
Crack In A Perfect Wall


“Here’s your salary for this month,” my boss said as he handed me an envelope with a cheque inside. I just smiled and thanked him with a bow. As I was going about to go back to my station behind the counter, I pulled out the cheque. My eyebrows creased in the middle seeing the extra amount on the cheque. I went back to him.

“Erm Mr Jung, I think there is a mistake in the amount your gave me,” I said, shwoing him the cheque.

He shook his head. “Oh no no. That’s not wrong. You earn the extra cash during the time you helped out with the promotions for the new branch of this cafe.”

I was still a little confused but I just nodded anyway. As far as I know, we weren’t promised any extra cash for helping out because that’s part of our job. I walked back to the counter and kept the envelope in my bag. Maybe it’s a good thing afterall. I needed the money to buy all the baby things.

“Junhyung?” I looked up, surprised. Mr Jung had finished giving out all the salaries and was infront of me. I dazed our for a moment thinking and sorting out the things I need to buy.


“I’m giving you a day off tomorrow. You’ve been working hard all week and never once took a day off except for the time you were admitted to the hospital. Take a break. Bring your wife out or something,” he smiled.

My eyes widened slightly. “Um how did you know…” I didn’t tell anyone I’m married except for Jiyong hyung. And that is also when he starting checking her out that I felt that I have to.

He laughed slightly. “Is it meant to be a secret?”

“N-no.. Its just..”

“I read the news you know. Your marriage isn’t exactly a secret one,” he chuckled. Now that makes sense. I almost thought he checked up on my background.

“Oh..” I nodded.

“You two are a bit too young but I guess that’s none of my business. If you need any help, you can ask me. I’m married with 3 kids for your information,” he smiled proudly.

I just smiled and nodded. He was about to go when I thought of a question and called him back.


“Mr Jung, do you know where can I buy baby prams for a low price?” I bit my lip. It hurts my pride a little but I think he should already know that I’m in need of money that I worked here while schooling.

“Prams? Already getting prepared for the next one?” he smirked.

I laughed awkwardly. “Uh no.. My wife is having twins,” I said.

“Oh wow! Congrats!” he said smiling widely. “Well if you don’t mind, I have a 2 in 1 pram at home that we don’t use anymore. I planned to throw it away since we don’t need it anymore but since you need it, I can give it to you.”

“Oh no no. I can buy it from you. Um.. how much are you willing to sell?” I said.

“Come on Junhyung. Just take it as a… baby shower present?” he said. Baby shower? What’s that?

“Baby shower?” I asked blurly.

“Yeah. Baby shower is when your wife invites some of her close friends and maybe relatives to celebrate the new member of the family. They give presents mostly for the baby,” he explained.

“Ohh.. Is it necessary?” If it is, it means more money. Goshh..

“No no its not. Its not some ritual or anything,” he smiled. “So when can I give you the baby pram?” he asked.

“Since you insist, I’ll take it from your house?” I said.

He nodded in agreement. “Okay. I’ll text you my address later. See you soon Junhyung!” he said, waving goodbye and walked out of the café. I guess… one problem is solved?


I went back home and was expecting to see Jiyoon in the kitchen again but it was empty. Lately she had been trying out so many new recipes since she have nothing to do at home. Surprisingly not all of them made me sick the next day. Some of them are actually nice and edible.

“Jiyoon? Where are you~” I asked, looking around the house. The house is too quiet and I’m starting to wonder if she’s not at home in the first place.

I went to our bedroom and saw her sleeping soundly on the bed. I glanced at my watch. It was only 9 at night.

I went to sit beside her on the bed and moved her fringe that was covering her face. Her hand was holding her tummy protectively as she sleep. I just smiled and placed my hand on top of hers, cressing her hand with my thumb.

“I wonder what you did today that made you so tired..” I said softly to myself. For a moment I was just staring at her sleeping. Somehow the sight made me very relaxed.

“We’re going out tomorrow. Are you excited?” I whispered and chuckled softly. “I just got my salary so I’ll try to buy anything you want okay? Hopefully you’re not that spendrift.” I caressed her soft cheeks before getting up to wash up.

When I was done, Jiyoon was still sound asleep. My stomach grumbled slightly. I wonder if she had dinner already. I went to her side and sat down, patting her arm gently while resting one arm beside her head. She started waking up sleepily and looked straight at me.

“Hey.. Have you eaten?” I asked.

She blinked couple of times, pouting slightly. She shook her head and turned her body towards me, hugging my arm and going back to sleep.

“You have to eat. Just a little?” I said, her hair.

She made some incoherent noises while shaking her head and snuggling on my arm a little bit more. I sighed. Slowly, I replaced my arm with a pillow and went down to the kitchen.

There was nothing much to eat so I just made some instant ramen and went back up to the bedroom along with a glass of water. I sat on the bed and placed the glass on the bedside table. I pulled her up gently and let her head lie on my lap. I ate in silence, glancing at her once in awhile. I took a string of noodle and blew on it to cool it. I tried to wake her up again and she moved slightly.

Without saying anything, I just placed the noodle on her lips, hoping that she’ll eat. I chuckled to myself when she started chewing in the noodle with her eyes still closed.

“Are you sleep-eating?” I said, smiling to myself. I feed her the same way again and again while taking some for my own too.

I took a sip of the water and placed the bowl by the side. Should I put it back in the kitchen? Nah too lazy.

I sat, staring down at her for some time, playing with her hair. I love it when I trace my finger around her earlobe and she would shudder feeling ticklish or sometimes she would accidentally slap herself lightly, thinking it was a fly. I would keep doing it until she grumbled sleepily. After much playing with the sleeping Jiyoon, I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Goodnight Jiyoonie..”

I shut the lights off and leaned back on the headboard with a pillow. I was getting too sleepy to move her so I just slept that way until the next morning.


Sooo I'm starting to think of names for their twins. Oh and its one boy one girl. Can you help me maybe?

Or if you have other suggestions, you can just include in your comment! <33

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caffetine #1
Chapter 6: Nevermind my previous comment i found them
caffetine #2
I love your story! I recently ship this pair so im very happy i found your fic but some chapters are missing. 6 and 10 are gone where can i find them authornim(T-T)?
Chapter 22: kyaaaa it's end already, how sad :(
this one is the sweetest story ever!! love it!! <333
hope you will make another story for this couple again :)
Chapter 22: sequeellll! puhleaasseee!
aaarrrggghhh #5
Chapter 22: the sweetest story~ feel sad because it ending. thank you. ^^
jjpunghi #6
Chapter 22: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW......I thought about my niece and this fanfic so much. how can i hate this when i pulled myself into this kekekeke forgettin...i want to know their moms response when they see the twins. they're adorable for me! i imagined about Recipon Leo and Michelle Yuna Davidovitch. even if JunYoon couple is pure Korean but mix babies are the best image with me kekekeke next story. Ill try to read another fic when im free! gotcha
Lattice #7
Chapter 22: Awwwwwww~~~ JunYoon were so cute ><
Thanks for a great story! *hugs*
ahhhh!!! the end D:
I love the whole story! I hope you will write another one with 4minute in it :D
yooyunxi #9
Chapter 21: uwwwww. so long love story aaa. ahakz go on, you're the best... i wish i could write as you.. uhuk uhuk.