An Angel without wings, a Prince, a rude Cinderella, a chubby Tedy Bear, and Mr. Beijing Fried Rice

Forgotten Smiles

I dreamt of my parents again. It was the same dream over and over again, or more like a nightmare. I would run in the tall grass on our big old farm, my mom would sit on the front porch while my dad would work in the fields with some of our other employees.  My mom would suddenly call me to come back home. I start running. But then, I fall into a bottomless hole. Far away I see my parents, what seems like they are trying to reach for me, but in reality, they let me be devoured by the darkness.

I wake up, startled, breathing heavily and my eyes wide opened. I looked around. Where the hell am I? This wasn't my house for sure...There was another bed beside me, but no one in it. The room was a total mess. Clothes everywhere, hats, papers, even food!

" I'm guessing cavemen live here..." I said to myself.

I got out of the bed, and noticed that I wasn't in my clothes from yesterday. They were long loose pants and a long black t-shirt. I looked at them with my eyes wide opened and wondered how I got in them. I looked around the room and slowly walked towards the door. I stepped on a few things, I just hoped they weren't expensive...

I slowly opened the door and peeked through the crack, I noticed two people standing outside. I closed the door. I started running all over the room trying to find all of my things... I'm being kidnapped! I needed to find my things quick and escape... Call the police? Wait... I can't do that! The media will hear about this... I need to make a quiet run for it...

After a long moment of looking, I couldn't find anything! This was bad... Really, really bad.

Suddenly, I stepped on something really sharp with my right foot.

" KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" I screamed in agony and fell to the floor.

The door violently opened and three guys came running towards me. One of them had short black hair up to his ears, big eyes, he was very tall and he had muscles, he wore a white shirt with white and blue striped pants, the other had also black hair but a little bit shorter than the first, he had a pink pyjama on with blue pants, and the last one had black hair a little over his shoulders, he wore a black shirt and lime green pants.

" What's wrong?!" the white shirted one said.

I looked at my foot and noticed it was bleeding pretty heavily. I had tears in my eyes from the pain. The pink shirted guy came closer to me, kneeled down and said: " You're pretty klutzy, y'know?"

I glared at him, then the black haired guy pushed him away. And looked at me in the eyes.

" If you don't mind, we don't really want you to bleed all over our clothes, let's go to the kitchen to treat your wound." he said, handing me his hand.

I looked up and then felt two hands grab me by the waist. I looked to the side and it was the white shirt guy. He flung me over his back and we all went out of the room. We walked in the hallway, then entered the kitchen. He placed me on the table, and then went to look in the cabinets. The other two black haired guys were looking at me closely. I glared at them, but didn't say anything. The white shirt guy came back with some bandages and antiseptic cream. He kneeled on the floor.

" So... what were you doing late at night?" he asked while grabbing my foot and wiping the blood off with a wet towel.

I didn't answer him and just stared at him. He looked like an angel without wings...

" Careful, this might sting a little..." he said putting the antiseptic cream on the wound.

" OUCH!!!" I screamed, pulling my leg from his hands.

" Come on, I'm almost done..." he said, taking back my foot.

The other two guys were observing us carefully.

" Seriously, how can you cut yourself like that! Are you stupid?" the one in pink said.

The guy next to him hit him in the back of the head and screamed: " Are YOU stupid? Who leaves sharp things on the floor?!"

The guy in front of me was putting a bandage around my foot very carefully.

" There you're all good." he said, finishing and getting back up.

I quickly jumped off but accidentally put too much pressure on my right foot, causing me to lose balance. The black haired guy in lime green pants caught me before I could touch the floor. I looked up at him and he smiled back at me. I felt myself go pink in an instant and pushed him away. I got back on my feet and limped to the living room, the guys followed me.

I looked around everywhere, but still couldn't seem to find my stuff. The guys were looking at me with confused looks.

I went into the other hallway and opened the first door on the right. I started exploring the room until...

" What are you doing?" I heard a voice say in the back of me.

I slowly turned around and saw a shirtless guy with only a towel around his waist.

" EEEEEEKKKK!!!!!" I screamed, and ran, while limping, outside of the room and pushed him to the side.

I accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground. It was a really big guy with very short black hair and chubby cheeks. He looked down at me with a surprised look. Those three other guys came rushing to us. The lime green pants guy helped me up and led me to the living room and put me on the cream colour sofa. The rest of the guys came in and sat all around me, including the shirtless dude who now had a black t-shirt and dark grey jeans.

" Who the hell are you?" I asked.

They looked at each other and then screamed : " We are Super Junior!"

Super Junior... Super Junior.... Ah! Now I remember... They're that 13 member group that I've heard of so many times... But why were there only five?

" I'm Leeteuk, the leader and oldest in Super Junior." the guy that tended to my cut said.

" I'm Donghae, and this is Heechul." the guy with the green pants said, pointing to the guy in pink sitting next to him.

" And I'm Shindong!" the chubby one shouted.

The shirtless guy looked kind of shy and said : " I'm Hankyung."

" Oh and by the way...", Leeteuk started," we sort of went through your phone to see if we can contact someone, so we contacted someone called... Eric... he'll come and get you-"

" ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?!!?!?" I screamed.

They all looked at me, shocked. Those idiots ended up calling my manager.

" Now there is now way I can escape..." I muttered to myself.

" Escape?" Heechul asked.

" Yes! Escape!" I shouted.

" Why would you want to do that?" Donghae asked.

" I have my reasons." I stated.

I limped back to the room where I was sleeping in. The guys followed me.

" Where is my stuff?" I asked in a weak voice.

Donghae ran out of the room and came back with my bag and my clothes.

" Thank you."

The guys left the room and I quickly changed into my normal clothes. I neatly put the clothes that they gave to me on the bed and went out of the room.

The guys were sitting on the sofa looking at me carefully.

" What?"

They all turned away and then the doorbell rang.

" Coming!~" Heechul screamed.

He opened the door and it was my manager.

" Thank you so much for saving her!" he said with tears in his eyes.

I silently limped to the door, not looking back at the guys.

" Come on Alexis you're going to be late!" my manager said.

I looked at the floor and slowly walked out of the house. Eric thanked them and then grabbed me by the wrist and rushed out of the building.

We walked silently to the van and once we were in, Eric exploded.

" ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!?!" he screamed.

I looked at the floor.

" Uh, it doesn't matter anymore..." Eric continued, " We're going straight to the press conference..."

" Wait, wasn't I supposed to meet the president of S.M.?" I asked

" Plans changed, conference first, then you're moving into your new dorm."

" What about my stuff from the old apartment?"

" Already packed." he said with a proud look on his face.

" Let me guess, you even packed the dust?" I said sarcastically.

" Yep! " he said while chuckling.

He started the car engine and we drove off. My eyes slowly started closing themselves, and my head started to fall to the side. After a moment, I fell asleep.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits