Will you be my highschool sweetheart?

Key POV:

it was obvious that Seungie is sad. sign. thinking about him make my mood go down. not that i have feeling for him but Seungie is like a brother to me. my ringtone bring me back to reality.

"hi umma."

"eh??? why??"

"fine ok. love you too. bye."

now what?? standing outside of Jonghyun room, i learn my lesson not to just open the door just in case i saw something not good. knocking on the door, no answer. did i knock to soft?? knocking the door louder, still no answer. fine. opening the door, i was shock. looking at the person in front of me, my heart started to beat fast. OMO. what wrong with my heart?? he just finish his shower, wet hair while he was trying to clean his hair. towel cover until his waist. his fine tones abs is still wet and... and i can't said anymore. my eyes just can't leave his tones abs, even myself don't have this figure. pouting, how i wish i have a good figure but sometime just sometime i don't really want them.

"why are you pouting??"


looking up, Jonghyun tones abs is just in front of me. how did he move so fast??

"don't like what you see??"

i started to blush. what a tease.


looking left and right but not straight at his abs.

"it not that i don't like, just sometimes i wish to have abs like you." and i started to pout again.

i heard Jonghyun chuckled.

"ok ok. why are you here anyway??"

"oh that. umma wanted us to have dinner with them."

"eh?? why so sudden??"

"not sure."

i was thinking way too hard that i almost forgotten that Jonghyun is still quite bared .

"aren't you going out?? i needed to change."

"huh?? oh sorry"

turning to walk out when i finish talking. aish. now i'm embarassed. the blush is still on my face. fanninf myself to cool down. walking back to my room, and went to take a cool shower. let take bubble bath today.

30 minutes later.

walking out of my bathroom.

"ah... fresh."

hmmm time to pick my clothes. what should i wear?? a white V neck shape tee with a black vest on and a black skinny on. done with my dressing, i went to check out myself on the mirror. i look handsome?? pretty?? which word should i use?? never mind. walking down to the living room, Jonghyun was done preparing. fast, or is me that I'm slow. walking to him.

"I'm ready."

"what took you so long??"

"my bubble bath and dressing."

"what the. are you having a fashion show or what?? and i have to wait for so long. and what with bubble bath?? are you a girl??"

"it not my fault for that ok. and no, I'm not a  girl stupid."

"whatever. let go before we are late."


walking behind Jonghyun out of the door. we went to Jonghyun car. ok, now where should i sit, behind or in front?? opening the back door, as i was about to go in, Jonghyun spoke.

"yah. sit in front, do i look like I'm your chauffeur??"

not wanted to talk to him too much, i close the back door and went to open the front door. all the way to the restaurant, we does not even talk, silent is the things that are going to kill me fast. i wanted to chat but not sure what to said so i just stay silent. when we were almost reaching to my parent, suddenly Jonghyun hold my hand. i felt shock and electrics when we were holding hands but what worst is that i wanted to hold his hand like this forever. it felt warm. i look up to him.

"not wanting them to think that we are not close."

"o... okay."

walking in, we went to sit down me beside jonghyun.

"hi umma and appa."

"finally you 2 reach."

"umma, why did you call us so sudden for dinner??"

"oh. for dinner and other things of course."

i notice that beside umma is a kid around 5 years old.

"umma, who's that kid??"

"oh,  he's Yoogeun. Jonghyun and you will be taking care of him for some period."


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Chapter 35: hehehehehe finally!!!!!!! Awww Jongkey is finally together!!!! great, now im grinning like an idiot XD
Chapter 35: i read this story 2 times.....i think this is great and for the first time i want someone to die(yes the Yoogeun's parents....sorry),they are so perfect......and thank you
Shawoltic97 #3
Chapter 34: The dino finally did it!!! He confess so cutely too!!!'
Chapter 34: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sho cute><
Update more^^
SMstan4ever #5
Love it.So cute!:)
yeahhh u sould jonghyun so i can have my jongkey plus yoogeun happy ever after lol im desperate but awww they really sound like the best and probably most good looking family out there and lol indirect kissaww cant wait update soon
omg come one one more think to complete this awesome family jongkey juz needs to be officailised ino there like practicaly together married and stuff plus a son but they still havent confessed seriously cant wait ottoke lol i seriously hyped :) jongkey
Aww so sad for Sooyoung.I love her for just letting go.JongKey is official now.:)
awwww yessss there togethere now well not officially but together none the less and im freaking hyped up about it yay yay ya awww sooyoung ur such a nice girl gd she knows how to let go wen they know shes not wanted but jonghyun did love her its juz keys to lovable to not fall for but yay jongkey update soon :)