Dream or not?

In your sister place


Next day at school, it was physics class and once again Lay was next to you. It was because in the class there were only five kids. Next to lay was a girl that seemed to be more interested in the boys behind us. They were Tao and Sehun, from the other team. You noticed that they smiled and talked a lot but that wasn’t really the think you cared about, actually Lay was in first place for you.

That class went really quick, after that you knew that Luhan will come to your house to do your first tutoring ever.

Ding dong dang dong~ You opened and Luhan stood there looking scary at you.

“Let’s begin. I need to go and practice after this, the practice room is near my house but yours is far from mine, so I need to get home quick.” He said sitting next to the table in the living room.

You sat down on the sofa and listened to him, actually you only looked at him and nodded, you were occupied thinking at other things that bothered you. About your sister, Lay being in your extra classes, lying to your parents.

He saw that you are not paying attention.

“Jin Ae, can you listen to me? I know this is boring for you but try to make an effort, please.” He said.

“I am listening to you, and look I did this.” You said showing him the paper on what you had wrote your answers at the questions he gave to you, showing you how to resolve them.

He looked at the paper, it was all correct.

“Well, I see that you know how to do this equation. Then, being this the first thing you need to know to be able to move onto more difficult ones, and you seem to know, is better to leave them for other day, I will go then.” He said standing up.

“Wait, you only staid for half hour, you want to be paid for an hour and stay only this long? Okay, I get it, you want to do it quick. I think I should tell my parents that we are going to do it quick, half hour.” You said going to the kitchen to take a cup of water.

He looked at you and knowing that he needs money he said.

“Okay, I will stay till eight o’clock, half hour is not so long, I can still go to the practice room.” He said sitting down again.

You stopped drinking seeing his action.

‘Good job Hana, now you need to stay with him another half hour, why did I said that? Stupid Hana.’ you were thinking but your facial didn’t show it. You could go to acting class and you would pass.

“Why do you need to earn money? Can’t your parents help you?” you asked him trying to found out more about him.

“I don’t want to depend on my parents money, like you are doing.” He said to you making you fell bad for a second.

‘Wait, I really depend on they’re money.’

“But my parent’s have good jobs.” You said trying to not fell bad.

“Well mine, do not, they live in Samcheok, Gangwon-do and they are taking care of a little shop, they don’t have money to keep me study here. I came here because of my dream, and I am doing part time jobs in my free time to pay for my rent.” He said to you.

‘He has a heart too, wow, I think he is not so “know it all” after all.’

“Well, what can you know, you lived all your life like a princes, with everyone next to you, helping you, even your sister, that I thought she is smart enough to get the real you, is always doing whatever you want.”

‘Back to being “know it all”.’

It was already eight o’clock but speaking to him was really better that you thought.

The next day was your chemistry class, Lay was far from you, he sat on the other side of the class making you turn your head to look at him, and that was difficult not to be seen by others. The teacher entered and, surprise, it was Kris, the boy your sister never stopped talking about. You saw him smiling at you, you looked at him smiling too, but feeling weird. That class, was never ending, you couldn’t look at Lay, Kris never stopped looking at you, and you knew everything Kris said.

You went home, Luhan came to tutor you and left, so you are alone in the house.

You staid inside for four days drawing portraits, but you still couldn’t make them.

You did your mother, father, sister, colleagues, you even tried Chen and Su Min but nothing. Your room was full of unfinished portraits, on the table, on the floor, on the bad, on wall. You were really messy, your excuse was “All artists are messy, they don’t have time to be thinking about what is next to them, they need to think at the painting only.”, it was not so true but to you it was enough.

It was math class again, and you were not feeling well, it was that day of the month and for you that was the worst day in the month.

Ever since you and your sister were having these pains, the two of you needed to be together, You were twins but the fact that the pains were always at the same time, was really strange.

You always hugged each other and staid like that till you fell asleep.

You were now at school, but not even the fact that Lay is next to you didn’t made you better. The class went slow.

Luhan came to the tutoring classes, he saw you looked pale but he didn’t say anything.

You were sitting on the sofa but looking down to the floor.

“Jin Ae, I know it is boring but pay attention, again.” Luhan said not looking at you.

He then looked at you not hearing you’re response and seeing you looking hurt he took a seat on the sofa next to you trying to see what is wrong.

“Jin Ae, are you felling good?’ he said touching your back.

You were in such big pains that you didn’t care about him being next to you, at this moment, and not your sister, you hugged him like you did with your sister. He looked at you surprised.

“Jin Ae, what are you doing?” He asked you trying to take you off him.

“Just a moment, please, I need to hug someone right now, my sister is not here to hug me, I need my sister, I miss my sister.” You said not knowing exactly what are you doing.

 He let you hug him and lied in the sofa making you stay comfortable.

“Okay, I will stay with you then.” He said to you really quietly letting you fall asleep.

It was pass midnight, you were asleep, making the pains not being that bad but you said something that made Luhan wake up and look at you.

“Sis, I miss you…” and made a pout, a tear came down your cheek.

Luhan saw the tear and took it from your cheek touching you gentle making you smile, he looked at you and something inside him made him come closer to you and touched your lips with his, after this he looked at you scared.

‘Why did I kissed her?’

He couldn’t make you leave him to go, you were hugging his waist and, the same as with your sister, never let go.

You had a dream at the time, in it he kissed you on a beach and for you the kiss seemed so real, that made you wake up, it was 6:50 o’clock, with ten minutes before the alarm to ring.

You felt that you were hugging someone, you thought about your sister.

‘Jin!!!...wait! Jin is not here.’

You looked up and saw two big and beautiful eyes looking at you, it was Luhan, your noses were almost touching and you could feel his breath.

“Ya, what are you doing?” you throw him on the floor.

“Finally, you are letting go of me, but you didn’t had to throw me like this though.” Luhan said.

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too