Let's make a song

In your sister place


The next day, you woke up and your sister wasn’t in the room. The sun was shining in the room. You got up and walked to the big window, you opened the balcony door and stepped out. The wind was refreshing. You stayed there for a while.

In the room next to yours were Luhan, Lay and Chen. Lay walked in the balcony too, your balcony was separated from theirs by two chairs and a lot of flowers, it looked like in a magazine. You took a seat on one of the chairs.

Lay came out not noticing you, he listened to his headphones, you didn’t saw him either.

He looked at the sea in front of him and wanting to sit on the chair he saw you there with closed eyes.

“Hey! Hana. If you want to sleep, why don’t you go inside.?” He asked you.

You opened your eyes and saw Lay looking at you with his dimple showing on his face, you then knew why you liked him, he was perfect, you smiled to him.

“I like it here, is peace and quiet.” You said looking at the sea.

“I like it too. It’s a perfect place to make music.” He said.

“That’s right. When is your Seoul competition?” you asked him.

“We have more than two weeks. But we need to chose another song to dance to.” He said looking at the sea.

“Lay, where is Chen?” Luhan came out from the room, his hair was messy and the pajamas too big for him, and the t-shirt was wrongly ed. It looked funny so the two of you started laughing.

“What is wrong?” he asked.

You didn’t tell him anything and kept laughing.

He went to the bathroom in a hurry and saw haw he looked. He came back all dressed.

“What! The pajama was brought before leaving and I couldn’t find a smaller size. And about the buttons, I sleep without the t-shirt on, I put it just now and I didn’t look if I do it well. So stop laughing.” He said trying to excuse himself, but you and Lay didn’t stop laughing, he was funny excusing and trying to make you stop.

“I should have taken a picture.” You said.

He took a chair from inside the room and sat next to Lay.

“What are you two doing here?” Luhan asked.

“I am looking at the sea, I like how quiet it is.” You said closing your eyes.

“I am trying to think about what song we should dance on.” Lay said looking at the sky.

“Then I will look at the sea too.” He said looking at the sea.

“Hey guys, I bought you hot chocolate.” Chen came in the balcony with three cups of hot chocolate.

“Wait, I didn’t knew that you are here too, Hana, I will bring another one.” He said leaving the three cups.

“Hi, Hana, are you awake?” Yun Hee came in the balcony with a cup of coffee.

“Yes, I am, I am just liking the peace in this place.” You said.

“I will sit here too then.” She said taking a chair and sat next to you.

Next to Luhans room was Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun and Tao’s room.

“What are you doing here without us? Hey boys, come here too, they are all here.” Chanyeol said making all the boys come to the balcony too.

From the peace and quiet that was before, it all turned to a noisy place.

“Chanyeol, do you see those girls?” Baekhyun asked.

“Where, where?” Chanyeol screamed.

“How come you don’t see them, even I can see them.” Sehun said.

You looked angry at them making Lay, Luhan and Yun Hee laugh hard.

“Morning everyone, do you know where the boys are?” Xiumin came with the same hairstyle as Luhan had.

Everyone laughed, he was too funny.

“What? What! What happened?” he asked and went to the mirror.

“Aaa!!!!! My hair!!!” he screamed making everyone laugh at him harder.

“Look, Kris is there, and so is Jin.” Tao yelled.

They went on a walk on the beach.

“Who is D.O with? See? There.” Chanyeol asked.

“I can’t see.” Sehun said.

“Hey! Come, Sun Hi said that there is a room perfect for dancing. Let’s go and practice for the competition.” Kai yelled from the ground under the balcony. He was together with Sun Hi.

“Let’s go! Finally someone is talking about dancing around here.” Lay said jumping from the balcony, well it was only one floor.

Everyone went there.

“D.O, Kris come here.” Suho called them.

In the dancing room Chen sat with D.O, Baekhyun, Lay and Luhan thinking about the song.

Kai and the rest were practicing Hystory.

You and the girls were watching them. Jin couldn’t stop imitating they’re dance, she looked at it only two times and she was dancing perfectly.

“Guys, what song you think we should dance to?” Chen asked.

“Why don’t you do one, you did one already.” You said making all look at you.

“The song we had was from my father, we only put the lyrics.” Tao said.

“Well Chen likes to sing, so is D.O, Luhan and Baekhyun, you can make one. On Chen’s laptop is a program that can help you. Why don’t you try?” you said.

“I don’t know.” Chen said.

“Well, you can try. How about the four of you write a song each, in a day, and we will see witch song is the best?” Suho asked.

“Great idea.” You said standing up.

They all started to dance to history.

Chen went on a walk on the beach to try to find something to make the song.

Yun Hee was also there, but she was on the sand looking at the sky, at the moon. She thought about her love for Chen, how he never looked at her, he was always next to her but she felt how his mind was in another place. Her tears formed in her eyes and the moon made them shine so big that the passing Chen saw. He went to her.

“Yun! Are you crying?” He asked worried.

She looked at him and instead to say that she was not, her tears couldn’t stop. She always tried to smile whenever they were together, she wanted him to be happy. From the day he told her that he liked you, and knowing that you wouldn’t feel the same for him, she promised to herself that she will make him happy. But now she just couldn’t. She cried.

“Yun! Don’t cry.” He said hugging her.

He started singing.

“Baby don’t cry, tonight, When the dark night lit up, Baby don’t cry, tonight, Just treat it as if nothing happened…”

“It’s great! The song is great.” She said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

He then took his phone and recorded it. He, that night, made the song.

D.O and Su Min were walking in the other side of the beach. They were holding hands. He looked at her and kissed her but something clicked in his head.

“When you hold my hand, the whole world envies
When you kiss me, I finally realize this feeling will never change
My babe, baby babe, baby baby babe
I can’t not think of you, whether this is love…”

He started singing, and started running to the house.

“What’s wrong?” Su Min asked.

“I need to write this somewhere.” He yelled happy.

You were on the balcony watching the stars. Luhan came to you with a hot chocolate.

“Here. This is for you. I saw that you like this.” He said.

“Thank you.” You said.

The both of you looked at the sky and he started singing to you.

“I’ll block you from strong wings as your protector, You’ll have me forever, even if the world is cold and indifferent, Every time you suffer and you are wronged. I’ll wipe your tears away, If it’s you and me, no mater where, Heaven is anytime and anywhere…”

You listened with your eyes closed.

You looked at him and he kissed you.

“Thank you, I am going to write it down.” He said leaving you there.

In Baekhyun’s room.

“Can you guys keep it down, I am trying here.” Baekhyun asked the boys in his room. They were busy talking than to care about his song.

Baekhyun tried to think about something, but nothing. The noise made it worse.

“Mama, mama, mama…” he stopped.

“Who are you calling?” Chanyeol asked him.

“Shh!” he told him keeping his eyes closed.

“Careless, careless, shut anonymous, anonymous, heartless, midless, no one who care about me…” he opened his eyes and started to write.

“What was that, he looked like he was praying. Let’s go out.” Sehun said to the boys that where scared as well.

The next day everyone had to present they’re song.

D.O went first.

“Baekhyun can you help me?” he asked.


They started.


“The song is called ‘What is love’.” D.O said with a smile on his face.

Everyone clapped, it was amazing.

Next was Chen.

“Luhan, help me please.” He said.

“Okay, Okay.”


 They sang leaving everyone speachless.

Next was Luhan.

“I saw that we can ask for help, then Chen, Lay, Xiumin, can you?” he asked them.

“You helped me, I will too.” Chen said.

“Let’s start.” Xiumin said.


You listened to the song and it was as beautiful as last night when he sang it to you.

It was Baekhyun turn.

“All your songs need only two or four members, mine needs all the members, so how about doing mine?” he asked.

“How is the sound?” Suho asked.

“We heard the beginning and is scary.” Sehun said.

“It has an impact, but is really great.” Baekhyun said singing it to them and telling them what part they would sing.

“I will make the dance.” Kai said.

“I will help you.” Said Lay

“I want to do some wushu, try to make place for me too.” Tao said to the two.

“I can help you with the costumes, the song seems scary so how about Hana to paint your faces?” Sun Hi said.

So this is how your second day in Jeju island went.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too