
In your sister place


You two talked about everything, forgetting about math and everything else.

“Why are you going home?” you asked him.

“Sunday is my grandma’s one year after her death, I need to be there.” He said looking sad.

You looked at him and felt that you wanted to hug him again but stopped.

“I am sorry.” You said looking at the floor tring to refrain yourself form hugging him.

“You are changed, the Jin Ae that I know, never cared of other people.” He said to you.

“You are wrong, I care, I am like this because I don’t want to get hurt, everyone is looking at my appearance, judging me, for me dancing is in first place, that is way I don’t have friends, I don’t have time to trust in other people beside my sister.” You said to him thinking about your sister. It was true, no one knew the real her, only you.

“Your sister must be an amazing person for you to trust her.” He said.

“I don’t know.” You said forgetting that you are your sister, answering like you were the one speaking. You laughed.

“She is, she is.” You said trying to make him forget what you said, making it a joke.

“I want to see more from her paintings.” He said.

“Come then, There is a room full with her paintings from childhood till now, but there is no light, I will bring a flashlight.” You said taking him to the room.

Estonian_landscape_by_DoodleWithGlueGun.He went inside, the room was full and made him amazed.

He stopped in front of one, and stood there.

You went to him.

“This is what she dreamed once, she did this one year ago,

“Her style reminds me of my grandma, sorry if I talk to much about her, but she was really important for me.”

You looked at him and even if the light was poor, you could see his tears in his eyes. You couldn’t leave him like this, you hugged him, he hugged you, the light turned of, the flashlight was off, only the light from the living room lighted the small room.

You two stood there hugged.

Your sister phone rang from the living room making you look at each other.

You left him and went to answer.


“Jin, it’s me Yun Hee, I received a message from your sister and she told me that I should stay with you if I am bored. So do you want tomorrow to go and hang out?” she asked you.

“I would love to. Okay, meet you in front of  coffee shop.” You said happily.

“Okay, bye.”


You were happy, finally you could go out with them, you really missed them too.

Luhan came to the living room.

“I will go now. Sorry for what happened. I am like this due to my grandma’s death, don’t think of something else.” He said to you.

He left your house, but for you is like the house was empty, even after you found out that you will be going with your friends out, you were sad for some reason.

In front of the coffee shop.

You arrived there for five minutes but no one came. You saw Chen and Yun Hee coming.

“Hey, guys.” You yelled at them.

“Why are you here? You never come this early, only your sister likes to come five minutes early.” Yun Hee said to you.

‘That’s right. Why did I come earlier, stupid Hana, stupid.’

“I had something to do around here.” You said, but Chen was looking at you with questioning eyes.

“Let’s go inside.”

“What coffee do you want?” the waitress asked you.

“Hot chocolate, please.” You said.

“Coffee, for me.” Yun Hee said.

“Coffee, for me too.” Chen said.

“So, Jin, what are you doing home alone?” Yun Hee asked you.

“Just sleeping, eating, what a person would do.” You said to them, but you couldn’t tell them that you are actually doing portraits all day, your sister doesn’t do portraits, not even simple drawings.

“Sleeping, you, how come you are not in the practice room, dancing? And this is the first time you are talking to me. Since we were young you didn’t talk with me, you always thought I am taking your sister from you.” Chen said drinking his coffee.

“That’s right, even to me you are cold sometimes. And we know each other from middle school. What happened?” Yun Hee asked you suspicious.

You started getting nervous, and when you are nervous your eyes are moving from side to side, avoiding they’re eyes.

“See, I told you, it’s her.” Yun Hee told Chen.

“Who?” you asked.

“Come on, Hana, we know you are, from the message I received from you, that was full of hearts and emoticons that you never use. You even said “I love you”. You never say this, you said that the only person you will say it will be your husband, you always say “I like you” , and more that that, the way your eyes are moving, is showing that you are nervous, so why are you pretending to be your sister?” she asked you making you amazed about how well she knows you.




PS: the painting is one that I liked, I wish I had the talent to do such a beautiful painting.

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too