Lost at the Mall

My New Roommate!

"What should I do?!" you panicked.

"Hold up." he thinks. "Do you know anyone here?"



"I only know you!" you panic.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot." he said calmly. "My friend still don't know I'm here and I want to give them a surprise. Hmmm..." he starts thinking.

"Hurry!" you said.

"Okay, get out of the apartment and then Secretary Kim will take you to his place."

"W-what?" said Secretary Jung.

"Yes, young master!" Secretary Jung immediately pushes you out. "Just go wait outside and I'll come."

You nodded, but when you turned around, you saw a lady in elegant clothes with a security guard and another woman. You notice that it was probably Ray's mom so you quickly walked past them acting as if you were coming from somewhere else. You walk past them and went inside the elevator. Whew, that was close.

At Ray

The door bell rings. Ray signals for Secretary Jung to open the door.

Secretary Jung opens the door, "Oh, Madam, you have arrived already."

Ray sees your phone and he quickly grabs it before his mom sees it. He turns off your phone.

The madam looks around, then she looks at Ray. "Have you been well?"

"Yes, mother." Ray said formally.

"Aigoo, if only I could've stopped you from moving, you wouldn't have to live like this." she starts to do a fake cry.

"Mom, you can stop acting now."

"Aw, why? It's so funny though." said the Madam.

"Aigoo~ You're all grown up." the Madam exaggeratted. She sits down. "Have your new roommate arrive yet?"

"Uh-no." said Ray.

"Really? But, I thought you said that he was coming somewhere around this week?"

"A-ah, he said that there was something, so he won't be here for a while." Ray said quickly.

"Aww, but I wanted to see how he looked like though." the madam whined.

"Ah, Secretary Jung, remember to give my present I got for him." said Ray.

Everyone looks at Secretary Jung. "Right now." Ray signals for Secretary Jung to go.

"A-ah yes. I'll be going then." he leaves.

Secretary Jung quickly goes down and drives his car up to the front where you were. You got into the car, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, young master got it under control." he starts the engine and drives off.

Back at Ray

"Why is he acting so weird today?" the madam turns to Ray, "You too, why are you acting so weird today?"

"Odd? What's odd?" said Ray.

"You're studdering a lot." the madam assumed. "Are you hiding someone? Maybe a girlfriend?"

"M-mom! There's no way I would hide anyone!" Except Em ji. "Aren't you thinking too much?"

"Aigoo, I was just joking around. You take things so serious! It's so cute!" she pinches Ray in the cheek.

"Owwww! Mom!" Ray said. "I'm not a kid anymore!" He takes his mom's hand off.

"Aigoo. Look at that, you're still a kid." said the madam laughing. "Did you get the new files your father gave you?"

"Yes, I'm working for it right now."

"Aigoo, I'm so tired. I'm just going to take a nap here." the madam lays down and takes a nap.

Back at You

"Where are we going?" you ask Secretary Jung since you didn't know where you guys were going.

"I'm taking you to somewhere safe, but I am not certainly going to take you to my house." Secretary Jung turns the car to a big mall.

You read the sign on the big building. "Fantastic Mall? Why are we going to a mall?"

He parks the car. "The reason why I took you here because of taking you to my house is because I don't want you to come to my house. I'll buy you anything as long as you don't tell young master that I didn't take you to my house. Now, let's get out." He gets out of the car and comes to your side and opens the door for you.

You get out of the car and followed Secretary Jung into the mall. "Woah, it's so big!" you said with amazement. You walked in front of Secretary Jung behind you making sure that you don't get lost. Then, you're stomach started growling. "I'm hungry." you turned to Secretay Jung.

He was surprised that you were suddenly looking at him. "What? You want something?"

You nodded your head. "I'm hungry."

"Hungry?" he said. He turned around. Aish! I thought she wasn't going to ask for anything! He turns back to you. "What do you want to eat?"

"Me? Uhm, anything that's good." you said.

"Alright, follow me." said Secretary Jung. You follow him to a fast food place. "We'll eat here." he said. You guys sat at a table close to the edge. "Stay here and I'll go order." he goes to the counter to  order.

You were just sitting and looking around until you sa a lot of people gathering around a center. You wanted to know what was happening and went there.

Secretary Jung came back. He sees that you weren't there. "Where did she go?! She just right here before I left. Aigoo! The young master is going to kill me!" he goes to a different direction from where you were.

You heard the crowd chanting "B.A.P! B.A.P! B.A.P!" and they were also screaming. "B.A.P?" you were trying to get closer to the center to see B.A.P them, but some of the fans in front of you pushed you back and you fell to the ground hard on your . "Owwww! Aish really!" you were about to get up until you saw a hand in front of you. You look up and saw a man in front of you.

"Do you need any help?" the man asks you.

"Ah, yes." you take his hand and he helps you get up.

"Are you okay?" he asks with a worried look.

"I'm fine." you said while wiping your . No, I'm not fine! My hurts like hell!  You just smile to show him that you're not in pain.

"Wanna go sit?" he asks.

"Sure." you walked with him to a bench and sat down.

"Wait for a minute." he said and he goes somewhere.

"Owwwwww! It hurts so much!" Damn those girls! They just have to push me! I could've seen B.A.P's angel faces!

The man comes back with two cans in his hand. He hands one to you. You nicely accept it. "Thank you."

"I didn't know what you wanted so I just got you orange juice." he sits down.

"No, it's okay. I like orange juice." you open the can and started drinking it.

"Oh, okay." he smiles and opens his can. He starts drinking it. "Ah, I forgot that we haven't introduce ourselves yet. I'm Im Siwan." he takes his hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Kang Em ji. It's nive to meet you." you shake hands with him. You drink your orange juice again, then your stomach started growling. It was loud too! You turned around to not see his face. AISH! Why did my stomach have to growl right now?!

He laughs a little. "Are you hungry?" he said while smiling. You nod. "Can you still walk?"

"Yes." you replied.

"Follow me, I know this place that makes really good food." he said brightly.

Back at Ray

The madam wakes up. "Aigoo, how long have I been sleeping for?" she asks Ray.

Ray looks at his watch, "Around an hour."

"Aigoo, I need to go home. T.K and Maru should be home from school by now." she stands up. "Ah, remember to come to our dinner party, okay?" said the madam.

"Mmm. Yes, I will Mom." he said. He followed them to the door.

"Take care. Ah, but are you still seeing that Yu min girl." the madam asks.

Ray just stay speechless for a while. He was making weird sounds.

"Well, you should stop seeing her because I don't really like her. Oh well, whatever. Anyways, remember to come."

"Yes, I will. You take care too, Mom." they say their goodbyes and closes the door. He blow out air. His phone starts to ring. He goes and picks it up. "Hello?"

"Bad news young master!" said Secretary Jung over the phone.

"What?" Ray said suspecting something bad.

"Em ji disappeared! We went to the mall and she told me she was hungry so we went to go eat and I went to go order. I told her to stay there, but when I came back, she disappeared!" said Secretary Jung panicking.


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Sorry guys, I probably won't be able to update for a while because the computer broke down!! But I'll try to update as soon as I can!! ^^


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Forgot to tell you, a girl who was appearing in C-Clown's MV "Far Away" and casted as Lee Yu Min.. She is Xia from Rania. Probably she looks different so, we can't know her exactly. Hehehe ^^
Kim_TaeV #2
Chapter 28: From wat i know,Eden was a group name in a drama(dream high)
Kim_TaeV #3
Chapter 15: Good job! For putting beep ;)
bts_lover_jimin #4
Chapter 35: i just cried....so heart touching x'D
leekarla #5
Chapter 35: Great story!! Loved it ❤️❤️❤️
Dazzlingshine #6
Chapter 35: It all started because of her little brother messing up her roommate application and now look what happened. I think she should really thank her little brother because without him she would have never met Ray... Lol I loved this story!!!
Chapter 35: Omg this was such a cute story. I loved it!! <333
Chapter 35: Aaaaaaaa!!!!! Finally they got married
newtokpop09 #9
Chapter 35: OMG so cheesy the last chapter..But I loved it...short and sweet!:D