Will you be my highschool sweetheart?


Jonghyun POV

I took out my phone, dialing Hyunseung's number. Can't he just answer his phone? I rolled my eyes as I waited 'patiently' for Hyunseung to answer. He sure love to take his own sweet time. FINALLY!

"Hyung Hyung!!"

"Oh My ing God! What happen? Did something happen to Key or Yoogeunie?"

"Hyung, calm down. Nothing happen."


"Yes, I'm sure hyung."

"Wait a moment, why are you calling me hyung?"

"What? Aren't you older than me?"

"But you did not even call me hyung before."

"Aish hyung, back to the main topic. I need your help, I wanna have a date with Key and I need you to keep Yoogeunie accompany,"

"OH! I don't mind helping. You finally doing the right things."

I don't know why but I only can laugh awkwardly to Hyunseung. Hanging up the phone, I run down to find Key and I almost trip, almost.

"Are you free today?"

"hmm, I think so. What is it?"

"Let go out together?"

"Sure, why not. I'm gonna tell Yoogeunie about this."

Before Key can even rush to Yoogeunie, I grab hold off his hand. "Wait wait, it just only Me & You Alone." 

"Me, You?" Key looks blur as he keep pointing back and fore between us.


"But Yoougunie is going to be lonely."

"Hyunseung hyung will looks after him."

"Eh? Hyung? Why did you suddenly call Seungie hyung?"

"No reason, so we will be going around 7pm. Do prepare."

Are they really that surprise that I called Hyunseung hyung? Before I can even hear Key respond, I rush back to my room. Okay, where should we go on a date? Scrolling through around the website, I found a place. Maybe we can go there? Is there anything that i can surprise Key?



Okay, what is going on? Anyone can tell me? I can't believe Jjong ask me out Alone. Back from the shock, I started to smile like an idiot. Almost forgotten the things that i should do. I need to find Yoogeunie. After cleaning the kitchen nicely and sparkling (a little over here) I walk over to Yoogeunie room.

"Hey baby" Carrying Yoogeunie up as I give him a big kiss on his forehead.

"Umma!! I wanna go lotte world!"

"I'm sorry baby, today we can't. Umma promise your appa to go out with him and you be playing at Seungie house."

Yoogeunie pouted to me, I can't resist the cuteness and I start to pinch his cheeks lightly.

"Kiram hyung?"

"Kiram hyung will be there too."

Yoogeunie claps his hand as he started to smile again. 

Why do time pass by fast when I'm enjoying it? I don't understand. After Yoogeunie is dress up, I walk over to his backpack putting those things that Yoogeunie needs it. I'm gonna miss him even though it will be late few hours time, but still I'm gonna miss my baby. Jjong walks in while I'm packing halfway through.

"I be bringing Yoogeunie over, so you can stay home and prepare." 

"I'm gonna miss my baby." And I pretended to cry.

"It not like Yoogeunie is gone forever. Once our date is done, we will bring him back."

I nod my head like a child listen to his parent. Giving Yoogeunie another big kiss before Jjong drives off to Seungie's house. Time to prepare myself then, let take bubble bath first. On the thought of having bubble bath, I can't help but to skip over to the bathroom, preparing it.

What should I wear? This, this or this? y? Nope. Cute? Nope. Now i remember, Jjong did not tell me where are we going. How am I going to style myself? Forget it, I'm gonna chose it myself. Taking out a skinny pants matching with a style tee, walking over to chose my accessories. Too much to chose. Looking through my accessories, I grab a Key shape necklaces with a heart on it. Maybe this will do, simple yet nice.

OMG my bath!!


I know it like 2 years. I'm truly sorry for not updating this time. 

Here another chapter that overwrite the previous chapter.

Oh and chap 32 has some edit too.

Hope you guys enjoy this chap.

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Chapter 35: hehehehehe finally!!!!!!! Awww Jongkey is finally together!!!! great, now im grinning like an idiot XD
Chapter 35: i read this story 2 times.....i think this is great and for the first time i want someone to die(yes the Yoogeun's parents....sorry),they are so perfect......and thank you
Shawoltic97 #3
Chapter 34: The dino finally did it!!! He confess so cutely too!!!'
Chapter 34: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sho cute><
Update more^^
SMstan4ever #5
Love it.So cute!:)
yeahhh u sould jonghyun so i can have my jongkey plus yoogeun happy ever after lol im desperate but awww they really sound like the best and probably most good looking family out there and lol indirect kissaww cant wait update soon
omg come one one more think to complete this awesome family jongkey juz needs to be officailised ino there like practicaly together married and stuff plus a son but they still havent confessed seriously cant wait ottoke lol i seriously hyped :) jongkey
Aww so sad for Sooyoung.I love her for just letting go.JongKey is official now.:)
awwww yessss there togethere now well not officially but together none the less and im freaking hyped up about it yay yay ya awww sooyoung ur such a nice girl gd she knows how to let go wen they know shes not wanted but jonghyun did love her its juz keys to lovable to not fall for but yay jongkey update soon :)