Chapter 7

I Fell In Love With My Boss
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from that day Yuri has called Yoona by her name since that what Yoona asking from has been a week from the 'dating' at the street and it also has be a long time Yoong didn't meet her gorjess boss.Yuri has been busy until Yoona don't have change to see her face at the company at all.the last time she said her boss is when the lift  almost closed the door but she was more fast then the lift.she be able to arrived right infront the door but something make she stop from press the button and just let the door close slowly.her boss was not alone, she with other was first time for Yoona to see that girl in the company.that also her first time to see her boss was laugh and and happily talk with other person."who is she"the first thing that Yoona thought in her mind.


it already passes a week since Yoona saw that girl in this company with Yuri.that girl will come to this company everyday with Yuri always besides her.she was really envy and jealous toward the girl cause she got Yuri attention.but one thing Yoona didn't know is what the relationship between both of them.that thing has make Yoona become miserable.her mind just keep thinking about both them.what the reason that girl is here and the most important is what is their relationship.


Yoona also has be missing her boss like crazy.seeing her face or heard her boss call her name is enough for her but her boss was so busy to do that to her.she has try other ways to meet her boss like stay at the office for a while after work time finish but it was failed cause her mom already threatened her if she going home late.this what she got when she  catch a cold after send Yuri home and come home late.





"Sooyoung"Yuri yelled cause feeling frustated with what her cousin behaviour.she was suppose to heard what she said cause soon she will take her place while she will take her father place.her father was asking her to teach Sooyoung before she can start working but it seem teaching Sooyoung is not a easy job for her to do.taking care of Kyungsan is much better then taking care of Sooyoung.


"what"she replied annoyingly while stuff the food to his mouth until full with food.


"can you please stop eating for a suppose to listen to what i said or asking me about what you don't know"she pack the food and call her secretary to take the food away.


"yah!! my food"she whined and pretend to faked crying.


"i don't know how your girlfriend can stand with your behaviour"Sooyoung then stop what she doing and tidy his cloth.


"that because she love me for who i am"she state proudly.


"yeah..whatever"she said while pass the document that she need to read.


"you know i always curious about someone.i thought it just concidence but after seeing her everyday i think she really come here by purpose.who is the girl that we meet infront the lift last week.i can still remember her face clearly cause i got to see her everyday.i know that she was giving a smile toward you and i know that you also smile to her when you saw her around"Soo said without look at Yuri.she just keep her face at the document.


"what do you mean"she didn't know that she got caught by Soo when she smile to Yoona.cause it already happen last week.she suppose to forget about it already.Yuri know Sooyoung well.she can easily orget something.

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 23: The plot is good. The character development was established. I hope you update soon author-nim! I believe in your skills.
angelic01 #2
Chapter 23: update plsssssss
Ctaish #3
Chapter 23: pleasee update this...
tazuri #4
Chapter 23: thank you for update i waited too long for this update hahahahahah thank you :D
umpks2004 #5
Chapter 23: thank you for the updates....
Chapter 23: WAAaaaaaaah!!! You finaly updated!! ^^
YoonYul is so sweeeet!! Hope Yoona will talk to her father now. XD
kwonchatiz1186 #7
Chapter 23: Oh my god...oh my god....
Im choding.....hahaha....
Thankz for updating....
Update soon please....
KumaKey88 #8
Omg i finally i saw your update
They are so sweat n more moment
Trackstar #9
Chapter 23: Ah this chapter is so sweet! Yoonyul's moments are getting sweeter and they are getting closer every time. I hope yoona can mend her relationship with her real dad soon and i'm also curious why her dad abandon her. There must be a reason for him to do so. I'm so happy to know that yuri is slowly opening her heart to yoona and she doesn't deny that yoona is her gf when introducing to mr choi. Thanks for the update! I love it and i really appreciate ur efforts for taking ur time up to do the update!
RealYoonYul #10
Chapter 23: kkyaa thanks you for update author ssi :) im scare you cant come back again kekkeke..
fighting for you !!!