Paper Airplanes? I Don't Think So.

If I Love You


After bubble tea with Jongin and Joonmyun, which was probably not the best idea because it started me thinking about what I would say to Luhan when I saw him, it was about 15 minutes or so before my Friday class started. Just enough time to get there.
"Okay you guys, I've got to get to class," I stood and pushed my chair in, "see you later?" I asked Jongin.
"Actually I think you've got about fifteen more minutes with me, Sehun-ah," he winked at me.
"Jongin, I really have to-"
"Get to school I know. I have to drive you- Gert broke down remember?"
"Gosh, that seems like forever ago! I totally forgot!" I said as we waved to Joonmyun and walked out hand in hand.
"Nope. Just three days," he smiled, one eye smaller than the other as always. We hopped into his truck and headed toward the university. We pulled into the parking lot, and Jongin's hands tensed on the steering wheel. His jaw tightened as he looked slightly off to the left at something. No. Someone, walking toward the building entrance.
"Jongin," I said flatly. He turned his head, his eyes still on Luhan, "look at me". He turned his eyes to me. I could see so many emotions there. Confusion, happiness, anger. Fear.
"Jongin, he's just a friend. Just a friend," I whispered. I his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed. 
"I know," he said, "I know. I's not YOU I don't trust, Sehun-ah. It's HIM".
"It'll be fine. I have to go. I don't want to be late, love you," I pecked him on the lips and jogged to the door of the school. I saw two things before I went to class. Jongin watching me leave smiling to himself, running a hand through his hair; and Luhan looking back and forth between us, with an expression on his face between happiness and disappointment. 
In the classroom, the teacher was giving a lecture today. Maybe I was imagining it, but it seemed more boring than usual. I was trying my best to take notes, but he was talking so fast, and that piece of fuzz floating around in the air was REALLY distracting. 
I was staring at the piece of fuzz when a paper airplane landed a few inches from my left foot. I didn't have any friends in the class aside from Luhan, so I pretended I didn't notice it. If course the idiot guy next to me took it upon him to give it to me.
"Psssssssssssssst," I tried to ignore it, and pretended to take notes, but he was spewing spit everywhere. Including on my face, "psssssssssssssssssssssssst. Sehun! Psssssssssstttt!"
"WHAT?" I...whisper/screamed? I don't know what else to call that...
"I think this is for you," he whispered holding it out to me.
"Great, thank you," I replied sarcastically. I took the paper airplane and put it on the top right corner of my desk. I continued to stare at the floating fuzz. I tapped my foot on the floor, trying to fight my curiosity. What could he possibly have to say to me? 
Eventually, when the boredom became too much to bare, I opened it.
Hi. 😊
Are you kidding me?! Hi. Smiley face?! What?! After all that happened?! I took a deep breath and wrote back- can't talk. Taking notes. 
I crumpled up the paper, and threw it ROUGHLY to where I thought the paper airplane MIGHT have come from. I received a response a second later when the paper hit me in the back of the head, and bounced down next to my desk. I slid down in my chair to retrieve the paper, I grasped it, and sat back up.
Oh yes. I see you are observing the piece of floating fuzz. I find it interesting as well. 😉
Oh no, I thought, a winky face. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!
Aren't we a little old for passing notes?
Sehun-ah. You're never too old for passing notes.  I frowned at his response. I didn't reply after that. I could sense his smug smile several seats behind me. It was irritating.
Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang. Thank god. I grabbed my things, and rushed out of the room. I pulled out my phone, it buzzed. A text from Jongin.
Running late. Can you catch a ride from someone? It's okay of it's from...Luhan. I trust you. Love you, and sorry for the trouble! -J
I sighed inwardly, well considering I don't have any other friends, it would have to be from Luhan. Where is he anyway? He would've caught up to me by now...
Then I spotted him. He was rushing away from me as fast as I was from him.
"Luhan!" I yelled, he sped up. "Luhan Hyung!" I sprinted over to him and grabbed the hood of his jacket. "Can I-"
"Sorry, Sehun. I've gotta go. I shouldn't have sent you the airplane...sorry". He tugged himself away. I stumbled after him.
"Hyung, it's okay. We're friends aren't we?" He looked surprised. He pursed his lips. "Can I get a ride home? Jongin is running late...and I don't really have any other friends..."
"Look, Sehun-ah. I don't know if that's such a good idea..." I held out my phone. He squinted at it in the sunlight. His eyebrows lifted slowly as he read the text from Jongin.
"Ummm....okay. Sure. Straight home".
"Uh, yeah. Where else would we go?" I asked. I walked to his car, trying to play it cool. I doubted I could keep it together for the entire ride.
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I think it's going to be really greaaaaaaaaattttt!


Awwwww. I noticed gt some new SUBBIES yesterday,

Thanks, guyssssssss
I hope you like/ liked my story!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Nuuuuuuuuuuu ;____;
Chapter 19: Oh my gawd I love this <3333333 XD
Chapter 20: AWHHH TEARS OF JOY OMG BEST STORY EVER. ;-; But it ended so quickly! But I love it! Geez, I hate myself when I can't keep calm 'cause I can't type anything properly. All I can say is good job, author-nim~
Chapter 21: OHMYGOSH!


I'm kind of sad.

Well thanks, you guys!

I didn't realize I had made it so sad!!!
Chapter 17: Oh my god I actually cried for this
Chapter 17: Woah. My eyes... I'm crying a little right now! And I never do on fanfics, you're just too good writer (I didn't even cried on Be Human or Absolute Chanyeol) ;A; I love serenade themes in fanfics. Kyungsoo, please stay alive! Jongin needs you... :C
kyuuhunnie #10
Chapter 17: kyungsoo T.T