A Pink Rose And A Red hyacinth

Forgotten Smiles

I sat on my bed, staring off into space. H-He just asked me out?!

Suddenly, my door just slammed. Heechul and Sungmin just came in.

" Alright Alexis, Sungmin will take care of your makeup and your hair, and I will pick out your clothes." Heechul said.

" Wait... What?"

" We're going to get you ready for the date!" Sungmin said.

" Wait I'm not-"

" Oh come on!" Heechul said. " You don't get to go on many dates do you? This is your chance!"

Sungmin and Heechul grabbed me by the arms, tied me to a chair and Sungmin started putting on my makeup and Heechul was rummaging through my closet.


I opened my eyes. Got up from my chair and noticed that Sungmin and Heechul were looking at me with their mouths open. I slowly walked towards my mirror and looked in it. I didn't even recognize myself.

My long brown hair was up in a high ponytail, my eyes, covered in eyeliner, mascara and glitter. My lips had brown lip gloss on them. I wore a sapphire blue dress and black high heeled shoes. I couldn't believe my eyes.

" Come on! Kibum is waiting..." Sungmin said, grabbing me by the hand.

I got out of the room and walked towards the living room. Everyone was there, and they all gasped.

" What?"

" Yikes." Yesung said.

Kibum was in the door way and when he saw me his eyes widened. He snapped out of it quickly, took my hand and left the dorm. We walked out of the building and into his black Audi.

" I'm taking you out to dinner and then I have a surprise for you." he said.

He then drove off to the restaurant.


" Table for two please." Kibum said to the waiter.

The tall man led us to a table next to a fountain. He pulled up my chair for me to sit and gave us a menu.

While looking at it my eyes just became wider and wider...

" See anything you like?" Kibum asked.

" T-The p-prices..." I stammered.

" It's okay, I'm paying." he said and smiled at me.

I took the cheapest thing I could find. I didn't want to look like I was taking advantage of his money.

The waiter came by and took our orders, then went to the kitchen.

" Say... Kibum... Why did you ask me out?" I asked, curious of his answer.

" Well...It's just that with Hankyung's situation and all, everyone seems down. Especially you. So I thought that if I'd get you out of the house you'd be in a better mood." he replied.

" Oh, well thank you." I replied.

The food came and we ate in silence.


 After finishing up diner, Kibum took me to a park nearby.

We walked side by side, silent.

" Tell me, how did you enter the entertainment world?" Kibum asked, breaking the silence.

" Oh that... Well, when I was little, I would constantly sing to my parents. I loved to do that. I would sing at the fairs, dance on the stage. I would even hold little concerts in the barn for the animals.  We weren't exactly the richest people in the country side, but we lived comfortably. One day, I was playing in the tall grass close to our house. I noticed a black car drive up to my house and I decided to go check out who came. My parents ran out of the house and suddenly my mom started crying, and my dad comforted her. Three men came out of the car and were talking with them. I came running to my parents but those men grabbed me by the arm. My dad explained to me that if I go with them I'd be able to show my talent to the world. I didn't know what he meant at that time, and then he told me that he's doing this because we were in financial troubles and he needed money. So, he sold me to Mnet Media."

He stayed quiet for a moment.

" I'm sorry to hear that..." he finally said.

" It's okay... At first it was hard living alone but I got used to it quickly. I haven't seen my parents ever since that day..." I said.

Actually, I never got used to the loneliness. It was a nightmare. Every day I would train for over 15 hours with no breaks. After that I came back home crying because I had no one to run to. But I guess things got brighter when Eric became my manager. Somehow... Thanks to him... I was able to hold up till this day.

He looked at me with sorry eyes. There was something about him... That just makes you want to cry...

We suddenly entered an area of the park where there were no lights. You could barely see in front of you. I barely even noticed that we were walking near a huge pond. I was a little scared walking in the darkness, so I got closer to him. He noticed me and grabbed my hand.

" It's okay, were almost there." he said in a reassuring voice.

I got closer to him, and my heart started beating faster and faster... We walked a little bit more and Kibum led me up some stairs. I couldn't see anything, and I hoped I wouldn't trip...

" Okay now, close your eyes." he said.

I did as he said and I closed my eyes. I heard his footsteps walk away from me and I heard a click sound.

I felt him reappear next to me.

" Okay, now open them."

I opened my eyes and my heart skipped a beat. We were in a white gazebo, completely illuminated by little lights. Pink rose bushes surrounded it, and I could see the pond all illuminated with color changing lights. In the middle there was a beautiful fountain. I looked at Kibum who was admiring the beautiful scenery.

" How did you find this place?" I asked.

" I discovered it on my own once. I always come here to think. But this time, I thought I'd show it to you." he said and smiled at me. " It truly is beautiful isn't it?" he said and turned to the pond.

I gazed at him. " Yeah, you really are." I blurted out.

He looked at me and started laughing. I turned away, embarrassed.

" I-I-I meant that it's really beautiful."

He turned me around. I looked into his eyes and he gazed into mine. He slowly leaned in closer to me... I could even feel his breath.

" You have a leaf in your hair." he said and took it out.

I became really red. He grabbed my hand and we walked away towards the car. Once we were in it he drove off to the dorm.


I fell on my bed in my pjs and went under the covers. I kept thinking about that moment when he leaned closer to me...

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning I was woken up by Eric.

" Come on girl! You're going to be late for filming!"

" But I don't want to go on a date for fishing..." I moaned.

" Not a date for fishing you dope! For filming!" he screamed.

" A date for filming?"

" LATE!!!" he shouted.

" I'm going to be late for filming? Oh... HOLY CRAP!" I screamed and jumped out of bed. I quickly got dressed and ran out of the dorm along with Eric.


We were at the studio, I had this beautiful red dress on and I had this gorgeous red hyacinth in my hair. We were waiting for the crew to finish setting up.

" So, what exactly are we filming?" I asked Eric.

He looked at me as if I were an alien.

" Jeez and this shows the extent of your listening... You're shooting a commercial for a perfume called "Precious Treasure". You're going to have a male co-star."

" Oh really... I'm probably going to regret asking you this but... Which male star?"

And again, that alien look.

" Aish, you'll see when he arrives." he said, annoyed.

" So what exactly are we going to do?"

" Well..." he started, " The director told me that you'll be shooting a few love scenes where the man is always next to you, kissing you, embracing you and so on... It just gives me shivers just thinking about it!"

"Well it gives me the creeps..." I mumbled.

The crew was done setting up the set and the producer told me to go on and get ready to shoot. He told me to lie down side ways on a long white couch. The stylists re arranged my dress so that part of it uncovered my leg and the other part fell on the floor.

" Good he's here. He went to the dressing room?" I heard the director whisper.

"Yes he should be out by now." the producer replied.

Suddenly I heard some stylists squeal. I lift my head to see who it was. My jaw dropped when I saw a very tall man come on the set, with black pants and a white, ed blouse which revealed his abs.

It turns out Siwon is my co-star.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits