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In your sister place


After the games, you, Yun Hee and Chen went home. They stayed at your place.

The boys remained at Luhan’s place, only D.O left to take Su Min home. Her parents never liked her to spend night out, they trusted D.O, so they left her stay this late but not all night.

On they’re way home.

“Min, can I ask you something? Why do you wear glasses?” D.O asked her.

She looked at him shocked about his question.

“Because I like to wear glasses.” She said looking at the stars.

“The first time I saw you, you didn’t had them.” He said.

That is right, she didn’t. He told you one day, when he saw you, that he likes glasses girls and that he wants you to be friends. She heard that and liking him, she took some glasses that won’t harm her eyes and wore them.

“Well, I like how I look with them, I tried once and I wanted to have them.” She tried to find a reason.

“Well, you look better with them off.” He said looking at the stars she looked at.

She stopped and looked at him.

“You think so?”

“Of course, you look better as you are, you don’t need anything to wear to make you more beautiful.” He said making her blush.

“Why are you always looking at the stars?” he asked her.

“Well, the sky is clear today, and I like that, I can see Cassiopeia, see, there.” She said to him, going closer to him and pointing to the sky.

“Where?” he asked not seeing it.

“There, look, is in the shape of W, see now?” she said getting closer.

“Yes, I see it.” He said looking at her. She smiled looking at the sky. He looked at her and took her glasses off.

“It’s better this way.” He said to her.

She turned red.

“I have to say something to you.” He said.

She looked at him, without glasses on, and waited for him to say.

“That day, when I told Hana about me liking glasses girls, I was just trying to make a conversation, actually I am a shy boy, I liked the girl next to her but I couldn’t say it to her. I wanted to be friend with her but instead I said it to Hana. But when Hana said that she doesn’t like me, the girl I liked helped me to stay closer to Hana, even though it was her that I wanted to be close with.” He said to her.

Su Min stood silent.

“It’s you, Min, I like you, I always did, you don’t need the glasses, sorry that I am such a shy boy.” He said to her.

She smiled big and hugged him.

“But, what made you say it now?” she asked.

“Xiumin, Chanyeol, and the fact that I couldn’t lie to you anymore, I really wanted to do this.” He said kissing her.

At your place.

“Hana, what are you going to do with the exams? Are you going to take them in your sister place?” Yun Hee asked you.

You were in living room, Chen and Yun hee remained to sleep at your house, Chen was going to sleep in guest room and Yun Hee in your sisters. For you it was great, finally you are not alone.

“I don’t know.” You said not knowing how to answer.

In the morning, you were at school, it was Tuesday.

Chen woke up first making himself a hot chocolate in the kitchen.

Ding dong dang dong.

He heard the door bell and went to open it. Yun Hee heard it too and came down.

“Sis, I’m home.” Jin was at the door, all smiling.

When she saw that Chen is the one that opened the door she remained silent trying to hide her bag behind her.

“Hi, Jin, come inside, I know that you were in Seoul.” Chen said to her making her enter the house.

“Jin, finally you are home.” Yun yelled from the stairs.

“Where is my sis?” she asked not knowing why they were in the house and her sister no.

“She is in your place, at school, where you should had been all this time, you should be thankful to her.” Chen said drinking his chocolate.

“I know, I am thankful, but I have good news.” She said happily.

“What news?” Yun asked.

“One of the teachers there liked my dancing and he wants me to enter, after the high school is finished, the university that he is teaching at. And he said that all I have to do is to take all my exams and go there. Isn’t it great news?” she said.

“Don’t you have a dancing competition?” Chen asked.

“Yes, but I chose to come here and take the exams, that teacher heard all my story and how my sis is in my place at school, he said that I should be here taking my exams. He was so good to me, I am glad that I went there and meet him.” She said.

At the school you were almost sleeping on the table, Lay, Sehun and Tao were sleeping, they were more tired than you, after you left Luhans place they stayed one more hour and talked.

The physics teacher was really annoyed, she had to speak with only one kid in the whole class, not that you were a lot of students at that class, but it was enough for her to get mad.

The class finished and you went home. You entered the house and you saw your sis sitting on the sofa next to Yun Hee and Chen on the floor, talking.

“Jin, you came back!” you yelled and run to her hugging her.

“Sis, I missed you. I came to say that I am sorry that I put you to do this to me.” She said while hugging you.

“I wanted to help you, but what happened with the competition?” you asked her looking at her.

“Well, I am not going.” She said looking happy.

“What!!! Why not?”

“I had to chose between the competition and the university, the teacher helped me decide, so I chose to go to university.” She said happily.

“University, this is great, so you have a place in university? You are so smart, I still need to find where I want to go.” You said to her hugging her again.

You talked a lot. Chen and Yun hee had to go so the two of you were alone in the house now.

“So, you came to take the exams? This is great, but you are not prepared for them. Well I will help you.” You said to her from the kitchen, washing the dishes that you ate from.

Ding Dong Dang Dong. The door bell rang.

Your sister opened the door, you were busy in the kitchen.

 “Hana, I need to talk to you.” Luhan said hugging her in front of the door.

You saw them and the glass in your hand slipped making if fall on the floor broking in little pieces. The noise was so loud that both of them looked at you.

“Sis, are you okay?” Jin asked you pushing Luhan away and running to you.

Luhan looked at the two of you. You forgot to take out your contact lenses, making the two of you not being distinguished. He stood there.

You tried to take all the little pieces but you cut in one of them making Jin scream.

“Hana, wait for me, I will bring something.” She ran to your room.

Luhan looked at you and ran to you taking your finger and putting in his mouth.

You stayed there not moving, well it were broken glasses around you, but the way he looked at you, it was priceless, making you to stare at him.

Your sister came back with some patches, she saw you two and walked slowly back to the living room.

“I see that your sister is back.” He said helping you get out of the kitchen.

Your sister took a broom and a dustpan and cleared the floor. While you were going to the living room.

“Can I ask something? Why are you here?” your sister asked yelling from the kitchen.

“I am your tutor, why are you here?” he asked.

“This is my house, wait! So you are my tutor? I had to stay with you three days a week and study? I am so happy that I left. Thank you sis for letting me go.” She said coming back in the living room.

“You said that you want to take the exams, so you need tutor more than ever, you have two more weeks till the exams.” You said to her,

“Sis, why don’t you help me?” she asked in her sweet way.

“I will help you, let’s make it this way, I will help you with physics, Luhan with math and with chemistry, ask Kris, he is your teacher.” You said making both of them look at you.

“Okay, okay, I will listen to you, sis.” She said looking sad.

“Since Luhan is here, your first lesson will be math. We can do the physics in other day.”

“Okay.” She said knowing that she needs to take all the exams for her to go to that university.

You stood there looking at Luhan trying to make her understand, almost yelling.

This was really funny for you. The lesson took more than one hour and the two of them seemed that they would never get closer.

The next day she had to go to school.

“Jin, wake up, in ten minutes you have to go to school.” You said shaking her.

“No, five more minutes, please, sis.” She said slowly.

“It’s chemistry, your teacher is Kris. Don’t you want to see him?” you said to her  with your teasing voice.

She got up at the word ‘Kris’ and started to run in the house to get ready.

She left to school and made it on time, the power of love, no?


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too