seriously ?!

forever love

for the last day in paris , we decided to visit the eiffel tower . wahh its really pretty .

we came there at night . so pretty .

we take pictures and bought present for our family and friends .




in korea .


"omma !" i cheered happily as i arrived home .

"ohh , you're home ! so how's paris ? did ji young acts nice to you ?" she said

"omonim , of course i'll be nice to her . its always her who oftens bully me in paris ." he let out a small laughed .

"ya ! how could you lie to my mother ." i patted his arm and laughed too .

i gave my mom her present . its a scarf . for my dad i gave him a shirt . bom unni a necklace and TOP oppa a necktie .

tomorrow we will be heading to ji young's house . i'm excited to meet my mother and father in law . 




"omonim , how are you ?" i said as i hugged her .

"i'm good . does jiyoung treats you nicely ?" she asked .

"why all of the people asking , did i treat her nicely or not ?" ji young said before i coud even answer her question .we laughed .

"of course he treats me nicely . if not , i'll slap him .haha" i joked .

they chuckled .

ji young and i , bought necklace for mrs kwon .

as for his dad , we bought a shirt too .

we'll be staying here for tonight . and tomorrow we will be gping to our new house .

it a gift from our parents .




"oh my god . is this really our house ji ?" i asked him .


"i guess so" he said .

"come on , lets go in" he continued .

this is so expensive . i thought to myself


"so umm , lets check out our room" he winked .


oh my , this is really cool and awesome . thanks omma , appa , omonim , abunim . i thought again .

i put my bag on the bed and went out to check out for the bathroom .

cool . there is only 3 room in this house . but this house is really big . and only have 3 room ? weird .

oh yeah , there is a small gym . a spa . perfect .

"i'm going to check the kitchen okay"he said as he walked out of the room .

i followed him . don't wanna be all alone in this room .

woah cool . really cool . i'm so thankful to have my parents and his parents .

"okay , lets put our clothes in the closet and clean this house a bit . since its dusty .

i nodded .

we cleaned the house while playing around .

he wanted to do it tonight but i stopped him . remembering him . that i can't .

he just let out a small groan . and give me a peck in the cheek .

i smiled watching him acting like that .

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Chapter 18: Short story but I like the story ❤️
Chapter 20: Re reading again i love the story full of love
Chapter 21: Great story faith to God and endless love by two lovers and i hope u do not get tired to write daragon love story.
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 21: Like the story short nice to read
Chapter 20: short, yet great. nice!
Chapter 20: Where did jiyong went when he was missing in the ward??
Chocolatemushrooms #7
Love this! Great story :)
im soo suspiciouse...did Ji Yong run over Seungri..? you know how ji yong disappeared form the ward..trolol..2nd comment!
I love it how you juss put "..and we did it" instead of putting in the details of the "did it" I don't like intense descriptions of "doing it"..