thank god !

forever love

its been two months since we're married .

we've been lovey-dovey most of the time that we spent together .

now , i can find that , ji young is really a good man . and i love him .

the name seungri already vanished .

now , my heart beats faster when ji young look at me .

my heart is beating for him . only him . and sohee , she don't disturb our relationship at all . she's nice . it was me who jealous of her . because she is really pretty . But , ji young always says that i'm the most pretty one in this world . i'm happy to hear that .

every morning he will give me a kiss . its a good morning kiss .

and before we sleep he will say the words 'i love you' and kiss me in the forehead .

its our routine . if he got home early , then he will cook . 

if i got home early , i'll cook and i'll wait for him in the living room while watching tv .

and give him a kiss as he got home . i'm happy with my life now .

"what are you dreaming huh ?" he asked as he patted my arms .

"nothing , i'm just happy that i have you" i said . he curved a smile .

"emm , ji , before we're married , minzy said , that you doesn't believe in love . am i right ?" i asked .

"well , sort of . its not that i don't believe in love . i just feel like love is bull and love will just make people in pain . plus , i don't know how to make love" he said .

"you don't know how to make love ? huh ,liar . then what are you doing to me every night ?" i chuckled . to be correct , we chuckled .

"i know how to make love when i'm with you . if i'm not with you , i'll be such a fool who only knows to work , work and work ." he said .

"then you're lucky to have me "

he nodded . "yeah i am lucky" he winked .

suddenly as i want to walk to the kitchen , my head was like spinning and i'm feeling dizzy .

i heard a shout from a voice that i recognize .

"dara !!" he shouted as he saw me fall to the ground .



my head is hurt .

"what is this place ?" i asked as i open my eyes . seeing my dear husband by my side .

he smiled and kiss me in the forehead .

"you're in hospital . you fainted just now . its good that you're okay" he said .

"what did the doctor said about me ? my head was spinning like crazy just now .

"you're pregnant baby" he whispered.

"seriously ?" i asked in shocked .

he nodded and smile brightly .

he hugged me . "thank you baby"

i'm teary right now . i'm so happy to hear this news .

"did you tell my parents already ?" i asked .

"yes . they're on their way . same goes for my parents" i nodded .

ohh i'm going to be a mother . i'm so happy .

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Chapter 18: Short story but I like the story ❤️
Chapter 20: Re reading again i love the story full of love
Chapter 21: Great story faith to God and endless love by two lovers and i hope u do not get tired to write daragon love story.
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 21: Like the story short nice to read
Chapter 20: short, yet great. nice!
Chapter 20: Where did jiyong went when he was missing in the ward??
Chocolatemushrooms #7
Love this! Great story :)
im soo suspiciouse...did Ji Yong run over Seungri..? you know how ji yong disappeared form the ward..trolol..2nd comment!
I love it how you juss put "..and we did it" instead of putting in the details of the "did it" I don't like intense descriptions of "doing it"..