its tomorrow .

forever love

after a month passed . its time for the wedding . tomorrow , me and jiyoung will be one . as a husband and wife . since the day he called me , he's been texting me . saying hi to me . he really take care of me . i think i like him . but the problem is , i never meet him . tomorrow will be the first time i meet him . i'm excited and scared . i don't know .


"dara-ah , this is your dress , and this is the ring " mom chose the dress for me . yes the ring is for him . we'll be exchange rings right on the wedding . i was the one who chose the ring . 

the dress -


the ring-


suddenly my phone rang , immediately , took my phone on the table , i smiled as i saw the name that is calling me 'future husband' .

"ne yeobuseyo" i said .

"neh , are you nervous ?" he asked .

"of course ! we never met , and i'll be meeting you tomorrow for the first time ." i said

"yes , plus tomorrow , you will follow me to my house and we will sleep on the same bed , in the same room , and we will be doing something by tomorrow night" he chuckled as he finished his words .

i blush . 

"you're blushing" he said again and laugh .

err this guy . he always making fun of me .

"no i don't !" i protest .

"haha , yes you are" he said and laugh again .

i didnt reply anything , i just keep my mouth shut .

"err , are you angry" he said after a while .

silence . .

"err okay then i gotta go . see you tomorrow my future wife . sleep tight okay ." he said .

what the ? no sorry ? huh . he is really something . yeah , no i remember . he never say sorry to me since we start to know each other by texting and calling . it was me who says the word sorry whenever , i thought that he will be feeling bad . erghh . 

i hanged the dress in my closet and put the ring in my secret small drawer . i oftens keep things that is special to me in that secret small drawer of mine . it is located behind my dekstop . no one knows that , behind my dekstop have a small drawer . only me and myself . i smile .

i brushed my teeth before went to bed .



"NOOOOOOOOO !!!! please don't kill him . please don't !!! " i shouted and suddenly woke up from my nightmare . i was sweating . i dreamt that , seungri kidnapped jiyoung and me . he was about to kill jiyoung and then , i woke up . ohh , its only a nightmare . i glanced to the clock .

it is 6.30 am already . i think i should get up now . since my wedding will start by 9 am . 

as i get out of my bed . i heard a knocked from the door . it was mom .

"hey , you're up . hurry , you need to eat breakfast , and you still need to touch up ." she said with a smile on her face .

i just nodded and drag my feet to take a bath . okay , i'm scared .

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Chapter 18: Short story but I like the story ❤️
Chapter 20: Re reading again i love the story full of love
Chapter 21: Great story faith to God and endless love by two lovers and i hope u do not get tired to write daragon love story.
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 21: Like the story short nice to read
Chapter 20: short, yet great. nice!
Chapter 20: Where did jiyong went when he was missing in the ward??
Chocolatemushrooms #7
Love this! Great story :)
im soo suspiciouse...did Ji Yong run over Seungri..? you know how ji yong disappeared form the ward..trolol..2nd comment!
I love it how you juss put "..and we did it" instead of putting in the details of the "did it" I don't like intense descriptions of "doing it"..