
Crack In A Perfect Wall


“You two can go to Junhyung’s room to talk more about it while we discuss what to do with the both of you. Go now,” his mother said.

I stood up quickly and made my way ahead to his room with my bag, leaving him to follow me.


He closed the door behind him as I sat on his bed.

“Its not mine right?” he said.

“Of course its yours!” I said angrily.

“How do you know?!”

Tears were already at the verge of flowing out. “We were drunk last weekend remember? Remember how you took my ity away? Huh??”

That silenced him and he sat on the floor with his legs propped up. His expression seems like in a daze. He messed up his hair and loosened his school tie.

“Why didn’t you tell me first??” he asked.

“I didn’t want to tell anyone. If I tell you, it would change us. I just wanted to go for an abortion and pretend all this didn’t even happen,” I cried.

“Then why didn’t you???” he shouted and glared at me.

“How should I know my mother would find out! How should I know she would look through my personal rubbish bin!” I retorted. Is this whole thing my fault now?? Its his fault for not wearing a ! Its his fault for getting us drunk!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and both of us turned towards the door. His mother peeked into the room.

“Can you two come down for a second? We have great news!” she said cheerfully. With that she went back out, leaving the both of us alone again.

“What’s the news?” he asked me.

“If I know, she wouldn’t be calling the both of us, idiot.” I stood up and walked down to the living room.


“So we’ve decided to get you two married,” my mum said with a smile on her face. Both our faces turned pale and just stared at our mothers. I seem to see this coming but I wouldn’t believe it till I hear it with my own ears. Now that you have, well believe it.

“But we’re 18!” Junhyung shouted, standing up.

“So?? Who told you make her pregnant?!” his mother shouted. My mum tried to calm her down.

Junhyung and I had been bestfriends since we were young. Our mothers are practically sisters by now. Both of them are independent women eversince the both of us had lost our fathers. Mine died in an accident and Junhyung’s father left his mother for some reason. She never remarried and raised Junhyung alone. Now both of them are successful businesswomen who would always neglect their children since they are always busy.

Junhyung gave up instantly and slumped back into the couch.

“We were planning to get you two married anyway. We didn’t expect this would happen but at least it moves our plans faster,” my mother explained.

“At least you two will learn how to face hardships. Jiyoon will drop out of school when her stomach gets bigger and Junhyung would have to find a part time job. Just so you know, you will need a good cert to find a better job to support your family Junhyung. So I suggest you start paying attention in class,” his mother said.

“I didn’t say I agree,” Junhyung said seriously.

You don’t have a say. We’ll prepare everything for the wedding. The both of you just need to go to school as per normal until the wedding,” she added.

“Its good publicity too. I mean we can call the press and tell them that we planned this for their good future. To make teenagers like them face the hardships of life even though parents like us can afford whatever they want. So they know that we don’t pamper our kids,” my mum said. Again with her business.

Junhyung’s mum nodded agreeing to everything my mum said. Suddenly they act as if we’re not there and started planning out the basics first. Junhyung took my hand and dragged me to the backyard.


He let my hand go as soon as we reached the swings. Both of us sat there, not talking.

“I don’t want to get married,” he said.

“We don’t have a say,” I replied.

“My future is ruined,” he said, covering his face in his palms.

“Your future is already ruined even before this happened,” I said glumly. He raised his head and turned to me. I know he’s glaring at me. I can feel it. But I didn’t turn.

“So is yours,” he said.

“I know.” Both of us never pays attention in classes, we don’t learn anything in school and we always get in trouble. What future do we even have other than inheriting our mothers’ companies?


We didn’t talk anymore. Our friendship changed. Just because of one mistake, everything changed. We still sit together and eat together with some of our other friends but we didn’t talk. It’s obvious but neither of our friends dared to ask because Junhyung’s face is always dark and gloomy eversince the news.

“Jiyoon-ah, what’s wrong with you and Junhyung nowadays?” Gikwang whispered to me during lunch when Junhyung was going to the toilet.

“Nothing,” I answered simply.

“You sure? Did you fight or something?” he asked again. The rest leaned in closer to hear what I have to say. I was thinking what to answer when suddenly Junhyung came back. He towered behind the boys and I looked up.

“Let’s go,” he said monotonously to me.

Normally I wouldn’t just follow him. I mean, I’m not afraid of him. But at that time, I don’t know what to say to the guys so I decided to just follow him.


Time passed and our Dooms Day had arrived. Our mothers had prepared the wedding so well that it doesn’t look like a shotgun wedding at all. They obviously have their ways with things.

I’m supposed to be happy when the time comes for me to wear my wedding dress. I’ll teas Junhyung for not wanting to get married, and he will keep saying that I look horrible in a dress. But in the end we will laugh it off and he’ll give me a tight hug, wishing me all the best in my marriage. I will walk down the aisle and he’ll be at the side, making silly faces to make me laugh and maybe trip. That’s how I imagined my wedding day will be.

But all that won’t happen. The day has come and it is today. Neither of us are happy. Junhyung will get married after all so I couldn’t . And its because he’s going to get married to me. Everything has change and more things will change in the future.


Junhyung’s POV

I never in my whole entire life would expect that I would get married. Marriage is never in my list of to-dos. And I couldn’t complain marriage life to my bestfriend because I’m married to her. I know I shouldn’t blame her because its both our faults. But I just feel that its unfair to be the one that needs to study now and work at the same time. I just can’t see any brightside to this whole situation.

Our wedding took place at some resort and the reception was at some open field with chairs and decorations all around. Honestly, I don’t give a damn. The press were driving me crazy and the relatives and our mother’s friends congratulating us doesn’t make it any better.

After some wedding photos –in which both of us didn’t smile- finally we could go to our room to rest. I quickly changed out of the uncomfortable tuxedo and wore a simple t-shirt and jeans. I noticed Jiyoon was just sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at her hands. She was still in her wedding dress.

Just then there was a knock at the door and my mother peeked inside. She smiled widely and came in with a plate of food on a plate. With the reporters asking for an interview and all the phototaking, we didn’t get to eat anything yet.

“I brought some food! You two must be hungry,” she said as she placed the plate on the dressing table beside the bed. I just ignored her presence and put on my belt. Sensing that she wasn’t welcomed there, she slowly went out of the room and shut the door close.

I caught Jiyoon extending out her neck slightly to see the food that my mother brought. I was expecting her to take one but then I saw her shoulders drop and she sat back on the bed.

Curious, I walked to the table and looked at what was the food that she refused to eat. It was seafood. Some prawns, finger crabs and shells. No wonder. I took the plate and went down to the kitchen where my mother is.

“Jiyoon is allergic to seafood,” I said, putting the plate carelessly on the kitchen island.

“Oh? Mrs Jeon didn’t tell me anything about her allergies,” she said.

“She don’t know anything about her daughter,” I said. I looked for some bread and peanut butter and jelly in the cupboards.

“Should I get something else then?” she asked.

“Don’t bother,” I said, spreading the PB&J on the bread. After making about 3-4 sandwiches and placing them on a plate, I went back upstairs.


As I walked into the room, Jiyoon had just changed into a pair of three quarter jeans and a simple white tee. I placed the plate on the dressing table and lied down on the bed. Jiyoon sat on the chair of the dressing table and stared at the sandwiches.

“Eat. I know you’re hungry,” I said as I shut my eyes. After some time I heard some munching. I chuckled in my mind. Jiyoon never eats silently.


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caffetine #1
Chapter 6: Nevermind my previous comment i found them
caffetine #2
I love your story! I recently ship this pair so im very happy i found your fic but some chapters are missing. 6 and 10 are gone where can i find them authornim(T-T)?
Chapter 22: kyaaaa it's end already, how sad :(
this one is the sweetest story ever!! love it!! <333
hope you will make another story for this couple again :)
Chapter 22: sequeellll! puhleaasseee!
aaarrrggghhh #5
Chapter 22: the sweetest story~ feel sad because it ending. thank you. ^^
jjpunghi #6
Chapter 22: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW......I thought about my niece and this fanfic so much. how can i hate this when i pulled myself into this kekekeke forgettin...i want to know their moms response when they see the twins. they're adorable for me! i imagined about Recipon Leo and Michelle Yuna Davidovitch. even if JunYoon couple is pure Korean but mix babies are the best image with me kekekeke next story. Ill try to read another fic when im free! gotcha
Lattice #7
Chapter 22: Awwwwwww~~~ JunYoon were so cute ><
Thanks for a great story! *hugs*
ahhhh!!! the end D:
I love the whole story! I hope you will write another one with 4minute in it :D
yooyunxi #9
Chapter 21: uwwwww. so long love story aaa. ahakz go on, you're the best... i wish i could write as you.. uhuk uhuk.