Kimbap at practice

In your sister place


“Okay, okay, it’s me, Hana, sorry for not telling you, but I needed you to believe that I am my sister, if you would find out in the first time you saw me, then everyone might found out as well.” You said.

“It’s okay, but why are you doing it?” Chen asked you.

“Jin had to go to Seoul, there is a dancing competition that she really wanted to participate, and since our parent’s are not home, she went there leaving me take care of the house. The worst part is that I need to take her tutoring classes and go to extra classes at school.” You said to them.

“I think the school is really boring for you, no? and the tutoring thing too. If you need any help, you can ask me. Okay?” Yun said.

You went to school three days a week, took tutoring classes with Luhan after school, meet with Chen, Yun Hee and Su Min, that heard about you from Yun Hee, in your free time, did Luhan’s portraits whenever you though about him, you tried to draw Lay but you couldn’t, maybe Luhan is your muse, you thought. It passed a month and in a week is the dancing competition between Exo-M and K.

Luhan said to you that this week he won’t come to the tutoring classes. You said that is okay, he needed to practice more than teaching you, you didn’t need to study.

At school time went quick, it was boring.

It was math class, Lay was next you and seemed really tired.

“Jin, don’t you want to come and see how we are doing?” Xiumin asked you.

“I would like to but I don’t want to bother you from practicing.” You said.

“I think you should come, we need an opinion.” Lay said looking at you, smiling.

“Okay, I will come, I will make kimbap for you then.” You said to them.

“Kimbap, I can’t wait, it is good that you didn’t say baozi, Luhan really likes to call me that.” Xiumin said happy.

After school you went home and started to prepare them, you were happy. You missing Luhan, even if this is the first day he won’t come to your house, only the fact that he won’t come made you miss him.

‘I am not in love with him, no? Maybe it’s only the fact that he is the first one I made a portrait of. Right?’

You arrived at they’re practice room, they were all dancing and sweating, but they looked good.

Xiumin saw you, actually smelled the kimbap, and came to you.

“Kimbap, boys kimbap is here.” He yelled.

“Xiumin, I know that kimbap is the only thing you see right now,but say at least hello or thanks to …Jin.” Chen came to you smiling and almost saying your name.

You laughed seeing them eating like they didn’t ate in a while. Kris looked at you with a sad face, like you did something wrong. Actually, you did, well your sister did, you in your sister place did, before your sister leaving they made plans for the summer, to go and visit the sea, to meet everyday, but your sister forgot to tell you, and she also forgot to say to him that she really is in Seoul and that you are in her place.

Luhan and you, were now best friends, well at least while you were in your sisters place, you never knew that he liked the real you but knew that Chen likes you too he never did something and tried to forget you, he didn’t like to suffer, so he ran from falling in love. Now, after kissing you and staying with you for an hour three days a week, he tried to forget the kiss, he again knew that Kris loves you and that you love Kris back, so he run away once again. He has the worst luck.

Chen, knowing that you are in place of your sister, now is talking with you more. He, Yun and Sun Mi came to your house every weekend. You showed them your portraits.

They finished eating, and now they are taking a break. Kris called you outside.

Chen saw you, he didn’t like that he took you, but he couldn’t say anything.

“What is wrong? Are you starting to forget about me? You didn’t call me. You promised me that you would call.” He said to you putting his arm on the wall behind you making you not being able to move.

“Sorry for not calling, but I didn’t had time.” You said trying to make him leave you alone.

“I know you love me too, you know I love you.” He said and once again tried to kiss you but he couldn’t, someone yelled for you, it was Chen.

“Jin! I need to ask you something.” He said.

You looked at him, went to him leaving Kris look at the wall. Chen took you to the staircase.

“Hana, why don’t you say to him the truth? He might leave you alone if he knows it.” He said to you.

“I can’t, he is my teacher at school, if he finds out I will be out, and my sister too.” You said to him.

“He wouldn’t let your sister to be kicked out of school, even I, the vice president of student council, am letting you pass.” He said.

“Well you are my friend that is why, he is in love with her but his sense of justice is bigger.” You said to him.

“Let’s go back, they might wonder where we are.” He said.

On your way back you laughed because one of the jokes that he said, he wanted you to smile more often, he didn’t like the worried you.

You entered and everyone was on the floor except Luhan that wasn’t in the room.

“Let’s start.” Chen said.

“We waited for you, where is Luhan?” Tao said.

Luhan opened the door, looked at you with angry eyes.

“I am here, let’s begin.” He said starting to dance.

‘Why did he look at me like that?’


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too