained silent, knowing that anything she would say would make things worst.

At Luhan place. In the same night.

“I am done, this dance is killing me, why did you made it so difficult?” Tao asked while laying on the sofa.

“Remember, you made half of the moves, they are really good by the way.” Lay said taking the laptop and watching the dance searching for any mistakes.

“Yes, I made them, I should yell at myself now.” He said that but he thought about yelling at the other team.

“Hey guys, stop talking about the dance, it is perfect as it is now, but, there is news for us.” Xiumin said coming from Luhan room.

“Luhan will be teaching our high school ulzzang, Jin Ae.” He said it loud not knowing that behind him was Kris, that by the way, looked like he would kill anyone now.

“Luhan, come quick.” Chen yelled from the kitchen.

“I am coming, I’m coming, why don’t you let me take the shower properly?”

“Why are you the one teaching Jin?” Kris got directly at the problem.

“A, about that you are yelling like this, Chen? For your knowledge, her parents hired me, and I need money so I took the job. Are you afraid I will steal her from you? Well, don’t be, I don’t like her.” Luhan said going to the kitchen and starting to eat alongside Chen.

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too