Chapter 11

I Fell In Love With My Boss
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Sooyoung was walking around the office to survey their employee. she keep walking while munching her chips in one on her hands looking at the workers. she stop from walking when she saw a certain person. that person was really concentrate but her concentrate is not focused on her work but on the computer infront of her.


"ehemm" Sooyoung cleared when she walk closer to Yoona. Yoona was to focus until she didn't noticed Sooyoung just beside her. "what are you doing Miss Im " Sooyoung finally asked. Yoona then turned her head slowly to see who the one that disturb her "work". she was about to scold the person that dare to disturb her but stop when she see her soon to be girlfriend's cousin the one that disturb her. she quickly stood up and bowed to Sooyoung.


"annyeong Miss Choi" she greeted and gives her best smile.


"nae annyeong" Sooyoung replied but her eyed was looking at the computer. curious with what Yoona doing just now. Yoona look at Sooyoung and noticed the girl stare at the computer. she then quickly cover the computer with her body.


"looking for a tips huhh" she teased Yoona cause the girl looked down stare at the floor.


"you know you should not waste your time searching at the internet. you just can ask me directly. i'm the best person if you wants to know something about love" she proudly said.


"really" Yoona looks at Sooyoung up and down cause not believe with what Sooyoung has said."how come a girl like her is good in this. she just know how to eat only" she said in her mind.


"don't look down on me" Sooyoung was kinda mad a little when Yoona seem does not believe her.


"it not like that. You know Miss Kwon is not like other girls and i don't think your tips will be working on her" Yoona said.


"what the. this kids. then what about my girlfriends. she one of the best models in Korea and it not easy to court her you know" Sooyoung was frustated with what Yoona said.


"i'm sorry Miss Choi" she apologized with what she had said. "please guide me in this things. I'm still a newbie" Sooyoung just nodded her head and smirked.








"come on Yoona. you can do it. this for your own good too" She said to herself while look around searching for Yuri. after a few minutes waiting, finally she can saw Yuri's car from far. she then prepared herself before Yuri arrived.


"so how are you" Yoona asked. she asking the question not to Yuri but the girl that has been paid by Sooyoung to help Yoona.


"i'm always good. how about you" she replied while touch Yoona's cheeks with her fingers. "you not suppose to touch me. only my Yuri can do that" Yoona said in her mind. the scene has seen by Yuri as soon she come out for her car. she walk slowly to wait Yoona greeted her like usual but the girl was busy flirting until didn't noticed her. of course Yoona noticed her presence, she just try to control herslef from greeting and smile like fool at Yuri. she already make a promised to Sooyoung that she will ignore Yuri today. but seeing Yuri walks away passed without saying anything make she really wants to brake the promise. but for sudden she remember what Sooyoung had said. "this will make Yuri become yours soon" Yoona then take a breath and said in her mind that she can do this for winning Yuri's heart.


while walking pass Yoona, Yuri start too feel weird. its weird when her fangirl didn't even noticed her passing pass them. "did Yoona really didn't say me or she just pretend like that" she asked herself. she just then shrugged her shoulder to let this matter pass. she take a look at Yoona before the lift's door close tightly. "she so busy with that girl until didn't noticed me here" without she realised, she already start to pouts.


meanwhile Sooyoung already wait infront of Yuri's office cause she wants to see by herself what reaction Yuri will be when she saw Yoona this morning.


"hey cousin" she greeted with a big smile on her face.


"hmmm" Yuri replied and turn the knob and enter her office follow by Sooyoung.


"why so grumpy" she asked although she already know the reason.


"that girl just ignore me when she talking with other girls. did she blind that i just walking besides her. she was to focus on that girl until didn't noticed me huhh. she say im her miss right or what so ever but the title just disappear when she saw another pretty girls" Yuri said almost yelled cause feeling frustated.


"are you talking about Im Yoona" Soo asked.


"who else. she the one that follow me like a puppy nowadays" she replied.


"are you sure Yoona ignore you. i won't believe that. Yoona is just like a loyal girlfriends. she will st

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 23: The plot is good. The character development was established. I hope you update soon author-nim! I believe in your skills.
angelic01 #2
Chapter 23: update plsssssss
Ctaish #3
Chapter 23: pleasee update this...
tazuri #4
Chapter 23: thank you for update i waited too long for this update hahahahahah thank you :D
umpks2004 #5
Chapter 23: thank you for the updates....
Chapter 23: WAAaaaaaaah!!! You finaly updated!! ^^
YoonYul is so sweeeet!! Hope Yoona will talk to her father now. XD
kwonchatiz1186 #7
Chapter 23: Oh my god...oh my god....
Im choding.....hahaha....
Thankz for updating....
Update soon please....
KumaKey88 #8
Omg i finally i saw your update
They are so sweat n more moment
Trackstar #9
Chapter 23: Ah this chapter is so sweet! Yoonyul's moments are getting sweeter and they are getting closer every time. I hope yoona can mend her relationship with her real dad soon and i'm also curious why her dad abandon her. There must be a reason for him to do so. I'm so happy to know that yuri is slowly opening her heart to yoona and she doesn't deny that yoona is her gf when introducing to mr choi. Thanks for the update! I love it and i really appreciate ur efforts for taking ur time up to do the update!
RealYoonYul #10
Chapter 23: kkyaa thanks you for update author ssi :) im scare you cant come back again kekkeke..
fighting for you !!!