Camp Activity 7: Breaking and Entering

Life on the Top Bunk Bed

Hands were shaking Yesung awake. The bed was too comfortable for that though. The blankets were too warm and the pillows were too soft. It was not the right moment to be waking him up espicially at two in the morning. Kyuhyun didn't care though. He continued to pry the blankeys off Yesung and when the boy still didn't wake up, Kyuhyun climbed onto the top bunk and sat on Yesung's back since the boy had a bad habit of sleeping on his belly.

"Wake up." Kyuhyun whispered into the sleeping boy's ear. Yesung was awake of course and was aware of the heavy delinquent seated on him but his dreams were disturbed and that was not cool considering Yesung had helped Kyuhyun today. He had gotten Kyuhyun and Ms. Lee together so the stupid delinquent would stop bothering him and go bother the tutor instead. Why was he now sitting ontop of him at two in the morning with his knees pressed against Yesung's sides and his breath on his ear whispering things to him?

"Wakey wakey." the delinquent sang but Yesung blocked him out. That was until something wet slid around his earlobe causing Yesung to jerk around turning onto his back while managing to smack Kyuhyun in the face. 

"Aaaaagghh!!!" he cried holding his jaw and laid his head back against the wall the bed was placed next to. Yesung groaned too from his lack of sleep and he twisted around onto his back to glare at Kyuhyun who was still sitting on him, but now his legs. And his blankets were flung on the floor below.

"Did you  my ear?" Yesung wiped his ear that still felt wet and tingly from Kyuhyun's tongue. He did not believe that Kyuhyun actually  his ear. All Yesung was doing was sleeping. He wasn't bothering a single soul but apparently Kyuhyun just had to mess with him. Yesung has been sleepless for two days, he at most deserves some sleep now!

"You wouldn't wake up. You're lucky you didn't get what I usually do to wake up a house full of drunk clients for my mom." Yesung shuddered not wanting to know what that last part meant.

"Please let me sleep." he said instead and laid back down into his soft pillow and rolled his body into a ball since his blanket was on the floor. It wasn't long before Yesung's ear was covered with saliva again and he was finally awake.

"Just wake up and come help me. Is that so hard?" Kyuhyun snapped.

"Why should I help you? I already did enough of helping you yesterday." Yesung sighed, ruffling his bed head.

"That's just the problem. Ms. Lee had to go back to the school building to retrieve her stuff since she forgot about it when she went to visit you." he explained and glared at Yesung with disgust. "When she went inside she told me to stay watch outside and when she went in the door locked so she can't get out. I haven't seen her since but I can't get in through the window." Yesung eyed him warily, wondering if he was lying.

"Why didn't you just break the window?" Kyuhyun looked at him as if he was crazy. He had already tried that...last year and ended up with the most horrible punishment the Heenim could give him. He shuddered to even recall the memory. Being around his mom's certain job was never the same again.

"Just come help me, you're small enough to fit through the crack the window left." Yesung sighed. He didn't see what good it would do for him.

"If I do this will you finally let me sleep?" with Kyuhyun's nod they both snuck out of the boy's dorm and over the hill to the school building. Yesung just wished that everything would be solved easily so he could get some sleep. Although the way Kyuhyun didn't seem to be lying worried him. How much does the delinquent actually care about Ms. Lee? Was Yesung wrong about him the entire time and somewhere deep down in Kyuhyun there was actually a heart?


"Just squeeze through the gap!" Kyuhyun hissed while he steadied Yesung who was standing on his shoulders and was about to wobble off. The school building was completely dark and only a small street lamp nearby lit the place up enough for the two boys to see the window. The window was on the second floor but because the building partially sloped down on a hill they were able to reach it if only Yesung could get to the window.

"Then hold onto me. I feel like I'm about to fall." Yesung cried. He honestly didn't like what he was doing. He didn't trust Kyuhyun enough to know that everything wasn't a joke and Kyuhyun wouldn't just step away and send Yesung falling to the ground.

"Just hurry up and get inside. Ms. Lee is still in there!" Kyuhyun urged making Yesung roll his eyes. Stiffling a yawn his hands gripped the window as he tried to heave himself up and through it. On the count of three Yesung managed to hoist himself up and get half of his body through the window that was only opened halfway. Kyuhyun pushed him the rest of the way until he fell in with a thump. Yesung groaned as he stood up in the empty classroom where desks were scattered all over the place in a mess while text books lay on the floor. He turned around back to the window to see Kyuhyun looking up hoping to see him.

"What do I do now?" Yesung asked in a loud whisper.

"Go open the front door and open it for me." Kyuhyun answered and pointed to the front of the building. Yesung gave an exasperated sigh, hating the delinquent for doing this to him. The classroom was quiet and the building quieter. Convincing himself it was for his sleep, Yesung walked out of the classroom and through the halls. It was so big and everything seemed the same. Being new here, he hasn't even stepped foot within the building much less know how to get to the front door. As Yesung wandered the halls sleep began to creep on him again, beckoning him, and he collapsed on the first floor right after he descended from the flight of stairs.

Kyuhyun paced around outside the opened window. He had walked back in forth between the window and the front doors. There was no sign of Yesung. He thought he would be able to save Ms. Lee if Yesung would just cooperated, but the idiot still hasn't opened the door from inside. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes passed. Twenty minutes passed. Kyuhyun couldn't wait anymore, Yesung was taking too long and Ms. Lee could be in there anywhere. The both of them were. The delinquent figured it would just be easier if he took it upon himself to break into the school. He searched around for anything to use and found a large rock nestled near a bush. Grinning at his idea he rushed over and lifted up the rock before ing it against the front door. The glass shattered into large shards and clattered to the floor. Kyuhyun kicked away a few more pieces so he was able to get inside. Hoping no one would notice the broken door until tomorrow, he rushed in. 

The first floor was completely dark so Kyuhyun had to pull out his phone for light. He shone the Galaxy s4 that he stole from a kid at school around trying to make out any familiar figures. 

"Agh!" he yelped when he tripped over a lump on the ground when he was heading towards the stairs. Shining the phone down on the ground he saw Yesung who was curled up in a ball probably already dreaming. He was extremely annoyed now that the boy had fallen asleep instead of helping him. Surely, Kyuhyun was to be punished tomorrow for breaking into the school like that.

"Wake up!" he snapped at Yesung who groggily woke up again.

"Hey you got in." he smiled thinking it was time to go back to sleep again but Kyuhyun reached down and pulled him up by the scruff of his shirt.

"Where is Ms. Lee?" Kyuhyun asked completely ignoring Yesung.

"I don't know. But have you ever thought, if I was supposed to go open the front door for you wouldn't Ms. Lee be able to do that too? Maybe she left after you went looking for me to come help you." Yesung murmured. Even though he was half-awake he did make some sense.

"But why would she just leave me thinking that she was still here?" Kyuhyun suddenly sounded like a little kid having been abandoned. The delinquent slumped onto the stairs while Yesung watched. Yesung pained at his words. He understood more than anyone what the feeling of abandonment was like. Having been rid of all the things you've ever known in life and forced to live a different one was one of the most horriblest things one could encounter. No one understood as much as Yesung. And for once the two had something in common.

"Are you meaning to say, she just left without telling me?" Yesung looked at him sadly. It seemed too much for Kyuhyun to comprehend. The thought of being abandoned by someone again seemed too much for him to take. Yesung sat down next to him hoping that things were finally over and they could go back to sleep.

"I'm pretty sure she did. Although, you're always a badass how come you care so much for a tutor?" he asked Kyuhyun who was interested in the floor. The light of his phone had already gone off and they were swallowed in darkness.

"She seemed like an angel instead of a devil where this camp is named after. Devilish Smiles for Divas." Yesung could tell the boy was talking to himself now and he just sat back and listened. He was too tired to say anything and allowed Kyuhyun to rant on instinctively. Finally Yesung was wiped out and he had dozed off on Kyuhyun's shoulder. Kyuhyun stopped talking and looked at the boy who was sound asleep on him. Ew, he thought, and pushed his head away and off his shoulder. It rolled back followed by a soft snore. Kyuhyun pushed it away again but then it rolled back again. Too lazy and tired to deal with him anymore, Kyuhyun too fell asleep on the stairs as he wondered about Ms. Lee and if he was going to get the same punishment from Heenim again like last year.

Panda: im sorry for not updating in a while. i have end of grade tests nxt week and ive been freakin out lots TT TT So sorry if this was y. 

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 22: I was thoroughly enjoying this ;(( please come back and finish this awesome fic authornim, it certainly doesn't deserve to be abandoned.
Chapter 22: I love this story so much~ still hoping for an update~~~~
cassrr #3
i remember this one from wayyy back
Omg i cant handle it i dont want another incomplete fic the ious one already made me sad now am gonna tear up TT^TT why always the best fics are incomplete *,^,* i read the note and im gonna wait because you said you will finish your fics because honestly this fic is real fun and reading it made me laugh abit and to not think about on wanted things too ") i love it <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 22: Dude i hope you freaking update this ff, ive waited so much already and its been to long since an update of u so please!!!! dont make us wait any longer T-T U-U
AlyciaC #7
Chapter 22: This entire story is very special. The way is written. I really mile this . Pleas update! !
I really hope you will update this lovely fic. It's too amazing to be left unfinished. Fighting authornim!
KcuLL22 #9
Chapter 22: sigh and I thought they will are having a developed relationship...
btw it's been a long time panda^^ I miss ur updates and I'm so sorry for ur hard times but I tell yoy, your story is great and all of it is gold. I've subscribed them all anw so I'm waiting ur updates :)) I am a patient person

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~ Can't wait to read the next chapter. :)


Kyuhyunie is really an idiot. XD