i will

forever love

as i opened my eyes , i saw mom . watching me . i rubbed my eyes . she is smiling .


"wake up . i already made you breakfast and i want your answer okay ?" she said

i nodded and get out of my bed . i take my towel and went to take a morning bath .




i pull out the chair and sit beside my dad . he is smiling . what so happy ? i thought .

before i could even reach for the milk on dad's side mom asked .

"so , what is your answer ?" 

i glanced at her and reach for the milk and pour it into a cup and drink it .

"hmm , okay . i will accept the marriage . But remember , i'm doing this because of a woman who make me smile everyday okay ?" she nodded and wiped her tears away .

"thank you dara . i'm sure you will have a happy family. just now , mrs kwon came . she gave me this ring . she said if you accept the marriage , then you will have to wear it . so that everyone knows that you are engaged " what ? engaged ? 

"mom , err , by wearing this ring , then i'm considered as an engaged woman ? without having any official engagement party like bom unni ?" 

"no . you don't need to have an engagement party or whatsoever . its Kwon family tradition ."

i just nodded and took the cute small love box shaped from my mom hands .

WOW . its a beatiful ring . http://www.fotolive.org/data/media/563/Diamond-Ring-Photos-4d8d2c1ae61dd.jpg

its a heart shaped diamond . i wear it and it fits my size .

"it look pretty at your finger . wear it oftens okay ." she said .


ji young pov:


as i woke up . mom asked me to marry mrs park daughter . sandara .

"mom , you know i don't believe in love right ?" i said 

"yes . but trust me , once you know this young girl , you will believe that love is really a wonderful thing that will happen in everyone's life . please marry her . for me . you're the only one i have , when your brother left the world . okay ji young ? you're 24 jiyoung . you should have a girlfriend or a wife by now you know . since you don't bother to find a woman , then i found one for you .she's pretty , cute and educated . she suits you well ." 

silence . .

she hands me a picture of her . i took it .

woah . okay , she's pretty . she seems interesting . but still i don't belive in love . without thinking  further i just say "okay i will" what a stupid ji young . she smiled and gave me a hug .

"i bought this ring yesterday . its for her . as she wear this ring , you and her are engaged okay . and this is her number , details . call her !" she showed me the ring , oh yeah its pretty . later she hands me a piece of paper . should i call her like what mom asked me to do ?

"please don't hesitate anymore and call her or text her okay . i'll be going to their house to give this ring . your breakfast is in the oven . your dad already went to work . hurry , you don't want to be late for work right ." she said before disappearing .

huh , park sandara . hmm seems interesting . i left the paper on the table and went into the bathroom to take a bath . its 7.30 am , i need to be at the office by 8.30 . don't wanna be late !

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Chapter 18: Short story but I like the story ❤️
Chapter 20: Re reading again i love the story full of love
Chapter 21: Great story faith to God and endless love by two lovers and i hope u do not get tired to write daragon love story.
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 21: Like the story short nice to read
Chapter 20: short, yet great. nice!
Chapter 20: Where did jiyong went when he was missing in the ward??
Chocolatemushrooms #7
Love this! Great story :)
im soo suspiciouse...did Ji Yong run over Seungri..? you know how ji yong disappeared form the ward..trolol..2nd comment!
I love it how you juss put "..and we did it" instead of putting in the details of the "did it" ...lol I don't like intense descriptions of "doing it"..