A Turn of Events

Forgotten Smiles

I decided to get out of the dressing room and observe the performance before I go on. I walked in the hallway towards the stage, I noticed many Idol groups waiting for their turn too. I got closer to the stage and noticed that Super Junior just went on.

I observed them with admiration. The music started and they started to dance and sing. The crowd was screaming their heads off. Their performance finished up quickly, and it was my turn.

The Super Junior members came down the stairs and gave me signs of encouragement. I smiled back, concealing my nervous face.

" It's alright, you'll be fine." Kibum whispered in my ear and pushed me up the stairs.

I waited for the host to introduce me.

" Now then, here for her comeback, please welcome back, Alexis Syracuse!" the announcer shouted.

There was a silence in the crowd. I slowly entered the stage. Whispers were coming from the crowd, making me feel uneasy.

My song started, and I sang it as I usually do. I looked to the side and noticed all of Super Junior looking at me with encouragement. Luckily it boosted up my courage and finished the song swimmingly.

The crowd was silent for a moment, then... They burst in applauds and screams. I've never gotten a feedback from fans like this. I noticed some of them crying too. I was happy. I smiled and bowed. I left the stage and for once, I was actually happy with my performance!

Shindong came up to me and gave me one of his bear hugs.

" I'm so proud of you!" he said.

" Come on Shindong! I can't... BREATH!!!!"  I squirmed.

" Oups... Sorry." he put me down.


The night was over quickly and we arrived back at the dorm at 1:30 am.

I sat on my bed and watched Eunhyuk closely for some reason.

" What?" he asked. He was taking off his shirt to go to sleep.

" Nothing..." I said and went to bed.

He looked at me curiously and just went to bed. I slept quite soundly that night.


I was woken up by a huge noise.

I jumped out of bed, my hair all messy and noticed that Eunhyuk's bed was already made.

I came out of the room and noticed Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk running all over the place.

" What happened?" I asked sleepily.

" It's Hankyung! He just suddenly started vomiting and he said that he had terrible stomach pains. He's in bed right now. We're looking for some stuff to treat him with!" Eunhyuk said, and continued running to the kitchen.

My eyes widened in horror and I dashed towards the door. I ran down the hall to the elevator, bumping into a few people on the way. Took the elevator up and dashed towards the other house. Knocked on the door furiously, and after a few seconds, Leeteuk opened the door.

Without letting him say anything, I barged in and ran all the way to Hankyung's room. Opened the door and almost let out a horrified scream. Hankyung was in bed, a bucket next to him was filled with blood, he looked very pale and extremely thin. I sat at the foot of his bed, his eyes were closed.

" Hankyung, say something... Say something..." I pleaded.

He was breathing heavily and didn't open his eyes.

" I called an ambulance." Leeteuk said, while coming into the room.

I looked at Hankyung with troubled  eyes. What's going on with him?


I sat next to Hankyung's bed in the hospital, along with the rest of the Super Junior members.

The doctor treating Hankyung suddenly came in the room. Everyone looked at him with worried eyes.

" Who is from Hankyung's family?" he asked.

Everyone got up, the nurses chuckled.

" Well then, this young man has been diagnosed with gastritis and kidney disease. We'll be keeping him here for further tests. He should be out in a few days." He said and left.

" Alright visiting time is over guys, everybody out." a nurse said.

The guys got up, I stayed beside him. Kibum came closer to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that he was still holding my hand, and he showed no signs of trying to let go. Instead he held it very tightly.

When we got in the parking lot, I got into the van and Kibum let go of my hand. I had a solemn look on my face. I was worried sick about Hankyung. We all sat in the car in silence. After a moment, Heechul burst.

" What is this atmosphere?!?! Aish! Were all worried about Hankyung but we mustn't give up hope! What would Hankyung think if he saw us in this state?!! Really!" he shouted angrily.

" Heechul..."

" Don't Heechul me! You know that I'm right!"

We arrived home, surprisingly, Kangin, Siwon and Kibum came as well. We were all in the dorm on the 12th floor. We all sat silently in the living room.

Suddenly, Heechul, Eunhyuk and Donghae all got up, looked at each other and... started dancing?

" What are you guys doing?" I asked.

" We're trying to liven up the mood!" Donghae said.

" Come on guys! Everyone dance!" Heechul screamed.

Everyone started dancing weirdly. It was actually pretty funny. I started laughing... Really hard.

" Come on stop... AHAHAHAHA!!!!" I couldn't stop laughing. What they were doing was beyond weird, but it did liven up the mood.

After a long moment of dancing, everyone collapsed on the floor, tired. I just kept laughing, all of the guys were looking at me, but I didn't care. I deserved to laugh, I needed to.

" You okay now?" Eunhyuk asked.

" Yeah... Thanks guys."

He smiled at me, and sat down beside me.

" Is there anything you want to do today?" he asked.

" I-"

" She already has plans." Siwon cut in.

I have plans today?

Eunhyuk and I both looked at him confused.

" She's going on a date." Siwon stated.

" Wahh?!?!" Eunhyuk and I both screamed.

" With me."  Kibum said.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits