Meeting "my" tutor

In your sister place


The next morning, after the fight between your parents and your sister, your parents had to leave to Japan for three months.

“Hana, I trust you, so take good care of your sister while we are gone.” Your father said to you putting they’re bags in the car.

“I am always taking care of her, so I promise you she will be fine.” You said giving both of them a strong hug.

Your sister was there too but because of what happened last night she didn’t say anything and just hugged them.

Your parents left, you and your sister entered the house and you saw her being silent, again, it was weird for you, she is always happy when she is with you only, at home, she is like this only when something is worrying her.

“Jin, what is wrong?” you said, took a book and sat on the sofa in the living room.

“You know that I want to go to that dancing competition. There is a rule to participate. You need to learn they’re choreography to be able to enter. And to do that you need to stay in the dorm, in Seoul.” Your sister said sitting next to the table in front of the sofa you are on.

You stood there reading the book, you heard what she said and accepted only to the part “…in Seoul.”.

“Seoul? What will you do with the school and tutor? No, you can’t go.” You said throwing the book on the table.

“But, sis, I want to go, is everything I always wanted, can’t you help me? Please!” she said sitting next to you and taking your right hand, squeezing it.

You didn’t wanted her to do anything that would make your parents angry, but seeing her so happy whenever she is dancing or seeing her favorite dancers on stage, you couldn’t make her sad by not letting her do what she wants.

“Jin, I will let you go, even if I am not really agreeing it, but what about the school and tutor. If he will tell our parents, you will be in big trouble, and I, in a bigger one.” You said looking at her.

“Well, can’t you go at school in my place, and I promise you I will do anything you want to compensate.” She said happy knowing that she will go.

“You don’t have to help me with anything, you don’t have what to do, I am helping you because I care about you and your happiness, and now for you, that happiness is dancing.”

“I know that you like that boy in Kris’s team, Lay.” She said looking at you smiling, and making it seem like she wants to make him like you.

“Lay? I don’t like him, I like his dancing.” You said that only to make her stop saying that you like him. You knew that he will never look at you, he never looks at you at school, so it’s no point in thinking about him.

“Okay, sis, if this is what you want.” She said to you.

“When are you leaving for Seoul?” you asked her.

“Tomorrow morning.” She said going upstairs to make her bag.

“What!!! Tomorrow? Are you kidding me? Tomorrow is your first day of school.” You yelled at her from downstairs, loud enough for her to hear you.

That night you two spent trying to make you look and act more like her, even though you two were sisters, identical twins, the way you acted with others was different from her. In appearance, the two of you weren’t that different, only the glasses and the way you did your hair.

“The only thing that you need to do is to stay in the class and study, it is really good that you don’t have to pretend that you are me in dancing class, you would really get discovered.” Your sister said to you.

“Really, that bad you think that I dance?” you asked her hoping that she doesn’t agree with you.

“Yes, you dance bad.” She said looking at you.

You two staid that night and talked about everything.

The next morning your sister had to go to the train and you to school. You got out of your room and your sister face changed.

“Wow, you really scared me, I though it was a mirror. You really do look like me.”

You smiled and hugged her.

“What are you going to say to your friends, where you are?” she asked you.

“Well, I told them last night, before sleeping, that I will go to Seoul to paint and practice my portraits skills. So everything is going well. But I need your phone, here, you take mine.” You gave her your phone and took hers.

You went to school, she got a taxi and left.

You waved at her thinking that this may be the worst decision you had ever took in your life.

The first day at school.

You entered the school yard and everyone that was out at that moment said “Hi.” to you. They never said it to you before, it seems your sister is more loved in the school that you thought.

In your class, it was math class, there were only ten students. You knew one of them, it was one from Chen’s team, his name was Xiumin and that was everything you knew about him.

“Jin, I am so happy that you are in this class.” A girl came to you, with big eyes, like she wanted to eat you up.

You tried to stay as much as you can smiling, but the fact that the girl said that she is happy that your sister failed at math, made you fell bad and angry.

You sat in one of the desks at the window, leaving a seat open, not wanting to speak to anyone.

A boy came in the room, and when you looked at him, you couldn’t believe your eyes, it was him, it was Lay.

You smiled really bid but being in your sisters place you looked at the book on your desk.

“Hello, Xiumin, lucky you are here too.” Lay said to Xiumin and sat between you two, on the empty seat.

That day it was math all day, but for you it was heaven. The teacher spoke in front of the class, but since for you it was boring, you only looked at Lay, taking glances whenever you could. You noticed he was really tired, maybe the practice was too hard.

The classes ended for that day but you didn’t wanted to leave, you wanted to stay there, close to Lay, for a longer time.

After school your sister had to meet her tutor, and so, you went to the meeting. You though that he must be an old teacher, but when you saw the one staying on table at window, where you had to meet, you couldn’t believe.

‘Come on, not him, please, I see him once a week in student council meetings. I don’t like how smart he thinks he is.’ you though while going all smiley to the table.

“Hello, you must be my tutor.” You said to him.

“Hi, Jin Ae, yes I am your tutor, sit down, I will make it quick. I am paid to do this and I need that money. So can you please study and everything will be fine and quick for me too. I will tell you from now, I don’t like girls like you.” He said while looking scary.

‘What’s wrong with him, how can he say this to me, wait to my sister, that is worst. I am not letting him.’ but you couldn’t say anything.

“That is great, I also don’t like you. I want it to be quick and I promise you that I will study.” You said to him imitating his way of talking.

“Good.” He said and left the coffee shop.

‘I can’t believe, my day was so good before meeting this “know it all”.’ You thought while drinking the chocolate that he bought for you. He drank his really quick, maybe before you arrived, because he didn’t had any drink on the table.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too