why me ?

forever love

"omma" a cute voice come from my back . i turned around . jisun hands me the telephone .

"deh yeobuseyo" i answer .

"dara-ah"its bom unni . why is she crying ?

"unni why are you crying ?" i asked her . i'm worried about her .

"why i can't get through to your phone just now ?!" she yelled

"i was calling some friend unni . tell me whats wrong . ." i asked her again .

"our parents dara-ah . . they're goneeee !!!" she yelled in her sobs .

bwoh ?! this is not happening . she must be lying . no .

"what did you say unni ? our parents won't leave us unni" i said 

"yah ! pabo ! they're dead ! they were caught into an accident . they're on their way to your home just now . and suddenly a truck . . ." she didnt continue her words . she keeps on crying . .

"dara , just come here now okay . we will start the funeral in a couple of hours from now . tell jiyoung and bring jisun . arasso ?" TOP oppa said as he took the phone from bom unni's hand .


i hugged jisun and burst into tears . she keeps asking me whats wrong . i just cry . 

i wiped my tears away and dialed jiyoung's number .

he's not answering . he's avoiding me . again .

i sent him a text message .

To: my hubby

my parents were caught into an accident . i'm coming to their house for the funeral . i hope to see you there .




jisun fell asleep while i can't stop my tears . i dont know what to do but to cry .

why is this happening to me ? why me ? in this entire world , why me ? WHY ???!! first , jiyoung wants to leave me . second , that bastard wants me back . third , my only biological parents in this world are gone . they're gone ! 


i lifted up jisun and bring her into the house . TOP oppa took jisun from my arms and bring her to the room . i ran to Bom unni and hugged her .

we both cry . will jiyoung come ? i don't know . 

but then , i feel arms that i missed the most is holding me from behind . its been a long time since he hold me like this .



the funeral ended .

we decided to go home . 

while we're walking towards the room , 

"ji , do you really have to leave me ?" i asked him with slow voice .

i'm too tired . i cried too much today . my tears won't fall anymore .

"i'll go bring jisun to her room . you go in first . take a rest . sleep . you're tired . its not good for the baby" he's not answering my question .

yes , i'm tired . 

without taking off my shoes , i throw myself in the bed .

my head is on jiyoung's pillow .

i slipped my hand under the pillow and i'm feeling something .

its like an envelope .


yes , it is an envelope . but why would jiyoung keep his work envelope under his pillow .

usually he'll put his works documents , envelopes , in his drawer .

but why is this thing , under his pillow . i'm curious to know what is inside the envelope .

i take a look inside the envelope .


'brain tumor . second stage .'


oh my god ! is this the reasonn he wants to leave me ? why is this happening ??

mom !! dad !! i miss you guys !!!

i can't help it , but tears fall on my cheeks .

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Chapter 18: Short story but I like the story ❤️
Chapter 20: Re reading again i love the story full of love
Chapter 21: Great story faith to God and endless love by two lovers and i hope u do not get tired to write daragon love story.
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 21: Like the story short nice to read
Chapter 20: short, yet great. nice!
Chapter 20: Where did jiyong went when he was missing in the ward??
Chocolatemushrooms #7
Love this! Great story :)
im soo suspiciouse...did Ji Yong run over Seungri..? you know how ji yong disappeared form the ward..trolol..2nd comment!
I love it how you juss put "..and we did it" instead of putting in the details of the "did it" ...lol I don't like intense descriptions of "doing it"..