Jeju Island

In your sister place


During the class, the only thing she was looking at, was Kris.

After the school she waited for him under that tree, but he didn’t come. She then called him, you and her changed your phones back in  the morning.

“My prince, where are you?” she asked him.

“Princess? You are back? Wait for me.” He said rushing to the place she was.

“My prince!” she yelled when she saw him.

“Princess, I missed you, where were you, I worried for you. Never do this again.” He said to her.

“I missed you to. I promise that next time I wont forget to say it to you.” She said pouting.

“I’m glad that you are here.” He said kissing her.

“And this is the way you kiss, I knew that it wasn’t you when I kissed your sister.” He said kissing her again.

She stopped.

“You did what? You kissed my sister?” she asked angry.

“I thought it was you, my princess. But where were you?” he asked her changing the subject.

She kissed him harder.

“See, this if for you to forget that you ever kissed her, okay?” she said to him.

“I was in Seoul, I wanted to participate at a dancing competition, but came back. A teacher liked my dancing and offered me a place in his university, so I came back to take my exams. Will you help me?” she asked him.

“Of course.”

They hugged.

The two weeks went fast, Jin tried her best to understand what you taught her.

The exams are finished. You, Luhan, Kris and the other boys were waiting for the results to be shown. Jin, Xiumin, Lay, Tao and Sehun were inside waiting as well.

Tao and Sehun came smiling.

“We passed.” They yelled and hugged making the other boys hug them too.

Xiumin came after with a sad face.

“I hate math, I will never take this exam again.” He said making everyone worry.

“What happened?” Luhan asked him.

“I passed!!!” he yelled.

“Ya, you joker.” Luhan screamed at him.

Jin and Lay had to take three exams, they came and tried to fake some sad faces.

“You are not as good as me.” Xiumin told them making everyone laugh.

They started laughing as well.

“I passed.” Jin said.

“Me too.” Lay agreed.

“How about we all go in a vacation, together?” Kai asked.

“Where?” Suho asked.

“A friend of mine has a house on Jeju island, she said she would love to let us go there in the weekend.” Kai said.

“You can stay as much as you want, my parents never go there. They are to busy in Seoul.” Sun Hi said coming from behind Kai.

“President, thank you.” Xiumin said jumping from happiness.

You decided to go. You are now in Gimpo airport and waiting for the plane to arrive.

“I can’t wait.” Xiumin said.

You have sickness of height, your sister knew and staid near you in airport trying to make you forget about it.

Luhan saw and came to you.

“What is wrong?” he asked.

“She has height sickness, I can’t let her alone.” Jin said.

“Jin, come here.” Kris yelled wanting her to go and take her ticket.

“I can’t.” she yelled back.

“Go, I will take care of her.” Luhan said holding you.

Finally you entered the plane. Next to you was Luhan and Xiumin at the window watching everything that moved and screaming like a kid.

Behind you was Chen, Yun Hee and Lay that never took of his headphones.

Your sis, Kris and Suho were next to your seats. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun and Tao were in front of you and in front of them were D.O, Su Min, Kai and Sun Hi.

Your sickness had worsened and you tried to sleep to make it go away.

Luhan took your head and put it on his shoulder. Xiumin was too occupied in watching out the window to see the two of you.

Chen fell asleep to, and Yun Hee seeing Luhan she did the same. Lay fell asleep listening to music.

Your sis and Kris hugged the whole flight, Suho tried to not look at them so he fell asleep too.

 The boys in front of you didn’t stop playing making the ones in front not being able to sleep.

“Excuse them, they are like this all the time.” Kai said to Sun Hi.

She laughed at them and trying to see them she saw Kris and Jin hugging. She turned in front and looked down sad.

Kai looked to see what she saw and did the same.

D.O and Su Min were in their little world talking to each other.

The plane arrived at Jeju island. You got down with the help from Luhan that never left you alone.

In front of the airport there was a minibus waiting for you. The minibus took you to the house. It was a big house, with lots of rooms.

“Welcome in my house.” Sun Hi said.

“Wow, I like this house.” Xiumin screamed.

“You can see the sea from here.” Suho said.

It was night and the moon reflected in the water making it look beautiful.

That night you all went to sleep.

You picked a room and stayed with your sister. Su Min with Yun Hee and Sun Hi in Sun Hi’s room. Luhan with lay and Chen picked one room, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun and Tao in another one leaving Kris , D.O, Kai and Xiumin in the last one.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too