
In your sister place


The seven of you stayed in the practice room more than you wanted, but you felt like the time went fast and didn’t want to leave.

You bought seven cups of ramyeon and ate.

“Tomorrow is the last day promoting a movie, I really like that movie, I wanted to go today with my friend but I had to come here, so what you say, will you go with me?” Tao asked.

“Okay Tao, I will come.” Lay and Luhan said at the same time.

“Yes, thank you guys, Jin, will you come?” he asked you.

“Okay, I will come.” You said.

“I will come too.” Kris said seeing that you are going.

“Xiumin, Chen?”

“Okay, okay, I will come too.” Xiumin said still eating his ramyeon.

“Me too.” Chen said.

“But can’t I bring some of my friends?” Chen asked after eating.

“Yes, you can.” Tao said to him thinking how can he bring Sehun too.

“Yun Hee, do you want to come to movie tomorrow, there will be the boys in my team and Jin.” Chen called Yun Hee.

“She is coming, but she is bringing Su Min too.” Chen said to you all.

“D.O, do you want to go to a movie, we are going together with Hana’s sister.” Su Min said hopping that this will make him accept. She wanted to spend time with him.

“I will come but can I bring Sehun and the boys too, they are with me right now and they want to go too.” D.O said to her.

“Of course.” She said happily.

You went home, you weren’t alone, Kris, Luhan and Lay were with you.

Before leaving.

“I should go home.” You said.

“Okay let’s go.” Lay said to you standing up.

“Luhan, why are you letting her go alone.” Xiumin asked Luhan.

“She is not alone.” He said.

“You are the one that needs to take care of her, you are her tutor.”  Xiumin said making Luhan angry.

“Okay, let’s go.” He stood up going to the door not watching you.

“I will take he home, boys wait.” Kris yelled after you that were already outside.

The next day, you had chemistry, Kris looked at you all day.

After the class, you, Lay and Kris headed to the cinema.

Luhan, Chen, Xiumin were there waiting for you all. Behind you were Kai, D.O, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Suho coming.

“What are they doing here?” Kris asked.

“They came with me.” Su Min said, showing her head behind them.

“And who are you?” Kris asked again.

“She came with me.” Yun Hee showed herself.

“And you are?” Kris kept on asking.

“She is my friend, I asked her, remember?” Chen said making Kris feel bad.

“Where is Tao? He brought us here.” Kris said changing the subject.

“We are here.” Tao and Sehun came from inside, with a big popcorn bag.

They all went inside.

You had the seat in the middle, Luhan was on your left and Kris on your right. You looked after Lay and he was on Luhan’s left. Xiumin, Chen, Yun Hee, Su Min, D.O were behind you. In the front row were Kai, Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Tao and Sehun were on the top raw, looking at you all, tjinking that they’re plan worked.

The movie was really good, but the way Kris looked at you made you wanting for it to end quickly. Whenever he tried to touch you, you moved far away from him. You even stopped eating from the big popcorn bag that was for you two, he tried to touch you, you ate from Luhan’s that was so into the movie that he was eating slowly, not realizing you are eating his.

It was a comedy, but there were some romantic scenes in it.

The female lead kissed in a forest, with rain falling on them, making everyone in the room fell the love, but not you. You saw Kris was doing something, you looked at him and saw his eyes watching you, trying to kiss you, you turned your head to the left making him to release a noise.


Luhan heard him and turned to him. You and Luhan are now in the same position as that morning but being dark no one saw you two, except Kris that was really jealous at this time.

You stood there not moving, like this is something that is normal. A noise came from the movie making the light come in the room, you two came back and turned to the screen like nothing happened.

After this, you couldn’t watch the movie anymore. You’re thoughts were in another place.

‘Why did I do that? The same thing happened that morning. What is happening to me? My heart is not stopping from beating. Don’t tell me I am falling for him.’ you asked yourself.

Luhan on the other side.

‘No, I need to stop thinking about her, kris is the one that loves her , not me. But why, why is she making me fell like this? It’s like she is not Jin that I know, she would never let me touch her. But she is Jin, maybe I feel she is different because I feel different around her now. No, don’t fall for her , Luhan, You can’t.’ he thought .

After the movie.

“Did you saw, the way he jumped that building? He was cool.” Tao said to Sehun. They seemed to enjoy the movie.

“The movie was awesome.” Yun Hee said.

“Yes it was.” Su Min joined.

Everyone agreed to it, okay the movie was good, but you don’t remember anything after that scene of kissing, due to what happened after that.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 17: nice story, enjoyed reading :D
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!! You drew that?! DAEBAK!!
Chapter 17: You are DAEBAK!!!!! :*
Chapter 7: Your drawing is so greaaatttt... DAEBAK !!
Wish I can draw like you...
Your stroy is great too