
In your sister place


After the competition, everyone gathered at Luhan’s place, Exo-K and Exo-M were the first time in the same place, except the school, being happy together. You, Yun Hee and Su Min went too, you all staid till the morning playing, eating, talking, learning more about each other.

Some of the boys were playing games on computer, Chanyeol won every game making Tao angry and upset, Sehun and Xiumin tried they’re best too, but they didn’t win, in the kitchen D.O, Kai, Lay and Su Min were making bibimbap.

Actually D.O, made it with a little help from Su Min, the other two were there to eat the remains.

“Kai, I told you to cut the kimchi, not to eat it, Lay, you too, you need to arrange them in the bal, you are putting them in your mouth instead. With these two, we won’t eat anything.” D.O complained to Su Min that agreed to him.

“Ya, Kai, Lay, stop eating, or else, bring something to me too.” Chanyeol yelled.

“Me too.”  Sehun yelled too.

“Hey, stop being kids, we will eat here, at the table, together at the same time, so, boys, listen to D.O. He is the cook.” Suho told them.

You wanted to help them but D.O doesn’t accept anyone in his kitchen, well Su Min can enter because she taught him some of her recipes, her father has a restaurant and she learned to cook from her mother, she is the cook in their restaurant.

You help Suho, along side Yun Hee and Chen to arrange the table, it is a big table.

Baekhyun and Kris are watching the boys playing games on computer waiting for they’re turn. Luhan is in bathroom, he wanted to take a bath, and think more about his feelings.

Everyone came to eat, the food is delicious, it’s because D.O made it.

“Let’s play a game!” Tao said making everyone sit on the floor.

“What game?” Kris asked.

“Let’s play truth or dare.” Tao said.

“No, how about, king’s game?” Sehun asked.

“How is that?” you asked never hearing about it.

“Well, we need 12 cards, one of the joker cards is the king and the rest 11 of them are numbers, from 1 to ten and one K. We pick one card, the one that has the joker, is the king, he can pick two numbers and throw the dice to do the punishment. It’s a funny game.” Sehun explained.

“What are the punishments?” Lay asked.

“Let’s make them.” Tao said.

“Ok, then how about, dancing y, the two of them?” Chanyeol said.

“Why not dancing slow?” Baekhyun said.

“Hug.” Lay said making everyone look at him.

“Kiss.” Said Kai, turning all the head’s to him.

“Wait, kiss? No don’t put that.” Luhan said.

“It’s already on the list, two more.” Sehun said.

“For them to say ‘I LOVE YOU’, to one another.” Xiumin said smiling.

“Drink, I don’t know, a beer.” D.O said pointing to the beer cans in the kitchen.

“Let’s start.” Sehun said sharing the cards.

“I am the king.” Xiumin yelled happy.

“I pick, 4 and 8.” And he threw the dice.

“One, hey who is it?” Xiumin asked.

It was Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they danced making everyone laugh of them, they danced too y making it funny and disgusting for Luhan due to the face he did.

The next round the king was Suho and he picked 10 and 3 to do the punishment.

‘Oh no! I’m 3.’

The dice was rolling and it stopped showing number 3. Kai stand up.

“Who is the lucky one that will hug me?” He said.

“Me, let’s hug if you want.” D.O said spreading his arms wide in a funny pose, a wannabe y pose, making everyone laugh.

Kai wanted to hug him.

“Hey, not so fast, it’s not me.” D.O said making everyone laugh once again.

“It’s me.” You said standing up, hugging him.

Kai had big eyes, he wasn’t expected you to be the one that has to hug him. The hug was short but he looked like he wanted it to last longer.

The king now is you, and you picked 5 and 9, you threw the dice and if fell on 4.

It was Su Min and Xiumin.

“Wait! Kiss?” she asked scared. She looked at D.O, that seemed to not like the idea.

She looked at him not knowing what to do, Xiumin realized that D.O is looking angry at him so he took her head in his hands and kissed her on the cheek but made it look like it was on the lips. D.O made bigger eyes.

“Hey, Xiumin, I said a kiss, you did it on the cheek.” Sehun said, that was next to him seeing everything.

“It’s a kiss.” He said.

She turned all red and looked at D.O that was avoiding her eyes.

The game went on. Chen and Kris had to dance slow, the funniest scene was Lay and Luhan saying “I love you”, after that Luhan hated the game. Suho and Baekhyun had to hug, Yun Hee and Chen had to kiss, but Chen kissed her on the forehead making her sad. You and Kris had to dace y, but what you did only y it wasn’t. You were picked again with Luhan and had to drink beer, he didn’t let you drink so he drank two cups. Su Min and Yun hee got picked too, the punishment was to say “I love you” but it wasn’t as funny as Luhan and Lay’s one. Suho and D.O danced y, Xiumin and kris hugged, Chanyeol and Su Min danced slow making D.O jealous again, You and Chen had to hug but for you was normal, you were friends. Tao and Luhan had to drink, Luhan drank and after another round of him having to drink with Kris, he was almost drunk.

You were picked again with Luhan, the punishment was kissing, Luhan being almost drunk, he only heard that he had to kiss you so he kissed you in front of everyone making some of them scream of joy, and some to just look angry at you two. You didn’t do anything to stop him, you were surprised about it too, but Kris couln’t take it and stopped you too, throwing the almost drunk Luhan on the floor.

“How about we play anther game?” Sehun asked trying to change the mood in the room.

Luhan was awake but choose to stay and watch, he didn’t had the power to play another game.

“Let’s play truth or dare.” Tao said.

“No, how about ‘I love you’ game?” Suho said.

“I love you?” Xiumin asked.

“Yes, you have to say I love you to the person next to you and he can accept it, turning to the next person or to decline making you turn back to the one next to you. But you can’t laugh.” Suho explained.

“Ok.” Xiumin said.

And the game started.

Tao said to Sehun that was in his right, Sehun said it to Xiumin, Xiumin to Su Min, Su Min to D.O, but hers was from the heart, D.O to Kai but Kai declined, he knows about them, D.O turned to Su Min, Su Min to Xiumin, Xiumin to Sehun, Sehun to Tao, Tao to Suho, Suho to Baekhyun, Baekhyun to Chanyeol, Chanyeol to Kris, and so on, the best parts were when Kris said it to Yun Hee and she declined, when Chanyeol said it to Baekhyun, making it look y, Baekhyun couldn’t keep it and laughed and made the game start again. Kai said to you, you to Lay, because Luhan that was next to you is not playing, Lay to Chen, Chen to Yun Hee, making her red and happy, she told Kris but he declined, everyone laughed because they knew that Kris was hurt when she declined his, so Yun Hee had to say “I love you” to Chen, she did it from the bottom of her heart.

The game was good but went fast and the laugh was unstoppable so you started another one, to make Tao happy you did truth or dare.

“Finally.” Tao said.

Luhan was looking at you all playing and he really wanted to join.

You turned the bottle, it was the beer bottle, and the first one to say was Lay.

“Truth or dare?” you asked.


“Do you like someone?”

“Yes, dancing.” He said making you all laugh.

He turned the bottle on Tao.


“I dare you to hug the big boy there, Kris.”

He hugged him saying “Doizang” in a funny voice.

He turned the bottle and it landed on Su Min.


“Do you need to wear those glasses?”

“No.” she said it looking down. D.O looked at her and saw her sad gave her the bottle.

“Your turn.” He said.

She turned it and landed on Chanyeol.


“I dare you to kiss someone next to you.” She said being angry on the fact that she had to say that she doesn’t need the glasses.

Chanyeol looked on his left, it was Kris, he looked angry, so he turned to Baekhyun and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Everyone screamed.

Chanyeol turned the bottle and it landed on Chen.


“Say I like you to someone here.”

Chen looked at you but he didn’t want to say it to you, he liked you but he couldn’t, he looked around and his eyes landed on Yun Hee, he took a breath and said.

“I like you!” she was red, the game before had ‘I love you’ but this time he picked her.

Luhan looked sad at you playing.

“Guys, let me play too.” He said pouting.

“No, stay there.” Kris said.

 “This is the last time, it’s two o’clock, we need tomorrow, no, today, to go to school” Sehun said.

The bottle landed on you.


“Who was your first kiss?” Chen asked you.

You thought about it and you remembered Kris, under that tree.

“Kris.” You said looking down.

Everyone looked at you, then at Kris, Luhan was also surprised.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too