First portrait

In your sister place



Hana, how are you doing?


From:Su Min

Hey, Hana, how is Seoul? I wish I was with you, I wanted to buy some dresses. Miss you.


From:Yun Hee

How are your portraits going? I miss you. Tomorrow I will go to cinema with your sister and the boys, I wish you were here with me.


Your sister opened the phone after it was shut down. She didn’t had time to make phone calls, she needs to be all day in practice room.

“Sis, you’re friends are missing you, they sent a lot of messages to your phone.” She called you.

“Hi, Jin, really? Can you tell them that I am okay, tell them that I am doing portraits over portraits. But how are you?”

“I am practicing all day, but I like it, thank you for helping me. How is Kris?”

“Kris? He’s okay, I think. He is your chemistry teacher.” You said trying to hide that he kissed you.

“He didn’t do to you anything, right?”

“No.” you lied.

After you finished talking at the phone you went back on doing portraits.

You wanted to do Yun Hee but your brain made it difficult.

untitled_by_deniza17-d5xkhmh.jpgWhenever you thought about her you saw her face and everything was perfect into making the portrait, but when the pencil touched the paper, the image changed and in place of Yun Hee’s face you saw Luhan’s. You closed your eyes and tried to picture a landscape, somewhere with lots of flowers, a bridge, water, something that ca clear your head. But Luhan face appeared there too, it was like he followed you whenever you closed your eyes. You took another paper and the pencil and started to do his portrait, if his face is in your head, why not try, maybe it will work.

So you started, you closed your eyes and thought about him, you saw him smiling, looking up with light in his eyes, he was perfect in your head. You looked at the drawing and for your surprise it really looked like him. You closed your eyes again and you remembered how he looked in the cinema, before entering, while eating popcorn, you draw him with his mouth open and a hand in the popcorn bag, he looked so happy. You looked at the drawing, it was perfect, exactly like him in your head. You then thought of him in the time he was tutoring you. When he sat down at the table and looked at you with his eyes, you draw him and it was again perfect.

You couldn’t believe, he was the first person you had ever draw. You wanted, at that moment, to tell someone, but you couldn’t.

Ring ding dong. Your phone rang.


“Jin, I came today to tutor you, I know it’s Friday but I can’t come to you on Monday. I will go this weekend at my parents house and I will stay till Monday. So can I come in now?” Luhan said to you at phone.

You were drawing, and like always, whenever you draw, the mess in your room is really big that you could never get out of there. You were staying on the floor, with the paper on tripod, the only things next to you, that you knew where they were, where the pencil and eraser. Around you were drawings and pieces of paper everywhere.

“Okay, if you got here enter and wait for me down stairs.” You said to him.

The door opened, he was at your door when he called you, he looked for you but he didn’t saw you.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“At home. In my …sisters room.” You were almost telling him the truth.

“I am in your house, why don’t you close the door? I know that this area is safe, but be careful, not that I care.” He yelled from downstairs, closing the phone.

‘What, in the house?’ you looked at the phone.

You hurried to go down, but you hurt your leg on the bed while trying to hide everything, and rushed down.

He heard you get hurt and rushed upstairs. He saw you on the floor in the hallway, with the door of your room open, showing the mess inside.

You looked at him scared that he may see his portraits.

He helped you stand up but, in the place you got hurt, was a big bruise, and that made you not being able to stand on that leg.

He put you on the bed in your room, putting all the papers on the floor. He looked at them.

“Wow, so this is what your sister is drawing?” he asked you.

“Well, she is trying to do portraits.” You said.

He looked at you leg.

“Where is you medicine?” he asked you.

You pointed at the drawer, he took it and took care of your wound.

“I heard from Chen that she is a good painter, but I never saw one.” He said to you.

“Do you want to see one?” you asked him, you always liked seeing other people reactions to your paintings.

You showed him a painting of a landscape, the one that makes you calm all the time.

“This is awesome, she is really a good painter.” He said looking at the painting.

“She always liked to paint, ever since she was young, she liked colors. She painted everything she imagined, dreamed making her happy to see whatever she saw in her head on the paper.” You told him, actually for you was a little odd to talk about yourself as a third person. But that was the truth.

“I always saw her at school, she is quiet, smart and has a funny personality but I never knew this side of her. She reminds me of my grandma. She always liked to look at the sea and draw it. She was a really good person and she liked to make me feel good when I was feeling bad, by drawing something for me. I liked to watch her drawing, but she is not here anymore.” He said to you with tears in his eyes.

You saw his tears and felt bad, you wanted to hug him.

He saw you were looking at him worried and he stood up.

“Let’s go down stairs, I came to do lessons with you.” He said going down.

You followed him.

‘He has a heart. I am so sorry for his grandma, he really loved her, and he misses her so much. He looks so good. His eyes are beautiful, his nose, his mouth…’ you thought not paying attention at what he told you. You looked at him and it was like that was the only thing you could do.

He looked at you and saw you looking at him.

“Jin Ae, wake up.” He said to you because you looked like you were not there with him.

“Why are you always calling me Jin Ae? Everyone is calling me Jin.” You asked him.

“Don’t you remember? In the first day of school you were with Kris and I said that I liked your sister’s personality more. You were offended and started yelling at me, I know that the fact that Kris heard me made you upset, but he loves you the way you are. I was just saying my opinion. And since I don’t like girls that think that they can have everything, that everybody loves them, I didn’t talk to you ever again, well only now, since I am tutoring you. And about the name, you told me to call you like this.” He said to you.

‘He liked my personality? Wait, stop Hana, he is not for you. Lay, Lay.’




PS: The drawing is made by me, sorry if is not so great as the story says it is.

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too