
If I Love You


"PARTAY!" Zitao yelled as he raised the roof and jumped on Luhan's bed.
"Taozi, what are you doing?" Wu Fan asked him trying not to laugh.
"Is that supposed to be a...." Minseok began.
"Y DANCE?" Jong Dae finished for him. 
"OOOHHHHH!" They both yelled doing an exploding fist bump and then falling all over each other in laughter.
They had recently become a couple, but nothing between them, had really changed, except for the kissing of course, but they kept that private. Their dating certainly hadn't changed the dynamic of the group, Luhan, Minseok, Jong Dae, Wu Fan, Zitao, and Yixing were still extremely close; and now they had sleepovers at least once every month, so that they wouldn't grow apart. 
Yixing sat the corner alone, watching the drama. Luhan saw this and headed over to him, worried.
"Yixing-ah? What's wrong?" Luhan asked. 
"Huh?" He snapped out of his trance, "nothing, Gege! Just thinking about this guy I met..."
"That's code for Joonmyun, Luhan! Don't fall for it!" Minseok screeched before Zitao ninja-jumped off of the bed, pillow in hand and attacked him vigorously.
"Joonmyun? Really?" Luhan wondered aloud. Yixing blushed pink.
"Hey, it's cool! Joonmyun is an awesome guy! He'll love you! Maybe already does!" Luhan encouraged him. 
At some point Luhan had wanted Sehun to meet his closest five friends. Sehun brought brought his friends along as well, and that's where Yixing met Joonmyun. They hit off right away, and little did Yixing know, Joonmyun felt exactly the same way. They would get together soon enough. 
"Get him!" Zitao yelled pointing at Wu Fan. Minseok and Jong Dae charged forward with pillows and started slapping Wu Fan with them, while Zitao stood back and laughed. Wu Fan, of course would not stand for this. He simply waited for an opening, plucked the pillows from their hands , and threw them across the room.
"Terrifying," he noted sarcastically. 
Zitao and Wu Fan were closer than ever. They were moved in together now, and happier than they had ever been. Zitao taught Wu Fan to be a little loser sometimes, and Wu Fan taught Zitao to be serious when needed. They were good for each other to say the least.
"PARTY CRASHERS!" Zitao yelled as he wagged his finger at the door. 
Sehun stood there, with friends by his side.
"Hope it's okay that I came...and brought people," he said already knowing the answer Luhan would give. 
"Of course, Sehun-ah! Of course!" Luhan waved them all in, but only four entered.
"Where's Jongin and Kyungsoo?" Minseok asked.
"They'll be up, it takes longer to maneuver Kyungsoo's wheelchair up here," Sehun answered simply.
"Oh. Okay!" Minseok said. He settled down on the floor with a to-go-box of steamed buns and shared them with anyone who wanted them. Joonmyun headed straight over to Yixing and engaged him in a conversations. Soon they were laughing and talking animatedly about who-knows-what. 
Baekhyun and Chanyeol. What can I say about them? Well, they got married. They went to America for a few days, to a state that allows gay marriage, obviously, and they made it official. They had been together for five years. They felt it was about time. Who proposed to whom, you may ask? Surprisingly it was not Chanyeol who proposed to Baekhyun but the other way around. How? Baekhyun, being Baekhyun, rapped his proposal to Chanyeol, who said yes before Baekhyun even finished.
Everyone was laughing and having a great time when Jongin entered the room. The smile he exchanged with Sehun smile was so wide it took up his entire face, one eye still squinted a little smaller than the other. He turned to the door and Kyungsoo walked through, still a little shaky on his legs. 
"Oh my god! Kyungsoo!" Luhan yelled. He ran over and they hugged echo their tightly. "But it's two months early! This is incredible!" Luhan said.
Luhan and Kyungsoo had become very close after The Incident, as it was called in their group of friends.  Sehun and Jongin were still very good friends, so whenever they would hang out, they would, of course, bring their boyfriends along. So naturally Luhan and Kyungsoo got to know each other better, and they became best friends.
"Now we know why Jongin is smiling so wide!" Minseok stated. 
Zitao hopped like a bunny over to Kyungsoo and jumped on his back, almost knocking him over.
"Hyung! You're better, yes?" He asked as Kyungsoo steadied himself by holding onto Jongin's shoulder.
"Hahaha, yes, Taozi! I'm much better!" Even Wu Fan was smiling at this. Everyone hugged Kyungsoo in turn until Zitao yelled for a group hug. The group of eleven boys crowded around Kyungsoo and gave him a big squeeze, lifting him off the ground. 
Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Joonmyun smiled at each other, then at Jongin knowingly.
Jongin's smile never faltered. It had taken six months for Kyungsoo to recover. Six months of rigorous work for Kyungsoo and non-stop encouragement from Jongin; and Jongin loved every second of it. When Kyungsoo first began to walk again, about three months into his physical therapy, he was so excited and happy. Finally, Kyungsoo was able to walk in public. He was alive, he was healthy. All was well; and Jongin wanted nothing more than to be with Kyungsoo for as long as he lived. The feeling was mutual.
Kyungsoo smiled over at Jongin, happiness bubbling out of him, and he couldn't think of anything better than that. To love and to be loved.
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Read my new FIC!

I think it's going to be really greaaaaaaaaattttt!


Awwwww. I noticed gt some new SUBBIES yesterday,

Thanks, guyssssssss
I hope you like/ liked my story!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Nuuuuuuuuuuu ;____;
Chapter 19: Oh my gawd I love this <3333333 XD
Chapter 20: AWHHH TEARS OF JOY OMG BEST STORY EVER. ;-; But it ended so quickly! But I love it! Geez, I hate myself when I can't keep calm 'cause I can't type anything properly. All I can say is good job, author-nim~
Chapter 21: OHMYGOSH!


I'm kind of sad.

Well thanks, you guys!

I didn't realize I had made it so sad!!!
Chapter 17: Oh my god I actually cried for this
Chapter 17: Woah. My eyes... I'm crying a little right now! And I never do on fanfics, you're just too good writer (I didn't even cried on Be Human or Absolute Chanyeol) ;A; I love serenade themes in fanfics. Kyungsoo, please stay alive! Jongin needs you... :C
kyuuhunnie #10
Chapter 17: kyungsoo T.T